High adventure can do wonders for your troop. It can help you retain older Scouts, give you something to prepare for during troop meetings, and energize adults who are sick to death of plop camping at the nearest state park.
But how do you move from plop camping to high adventure? The best way is to send some of your adults – and older Scouts – to Powder Horn. Dubbed a resource management course, Powder Horn doesn’t certify you to lead activities like whitewater rafting, black-powder shooting, and rock climbing. Instead, it lets you try those activities and connects you with consultants in your area who can help you out. (Unlike Wood Badge, which follows a standardized curriculum, each Powder Horn course is customized to cover the adventure opportunities and resources in its area.)
Powder Horn participants often call the course “summer camp for adults.” That’s a great description, except that Powder Horn is now open to Scouts who are at least 13 years old and have completed the eighth grade. Also, courses are held year round, not just during the summer.
For more information and a list of courses across the country, visit http://www.powderhorn-bsa.org/.
Republished with permission of Mark Ray at http://www.eaglebook.com/