After listing uses for duct tape, clothes pins and a safety pin I found myself wondering what to do next. And then it hit me - why not the under-utilized pie tin? Here are some ideas I came up with; please share yours by commenting below.
- Pet water/food dish
- Emergency singling device (flashing it in the sun like a mirror)
- Emergency pan for cooking
- Bowl /plate to eat from
- Put one in the bottom of a Dutch oven to save cleaning time
- Cheap way to do self-serve food when camping, on a picnic, at a party, etc
- Cover food up to keep it warm and keep bugs out
- Garbage bowl: fill with the rubbish you produce while cooking
- Use in the bottom of a solar still to collect the water
- Use a pan for gold panning in a stream
- Shovel for a young child on the beach
- Turn it into a boat to float on a pond
- Frisbee
- Use as target in rock toss game
- Part of a costume
- Put in tent /rv to hold small things like coins, watch, keys, etc
- Turn into a mask
- Decorate several and hang from a string to make a mobile
- Center piece - fill with rocks/sand and place a candle in the middle
- Put behind a candle to reflect more of the light forward
- Poke holes in it to use as a dry goods sifter or as a colander in a pinch
- Make a potpourri pie; put potpourri in the tin, cover with strips of tan felt, staple/glue the felt to the tin, sprinkle cinnamon on the felt.
- Child’s instrument: fill with rice, beans, small bells, etc. Attach another tin to the top and shake.
- Hang several from tree branches to keep away scavengers
- If all else fails use it to make a pie
What other uses can you think of?