Sept. 1 marks the first day of Scout Surge 9/11, a blitz of service projects and other activities designed to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2011. Troops across the country are holding flag-retirement ceremonies, participating in community events, and gathering to watch the film “New York Says Thank You,” which tells the story of New York City first responders. (The film has a special Scouting connection because some of those first responders helped rebuild the Little Sioux Scout Ranch after it was devastated by a tornado in 2008.)
Although time is short, it’s not too late for your troop to join in Scout Surge 9/11 in at least a small way.
Sept. 1 marks the first day of Scout Surge 9/11, a blitz of service projects and other activities designed to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2011. Troops across the country are holding flag-retirement ceremonies, participating in community events, and gathering to watch the film “New York Says Thank You,” which tells the story of New York City first responders. (The film has a special Scouting connection because some of those first responders helped rebuild the Little Sioux Scout Ranch after it was devastated by a tornado in 2008.)Although time is short, it’s not too late for your troop to join in Scout Surge 9/11 in at least a small way.
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