The Scout Shop loves me and they really love me when I bring my boys. Is it a bad thing if they know me by name. I don't dare ask my wife, but she seems happy I go and have some time with the boys.
We went to the Scout Shop today, me and the boys. We needed to get a couple of patches for the Blue and Gold Dinner tomorrow. I promised them if they still had the Cub Scout sign as foam fingers they saw the last time we were there I would get them for them. Guess what they had. Yup and they had the last two in the Scout Shop and yes I did get them for the boys and it didn't break the bank.
I justify it this way. If I buy from my local Scout Shop my Council does get something, I hope.
Well I hope you have fun the next time you go to your Scout Shop.
Yours in Scouting, ptsteve