Here is a list I came across that may give you ideas of a scavenger hunt you can do when on the trail. Please respect the leave no trace principles, take pictures not nature, leave foot prints not trash and kill only time.
Look For: __Wild Flowers __Dead tree __Pine cone __Berries __Vine __Poison ivy(oak) __Stream or creek __Blade of grass __Clover leaf __Moss __Pine tree __Seeds or seedpod __Eroded soil __Smooth/shiny rock __Mud __Grain of sand __Fern __Y-shaped twig __Trash __Pine needles __Acorn or other nuts __Tree with blossoms __Hole in a tree __Pond area in a creek __Dark or light green leaf __Small pebble __Unusual shaped leaf __Rocks with many colors __Different shades of green or brown __Dew on a flower or leaf __Fungus on a tree __Shows next season is coming __Animal tracks __Worm __Caterpillar __Squirrel __Bird __Ant __Butterfly or moth __Snail __Beetle __Feather __Lizard __Ladybug __Spider web __Birds nest __Insects on a tree __Deer tracks __Animal hole in the ground __Deer __Frog __Leaf with insect holes __Evidence of the presence of animals __Evidence of the presence of people | Listen to: __Leaves under your feet __Wind in the trees __Sound of a bee __Birds singing __Cricket __Water running in a creek __Noises in the woods Feel: __Tree bark __Prickly plant __Wet mud __Rotten wood __Wind blowing on face __Texture of various rocks Smell: __Pine tree __Flower __Mud __Green grass __Fresh air __Cedar tree Watch: __Animals eating __Leaf falling to the ground __Spider web w/insect __Ant moving something __Wind blowing the leaves __Fish jumping __Clouds going by __For something funny __For something unusual __Sunlight coming through trees __Sunrise or sunset __Stars in the sky __Lightning Bugs __Reflection in the water __Trail markers __Animal homes or shelters Other related ideas Draw a picture of a: __Tree __Flower __Butterfly __Bird __Animal Identify different types of: __Birds __Leaves __Trees __Flowers __Plants |
I would like to hear about your thoughts ..