Hi All,
Fuzzy and Scout here, we hope you all have had nice summer holidays and are all back at Scouts / Cubs whatever again.
We have had our first cubby meetings and it was real fun, although not everyone was happy to go back to school. As we are bears we have to go to forest school, which is always real fun as we do things like salmon hunting, berry foraging and all other fun things.
What Scout does not like is the salmon fishing as he will get wet fur, but he is now wearing a wet suit so he won’t get cold. :P
The only thing that really upsets us is that after summer we always find loads and loads of trash in the forest like cans, plastic bags, candy wrappers. We spent ages clearing this up so our animal friends would not eat it and die. We now want to ask all our Scouting friends to help us and pick up the trash if you see it, of course you will always take your rubbish with you when you go in to the woods.
Remember the words of Baden Powell “Leave nothing but footprints” and of course enjoy your time in the forests.
We will see you again next month,
Your cubby friends,
Fuzzy and Scout