InsaneScouter - Dog Breath - Activities Songs

Dog Breath


Oh, I wanna have dog breath (pant, pant)
I wanna learn to growl (grrr)
Scratch fleas and ticks, chase after sticks,
I want the moon to make me howl! (HOWL)

Oh, I wanna be a dog
I wanna lay on the floor
Chase cats, get fed, get pats on the head
Chew your shoes and bark at the door!

Oh, I wanna be a dog
I wanna wag my tail
Chase cars and trucks, knock over garbage cans
And bite the lady who brings the mail!

Oh, I wanna be a dog
I want a big wet nose
I wanna run on the street, muddy my feet,
And jump all over your clothes!

Oh, I wanna be a dog
I want to dig big holes
I want to sniff french poodles and basset hounds
And pee on telephone poles!

Oh, I wanna be a dog
I wanna lay on the ground
Bein' human these days is gettin' crazy
And I just want to be a hound!


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