InsaneScouter - Newsletter July 2009 - Newsletter

Newsletter July 2009

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

The InsaneScouter
July 2009

Please share this newsletter with your Scouting friends!!


InsaneScouter Information
Sales Manager Job

InsaneScouter is currently looking for an experienced sales manager. You will start off having to do everything, as a one-person department. We are looking for someone who will advise and guide us. A person who will be vocal and continually tell what is up, what is working, what isn't. We are result driven, as long as you keep us in the loop (respond to chat and emails in a reasonable amount of time) and produce results everyone will be happy. for full details click here

Help Us

We are always looking for additional help with the site. Currently, we are looking for help from people with sales, SEO, and marketing experience. If interested please contact us.

New Features

1) We are happy to announce that we added a content search to the site. By using the search form about 1/3 way down on the left navbar or the search box on the top right of the home page, you can now easily find what you are looking for.

2) Keep an eye on the "new content" tab, as hundreds of new content items are being added every month.

3) You will notice a new menu item "Virtual Activities" in this section you will find.

"Chat", this is a well-used chat room by Scouts and Guides from around the world. The chat is broken down by language and is fully moderated.

"Postcards" are e-postcards that you can send to friends. Simply pick a picture, enter the message a few other pieces of information, and click send.

"Games", this section has games and activities you can play online. This includes so funny mad-lib letters.

4) If you have not done so already signup for a free membership account. This will ensure you will get our next monthly newsletter and have access to our collections such as pow wow books going back to 1974, tens of thousands of clipart, a digital patch collection, digital stamp collection, various audio and video files, and much more.

Working with challenging Scouts

In an earlier post, I talked about how I was as a Scout, my learning disabilities and what Scouting meant to me. In this post, I would like to offer a few points on how to deal with other Scouts like me. The first thing don't hide the problems from the...

Drew's Bad Birthday

What follows is an original heartwarming fictional short story that I wrote called "Drew's Bad Birthday". It is long for a blog post but I think you will enjoy it all the same. I have many more stories so if you like this one I will post more.  ...

It is funny the things we remember

It is the small things in life that stand out in our memories. It is not the big battle we won, but rather the day to day things. From my childhood, I remember camping with my dad especially on Scout outings and family trips. Yet I remember more clear...

Working with challenging Scouts

In my last post, I talked about how I was as a Scout, my learning disabilities, and what Scouting meant to me. In this post, I would like to offer a few points on how to deal with other Scouts like me. The first thing doesn't hide the problems from they...

What is an Expedition

Recently a virtual Scouting buddy from the UK asked me what the definition of an expedition is. It took a while before I understood what he meant. He explained to me that in the UK they have a badge called “The Expedition Challenge”...

How long do things last

A while back I helped develop a show for the podcast network on Leave No Trace. Part of that show talked about how long things will last if just left in the environment. I would like to talk about that today and at the end of the post...

What Scouting means to me

When I first joined Scouting I was only a little kid and had no idea what it was or why I was doing it. My parents wanted me to do I did. After my first few minutes, I was hooked. I love adventure and fun. Over the years I grew older and mov...

Monsters in the dark

As a young Boy Scout, I loved to camp and go on the adventures but when night fell no matter where I looked the bushes, trees, and rocks just look like animals and other creatures waiting to jump out at me. Don't get me wrong I was not scared of the d...
Top 10 Rated Pages
Blogs and Podcasts
The Leader’s Campfire #68
#68-Game Show Madness Giveaways are the topic of the evening! Game Show #1, #2 and the Scout Camp The Movie contest are all on tap. Plus we walk through some of the updates to the PTC Media website. Game Show #2 Winners: Mark Beyke, Jeff Giacomi Scou...
2 Jul 2009 | 4:25 pm

Careful of Possessions and Property
I must admit that I’m a bit of a hoarder (ask my parents & my wife!) and I hate to throw anything away. This is a bit of a family trait, to be honest. My grandparents were all born in the early part of the 20th Century and were never what you’...
2 Jul 2009 | 4:15 pm

Food Find: Starbucks Jelly Beans
Starbucks newest marketing angle is “Real Food. Simply Delicious.” I can say hello to that - no artificial colors, flavors, trans fats or HFCS added any more to their products. For me, having no chemical colors is a door opening after near...
2 Jul 2009 | 12:21 pm

Gear Head....sorta
Yesterday, I got my new Brunton Raptor Stoves, just plain awesome. I stopped and got fuel on the way home so that I could try it out as soon as I got home. I opened the box, screwed on the canister, turned the valve, clicked the piezo-lighter and wo...
2 Jul 2009 | 9:54 am

I want to extend a Happy Independence Day to the Scoutmaster Minute Family. This is a celebration of Character, Determination, and Will.  This nation was born not because of a piece of land, but because men (and women) were willing to stand for ri...
2 Jul 2009 | 7:04 am

Name That Council: July 2, 2009
Feeling patriotic? So are we. That explains this week’s Name That Council selection, a patch perfect for the weekend celebration of Independence Day. So put down that hot dog and cold soda for a second, and come up with the name of the council ...
2 Jul 2009 | 5:27 am

Random Scout News
View all news at all news
Farmers Market features special events Sunday (The Daily Dispatch)
Flag Day Ceremony by Douglas Elks & Cub Scouts, 10 to 11 a.m. (Including parading of the flag and a flag folding demonstration. The public is invited to bring service worn flags to be ceremonially retired. Contact Buddy William at 227.4150 for more information.)...
2 Jul 2009 | 10:35 pm

MURRIETA: Boy Scouts beautify Thompson Middle School - North County Times
MURRIETA: Boy Scouts beautify Thompson Middle SchoolNorth County TimesMembers of Boy Scouts Troop 318 planted more than 50 plants and ...and more »...
2 Jul 2009 | 10:25 pm

MURRIETA: Boy Scouts beautify Thompson Middle School (The Californian)
MURRIETA ---- Jabbing a shovel into the dirt surrounding a potted plant, Carlos Gonzales showed seven boys how to dig the right-sized hole, blend fertilizer with soil, drop the plant in the ground and pat the surface to smooth uneven dirt...
2 Jul 2009 | 9:37 pm

Grandson, friend bike to support Alzheimer's - UPDATED WITH VIDEO (The North Bay Nugget)
William Strang devoted his time to young people by volunteering for cub scouts and minor sports. Next month, his grandson will ride in his name, pedaling more than 400 kilometers from Timmins to North Bay to raise money for the Alzheimer Society, five years after Strang died of the disease.[...]...
2 Jul 2009 | 9:37 pm

Cub Scout Pack 55's Annual Pow Wow (Garden City News)
The cub scouts of Pack 55 and their families celebrated another exciting year of scouting at their annual picnic. Though the weather kept the scouts from enjoying the outdoors, nothing could dampen their spirits!...
2 Jul 2009 | 7:31 pm

Cub Scout Pack 55's Annual Pow Wow - Garden City News
Cub Scout Pack 55's Annual Pow WowGarden City NewsThe cub scouts of Pack 55 and their families celebrated another exciting year of scouting at their annual picnic. Though the weather kept the scouts from ...and more »...
2 Jul 2009 | 7:28 pm

Pawhuska prepares for Scouts centennial (Tulsa World)
Nearly 3,000 youngsters from across the U.S. will begin arriving Friday in Pawhuska to celebrate the founding of the first Boy Scouts troop in North America 100 years ago...
2 Jul 2009 | 6:58 pm

Girl Scouts move through the Renaissance (The Glendale News-Press)
The Renaissance-themed Girl Scout Twilight Camp at Crescenta Valley Park ended Friday after a week of dancing, singing and making crafts...
2 Jul 2009 | 5:41 pm

Scouts In Action
They Saved the Baby from the River!
John Fitzgerald, 9, Christian Nanson, 11, and other members of Pack 100 and Troop 100 were swimming in Nebraska's Platte River when Christian spotted a baby floating facedown in the water. Listen as they describe how they saved the baby in a true story of Scouts in Action...
20 Jun 2008 | 1:57 pm

He saved the boy from the riptide!
As Todd Staszak, 15, was bodyboarding at Hatteras, N.C., he heard cries for help. A man was trying to save his son and his son's friend as a powerful riptide pulled the boys away from shore. Listen as Todd and others describe how he rescued the boys in a true story of Scouts in Action...
29 May 2008 | 9:34 am

He saved his friends from the oncoming car!
As Trevor Robinson, 18, and four friends were walking across the parking lot of their school in Carmichael, Calif., a car traveling almost 30 miles an hour rounded a corner and headed straight for them. Listen as Trevor and others describe how he saved his friends' lives in a true story of Scouts in Action...
23 Apr 2008 | 8:42 am

Thoughts to Ponder

This is a true story about a Scout who showed what it means to be honest and fair.

His name is Andrew J. Flosdorf, and in 1983 he was a 1st Class Scout in Troop 42 of Fonda NY Andy was in the National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC, competing for the championship and a chance for a scholarship.

During a break in the competition, Andy went to the judges and told them that although they thought he had spelled "echolalia" correctly, he had mistakenly substituted an "e" for the first "a" in the word, which means a speech disorder. He said he discovered his error when he looked it up afterward.

By admitting the mistake, that the judges hadn't caught, Andy eliminated himself from the competition. The chief judge said, "We want to commend him for his utter honesty," and the crowd gave him an ovation.

But Andy didn't tell them about his error to earn cheers. He wanted to win as much as the other contestants, but he wanted to win fairly. "The first rule of Scouting is honesty," Andy told the judges.

"I didn't want to feel like slime. "

I don't know what has happened to Andy Flosdorf since then, but I'm sure of two things. He learned one of Scouting's most important lessons and gave us an example of honesty and fairness that all of us should shoot for

Content added in last 30 days
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-02 10:12 pm

In my dreams I'm going back to Gilwell, To the joys and happiness I found, On those grand weekends, With my dear old friends And see the training grounds, Oh, the grass is greener back at Gilwell, And I breathe again the Scouting Air, And im memory I see B-P, Who never will be far from there. ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-02 10:10 pm

Goin' on a lion hunt! I'm not scared! Look at all the beautiful flowers. Oh-oh! Tall, tall grass ahead! Can't go over it! Can't go under it! Can't go around it! Gotta go through it! (everyone does actions as if parting long grass) Goin' on a lion hunt! I'm not scared! Look at all the beautiful flowers. Oh-oh! Icky, sticky, mud ahead! Can't go over it! ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-02 10:08 pm

God's love is like a circle, A circle big and round. And when you see a circle No ending can be found. That's how it is with God's love, Goes on eternally, Forever and forever more I know that God loves me. ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-02 10:06 pm

God Our Father God Our Father Once again Once again We would ask thy blessing We would ask thy blessing Amen, Amen ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-02 10:03 pm

God made the mountains, God made the rolling hills, God made the flowers, God made the daffodils, God made the field of wheat, For all the bread we eat, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia (repeat and fade out.) ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Added: 2009-07-02 10:01 pm

Location? Where else but in the woods? A cast of 4 is needed for this one. Brer Possum, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox and Brer Bear. When the skit starts, Brer Fox and Brer Bear are out of sight. Brer Possum is sitting by the campfire, as Brer Rabbit strolls (hops?) by. Brer Rabbit: Hi there, Brer Possum, it’s a great day to be out in the woods. Brer Possum: Sure is. I really enjoy these days. ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Added: 2009-07-02 09:58 pm

A group Scout goes to a new Scientific Laboratory where they have developed a new process for brain transplants. The Scouts asks to see the selection of brains. The doctor shows them a selection. (the brains may be in cans, where they look in it). The first one is marked $500.00. The scouts ask about it and are told it is the brain from a peddler. The next $1,000.00,-a policeman, 1,500.00 - a teac ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Added: 2009-07-02 09:57 pm

Cast: Customer, Shopkeeper Setting: Brain Shop Customer: Hi! I'm bored with myself. I'd like to buy a new brain and have an all new personality. Shopkeeper: (In one of those evil, horror movie voices) Ahh, yes. Well, I can sell you this brain from Billy Crystal for $5000. Here. Try it. ("Unscrews" head and plops in pretend brain.) How do you feel? Customer: (In Billy Crystal style voice) ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Added: 2009-07-02 09:55 pm

Cast: six Cubs on an outing. 1st Cub (glumly): I don't think Akela is having such a great time. 2nd Cub (looking at 3rd Cub): Well, you didn't help much - giving her that garter snake! 3rd Cub: I was just trying to help her collect stuff for our nature display. 4th Cub: And, you heard what she said. "Nothing, ever again, that moves by itself!" 3rd Cub: So, now I know better. 5th ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Added: 2009-07-02 09:53 pm

A variation on The Ghost of Midnight and The Ghost With One Black Eye. Cast: Border Guard, Supervisor, Several Crossers, 2 Brooms Guard: Hi, Boss! I'm new here! What do I do? Supervisor: Well, you have to make sure that people don't try to cross the border without stopping first. You can shoot at them if you have to. Guard: With what? Supervisor: Well, we're out of guns, so here's a ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-02 09:37 pm

4 c Water 2 c Pinto Or Black Beans; 1 lb 1/2 c Onion; Chopped, 1 Md 1/4 c Vegetable Oil 1 ts Salt 1 ts Cumin Seed 2 Cloves Garlic; Crushed 1 Bacon; Slice Mix the water, beans, and onion in a 4-quart Dutch oven. Cover and heat to boiling. Boil 2 minutes and remove from the heat; let stand for 1 hour. Add just enough water to the beans to cover. Stir in the remaining ingredients and heat t ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-02 09:35 pm

3 c Dry navy beans; (about 1 1/2, lbs.) 4 qt Cold water; divided 1 md Onion; chopped 1 c Ketchup 1 c Brown sugar 2 tb Molasses 1 tb Salt 2 ts Dry mustard 1/4 lb Bacon; cooked and crumbled Rinse beans; place in a Dutch oven with 2 quarts water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for 1 hour. Drain and rinse. Return beans to Dutch oven ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-02 09:34 pm

Beans 2 tb Olive oil 1 Celery stalk; finely minced 1 sm Carrot; finely minced 1 tb Finely minced garlic 6 c Vegetable or chicken broth 3/4 c Dried Flageolet or Cannellini beans 4 Sprigs fresh marjoram -or- 1 tb Dried marjoram 4 Plum tomatoes 3/4 c Uncooked elbow macaroni Garnishes 3/4 c Grated parmesan or romano cheese 1 sm Onion; flnely minced Freshly ground pepper Virgin olive oi ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-02 09:32 pm

1 cn (14-16 oz) green beans; drained 1 cn (14-16 oz) pork & beans; drained 1 cn (14-16 oz) Kidney beans; drained 1 cn (14-16 oz) chili without beans 1 cn (14-16 oz) chili; with beans Green onions; sliced, to taste 1 Bell pepper; diced 1 c Chili sauce 2/3 c Brown sugar 4 oz Bacon; cooked crisp and crumbled Put all of the above ingredients in a crock pot or large pot or dutch oven an ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-02 09:30 pm

2 c Dried black-eyed peas 1/2 lb Bacon 2 qt Water 1 c Uncooked rice 1 c Chopped onion 1 c Chopped celery 2 ts Butter 1/2 ts Italian seasoning; (up to 1) 1 ts Sugar 1 1/2 ts Salt 1/4 ts Pepper Sort and wash peas; place in heavy saucepan. Cover with water and bring to a boil; cook 2 min. Remove from heat; cover and let soak 1 hour. Drain. Combine ham & 2 qts water in large Dutch ove ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-01 10:33 am

God is great, God is good, Alleluia Let us thank him for our food, Alleluia By His hand we all are fed, Alleluia Thank you Lord, for daily bread, Alleluia ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-01 10:31 am

God is great, God is good Now we're gonna thank him for our food We're gonna thank him morning, noon and night We're gonna thank him cause he's out of sight Amen (chi chi chi, chi chi chi, chi chi chi) Amen (repeat and fade out.) ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-01 10:28 am

God has created a new day Silver and green and gold. Live that the sunset may find us Worthy his gift to hold. ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-01 10:26 am

God bless my underwear, my only pair. Stand beside them, and guide them, Through the rips, through the holes, through the tears. From the washer, to the dryer, to the clothesline in the air. God bless my underwear, my only pair. ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-07-01 10:25 am

God bless America, land that I love.  Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with the light from above.  From the mountains to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, my home sweet home. ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-07-01 10:13 am

A leader begins to explain how to lay a campfire. The leader decides to use members of the audience to represent different pieces of wood. The bonfire builders bring up various volunteers. Some of the volunteers are bunched in the center for tinder with others placed for kindling with the "big" logs stacked on top of each other in increasing larger sizes. The leader then says that the fire is read ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-07-01 10:08 am

In this one, the Scouts are seated one behind the other in close formation. The first Scout becomes the pilot, the second becomes the wings, the next one becomes the side gunner, the next one is the fuselage, the next one is the tail, and the last one is the tail gunner. If you have more than six members, fill in the fuselage a little. The pilot guides this skit through its paces. The plane is ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-07-01 10:05 am

Recruit three or four volunteers and blindfold each one. Have the volunteers stand in front of the audience and instruct them to take off anything they have on. The smart ones will remove their blindfold, but those caught up in the joke will continue to remove items. Continue with those remaining one item at a time, until it borders on indecency. Then remove the blindfold and let them in on the jo ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-07-01 10:02 am

This takes about six guys, who form a circle around an invisible blanket, with a small invisible guy (Bruce) who sits in the middle of the invisible blanket and gets tossed. "We're an Olympic blanket tossing team, and Bruce in the middle here is our star blanket bouncer. We'll toss Bruce a bit just to warm up. One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three!" On three each time, the team l ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-07-01 10:00 am

There are several Black Bart skits, all revolving around the basic plot of the hero chasing Black Bart. The hero and BB come face to face. BB is cornered, building up the tension. Destroy it with the anticlimactic line of: "You get the ping pong ball and I'll get the paddles and I'll meet you in five minutes." Or "Oh, all right, Black Bart, you use that one and I'll use the one upstairs." Use the ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-01 09:55 am

1 lb Red kidney beans; dried 1/2 lb Salt pork 1 Onion; chopped 2 Cl Garlic; chopped 1/4 c Celery; chopped 1 qt Ham or beef stock 1/2 ts Tabasco sauce 1 ts Salt 1 Bay leaf 1/4 ts Thyme 3 c Rice Soak beans in water overnight. Drain. In a Dutch oven, brown salt pork. Add onions, garlic, and celery and saute for 3 minutes. Add bean stock, Tabasco sauce, salt, and herbs. Simmer 3 hours or ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-01 09:53 am

1 1/2 lb Dried beans -- soaked overnight 5 c Water 1 md Onion 1 tb Salt 1 c Brown sugar 2 tb Molasses 2 ts Dry mustard 1 1/2 c Ketchup 1/2 lb Bacon -- cut in cubes Water -- to cover Soak beans overnight in 5 cups water, then simmer until the skins begin to break. Add remaining ingredients and cover with water. Cover pan and bake in a pit for 5 to 6 hours. ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-01 09:39 am

1 lb Dry navy beans 4 qt Water; divided 1 1/2 lb Italian sausage; cut into 1/4" 2 cn (14 1/2 Oz) chicken broth 2 c Onion; chopped 1 1/2 c Carrots; thinly sliced 1 cn (15 Ounce) whole kernel corn 1 tb Minced parsley 1 1/2 ts Italian seasoning Soak beans in 2 quarts of water overnight; drain. Place in a large saucepan and add remaining water. Bring to a boil; boil for 2 min. Reduce heat; ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-01 09:37 am

4 c Water 1 lb Pinto beans 1 md Onion, chopped 1 t Minced garlic 1/2 t Lite sait, optional 1 t Cumin seed 1 cn Rotel Diced Tomatoes and Green Chiles, undrained soak beans overnight. Mix water, beans and onion in a 4-qt. Dutch oven. Cover and heat to boiling; boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 1 hour. Add just enough water to cover beans. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-07-01 09:32 am

1 lb Dried black beans 2 c Chopped onion 1 c Yellow bell pepper; 1/2" pieces 1 c Red bell pepper; 1/2" pieces 1 c Green bell pepper; 1/2" pieces 1 tb Chili powder 2 ts Cumin seeds 2 ts Dried oregano 1 ts Salt 1/2 ts Ground cinnamon 1 15 oz can Italian-style tomatoes; undrained & chopped 1 1/2 oz Semisweet chocolate; coarsely chopped 4 Cloves garlic; minced 2 Jalapeno peppers; seed ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-30 10:55 am

When I was a seeker, I sought both night and day. I asked the Lord to help me And He shows me the way Chorus: Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and ev'ry where. Go, tell it on the mountain, Our heav'nly Lord is born. He made me a watchman Upon the city wall. And if I serve Him truly, I am the least of all In the time of David, Some said he was a king. And if a chil ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-30 10:53 am

Go well and safely, Go well and safely, Go well and safely, The Lord be ever with you. (Stay, keep, camp, work, sleep, wake.......) ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-30 10:50 am

Version One: This song is sung when, for example, during a meal at camp a group of kids gets together and shouts "Bananas!" The councillors all stand up and yell... Did Somebody say bananas? Bananas of the world unite! Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas Shake bananas, shake, shake bananas Go bananas, go go bananas Peel, peel, peel peel peel Peel, peel, peel peel peel Go, bananas!! ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-30 10:48 am

As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down As one woodpecker pecked up the peg, the other woodpecker pecked down Glory, glory, how peculiar Glory, glory, how peculiar Glory, glory, how peculiar As one woodpecker pecked up th ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-30 10:46 am

Give my regards to Broadway, Remember me to Herald Square, Tell all the folk on 42nd Street That I will soon be there, Whisper of how I'm yearning To mingle with the old time throng, Give my regards to old Broadway And tell them I'll be there ere long ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-06-30 10:43 am

An alternate ending follows the regular skit. Cast: Box or suitable covering, Person in Box, Announcer, Victim, regular and serving spoons, stick and log, paper and book, rubber chicken, small cue card Setting: Circus, Boardwalk, Technology Show Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! To demonstrate my enlarging machine, I will need a volunteer! (Get your victim.) I need you to help me while I e ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-06-30 10:40 am

A simple, one person skit that is great for those loose moments in a campfire. Cast: 1 Person, log (or imaginary mower), "Volunteer," Victim Person: (Groans and grunts as he's bent over carrying "heavy" mower.) Uhh. (Lets it down.) These old models, I tell you. They are so heavy, and they don't work well. Maybe I should buy a new mower this week. Well, let's get going. (Pulls rip cord to start, ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-06-30 10:38 am

Cast: Guy, 4 People on lunch break Setting: Park Bench Guy is sitting on park bench. Guy: I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I hope she comes soon. (Luncher #1 sits on bench and moves him over. #2 sits on end and they move over, further pushing guy. #3 comes, and #4 comes, each in turn pushing the guy a little until he falls off. Really annoyed, he starts to scratch himself a little, then ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-06-30 10:31 am

Two to four hunters talking together each says that he is packing a heavier and more powerful gun to shoot with. The first starts out with a small handgun and the last ending up with a very powerful rifle, shotgun, whatever. Two others come over who have overheard the hunter and want to settle a bet. Are the hunters going after wolves or moose. One of the hunters relies," "Why no, we are going aft ...
Home > Resources > Activities
Added: 2009-06-30 10:29 am

(The scene begins with three players on their hands and knees, in a row, as bicycles.) Shop Owner: Well, there we are, three brand new bicycles all set up for sale. Customer : (Entering) Hi. I'd like to buy a bicycle. Shop Owner: Sure thing. Why don't you try them on for size ? (Customer sits on the first bike and it falls down. The second is too big, while the third is too small.) Custom ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-06-30 10:26 am

Beans 1 lb Dried large white beans (such as Great Northern) 1 lb Dried red kidney beans 2 lb Smoked ham hocks (about 4 medium) 7 cn (14 1/2-oz) beef broth 1 cn (14 1/2-oz) diced peeled tomatoes, drained 1 tb Minced garlic 1 ts Ground allspice 2 10-oz packages frozen large lima beans, thawed Meats And Leeks 1 5-lb duckling (thawed if frozen), cut into 8 pieces 2 1/4 ts Ground allspice ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-06-30 10:24 am

3 1/2 c Lima beans, fresh 1/4 c Onion; finley chopped 16 oz Tomatoes, whole; undrained 1/2 tsp Salt 1/8 t Pepper 6 ea Sl Bacon 2 T Green pepper; chopped Cook beans in boiling salted water in a Dutch oven until tender (20 to 30 minutes); drain. Return beans to Dutch oven, and set aside. Cook bacon until crisp. Remove from skillet, reserving2 tablespoons drippings; crumble bacon, and set asi ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-06-30 10:20 am

Boil Until Tender 4 c Water; or stock 48 oz Tomato juice 2 c Lentils; dried 1 c Rice, brown; uncooked 28 oz Tomatoes, canned; chopped 3 Garlic cloves, crushed 1 Onions, chopped 2 Celery stalks; sliced 3 Carrots; sliced 2 Bay leaves 1 ts Basil leaves 1 ts Oregano leaves 1 ts Thyme leaves 1/2 ts Black pepper, ground 3 tb Parsley, chopped Then Add 1 Zucchini; sliced 2 Potatoes; pe ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-06-30 10:16 am

Lentils 1/4 c Plus 1 tbs corn oil 1 md Onion(s), sliced 1 lb Dried green or brown lentils picked over and washed 2 2" pieces cinnamon stick 1/2 ts Cayenne 3/4 ts Ginger, peeled and minced Peel of 1 large lemon minced (about 2 tsp) 3 1/2 c Chicken stock 2 Bay leaves 1/2 sm Onion(s), minced 1 md Garlic clove(s), minced Salt and pepper to taste Juice of 1 large lemon (about 1 tbs) 3 tb C ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dutch Oven
Added: 2009-06-30 10:09 am

1 lb Dried navy beans, picked over; rinsed 1/2 lb Bacon slices, cut in pieces with scissors 2 c Onion; finely chopped 1 12-oz bottle chili sauce 1/2 c Tomato-based barbeque sauce, preferably smoked 1/2 c Kahlua 1/2 c Strong brewed coffee 1/4 c Dijon mustard 1/4 c Unsulfered molasses 2 tb Thick, spicy steak sauce, such as Heinz 57 2 tb Tabasco sauce 1 ts Salt Soak the beans in lots of ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-29 02:00 pm

Give me that old time religion Give me that old time religion Give me that old time religion That's good enough for me! Lets pray to Aphrodite.   She's beautiful and spritely She wears a see thru nighty.   That's good enough for me * Let's pray to Zarathrusta.  Let's pray just like we used to I'm a Zarathrusta booster.   That's good enough for me * Le ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-29 01:59 pm

Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, give me in my lamp, I pray; Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, keep me burning till the break of day. Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna to the King of kings! Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna to the King ! Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising, give me joy in my heart, I pray; give me joy in my heart, keep me praising, k ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-29 01:57 pm

Girl Scouts together, That is our song. Winding the old trails, rocky and long. Learning out motto, living our creed. Girl Scouts together in ev'ry good deed. Girl Scouts together, Happy are we. Friendly to neighbors, far o'er the sea; Faithful to country, loyal to home, Known as true Girl Scouts where-ever we roam. ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Added: 2009-06-29 01:55 pm

Girl Scouts of the USA We are here to shout and say Happy happy Octoberfest Come on in and be our guest Chorus: Sound off, 1-2, Sound off, 3-4 Bring it on down 1-2-3-4, 1,2,3-4! We are Girl Scouts, it is true We love life and so can you Fun and learning, service too Don't have time to feel real blue Now my friends and now my foes Don't have time for all your woes ...


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