Newsletter June 2014

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

The Insanescouter June 2014

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Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag

Personnel: 7 CubsEquipment: Cards with letters spelling out P O C K E T S and pictures of collections.P: is for POSTAGE stamps, something people have collected for many years.O: is OLD-FASHIONED, what some call antiques.C: is for CARDS, baseball, football, basketball or hockey. There are so many kinds to choose from.K: is for KITES, to fly high in the sky. They come in so many styles and color the variety is endless.E: is for ELECTRONICS, some people collect everything...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

In The Year 2030
LEADER: Tonight we are going to embark on a journey into the future. The year is 2030AD and Cub Scouting is still going strong: Picture in your mind the possible changes that may have come about.CUB #1: (Wolf) We hold our den meetings by computer and video-phoneCUB #2: (Bear) My family took a weekend trip on the new space shuttle. Can I count that as a "camping" trip.CUB #3: (Webelos) Last month, my family took me to the moon to...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

Summer Closing
S - is for summer, which is already here U - is for Us boys who need scouting all year. M - is for the many outings which Cub Scouting does bring M - is for more fun, cause that's our thing E - is for every parent who does their share R - is for a roaring summer program you've planned cause you cared.After all the boys have said their lines, they turn over their cards to spell "THANKS"....

Home > Resources > Leaders > Scouting Quotes

Scouting Quotes
These Scouting quotes have been collected from all over the Internet. Please enjoy and share new ones with us, A tree is just a campfire waiting to happen. -- Jeri Shafer Boys will be boys...and so will a lot of middle-aged men. -- Kin Hubbard Camping is nature's way of promoting the motel business. -- Dave Barry Children have more need of models than critics. -- Joseph Joubert Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. -- Steven Wright I can't say I was ever...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Boom Boom 1
Boom, boom Ain't it great to be Scouting? Boom, boom Ain't it great to be Outing? Camping, Hiking All day long, Boom, boom Ain't it great to be Scouting? Usually sung as a round...

Home > Resources > Leaders

Discounts to Scouts
The following is a list of companies that offer discounts and freebies to Scouts. Please feel free to contact us and let us know of any errors or additions for this page. Company Category Description Website Discount Location Status Verified Bass Pro Shops Sporting Goods Sporting Goods Store 10% National confirm 7/8/2008 Next Adventure Sporting Goods 10% Pacific Northwest confirm 7/8/2008 Alps Mountaineering Camping Gear Internet Store up to 40% must apply for membership Internet confirm 7/8/2008 Camping Gear Alps Mountaineering store up to 40% must apply for...

Home > About Us > Staff Bio

Steve OConnor
Name: Steve OConnor (aka PTSteve or ptsteve) as in Pack Trainer SteveDate: 2010What are your personal hobbies? Scouting, Cub Scouting, more Scouting. Hobbies involve the family, coaching my sons teams, being their Den Leader, being a Leader in the Pack as the Pack Trainer, representing our Pack at Roundtables, being a blogger for InsaneScouter. It is also fun to work with Scott and help improve Insane Scouter. I also have to remember to keep FUN in all of it or...

Home > Resources > Venturing

How to Use A Compass Foggy Condtions
How to use a compassHow to navigate in foggy conditionsFog makes things difficult, and in some situations dangerous. When you hike, you will probably some day experience these difficulties, and you'd better be prepared.The fog can come creeping very fast. I have myself experienced from clear view to dense fog in 10 seconds. How fast this goes, depends on where you are.In normal summer conditions without snow, it is often not much of a problem. Unless you are supposed to...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening

Nature opening ceremony
It is exciting to learn about animals, birds, insects, flowers, trees, rocks, soil, weather, water and stars! Nature is everywhere all the time---in cities, in the woods and fields, in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. Nature is not confined by time and place--- it is everywhere. But where to begin? How to begin? All you need to start is an inquiring mind --- and eyes, ears, nose, and hands. Use all senses to gather information from the world about...

Home > Resources > Activities > Campfire Stories

Bear Bells Story
This Story is meant for Boy Scouts. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.One summer, a fellow from the big city was going on a camping trip into the Rocky Mountains. He got all his gear, made the drive, and was at a local shop just before starting his hike into the wilderness. He says to the store clerk, "Say, do you all have bears around here?" "Yep," replied the clerk. "What kind?" "Well,...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag

Snowflake Closing Ceremony
Have Cub Scouts and family members cut out snowflakes when they enter the pack meeting, and put their names on them. (Six sided snowflakes can be made by folding a square sheet of paper in half, and then into thirds.) Tape or fasten to a wall, curtain, blackboard or window.Have you ever caught a snowflake on a black piece of paper and studied it? It is so delicate and fragile that it melts almost before you can pick out its...

Home > Contact Us

InsaneScouter is a website for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. The site is loaded with resources to help the Scouting community put on a better program for their youth. We have been in existence since 1998. InsaneScouter receives around 25,000 visitors a month who on average view 395,000 pages. InsaneScouter has over 1,280 registered users, and 20 volunteers from five different countries who have helped us add over 5,340 pages of content and tons of new pages every month. InsaneScouter is...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

Summer is a good time for the family to do many thing together and enjoy the beauty about them. A family that shares a lot of experiences is one that will always be a "together" family, even in later years when you are miles apart. Think about it! There's no better feeling than that of belonging. I am happy to see so many here tonight taking advantage of this summer Pack meeting. Good night and see you next month....

Home > Resources > Cub Scouts > Webelos

Scholar Fun Knowledge 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Crocodile The
She sailed away, on a lovely summer's day, On the back of a crocodile. 'You see', said she, 'he's as tame as tame can be, I'll ride him down the Nile.' The croc. winked his eye, and the lady waved 'goodbye, Wearing a happy smile. At the end of the ride, the lady was inside, And the smile on the crocodile!...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Joses Dilemma
Assign the parts to 5 groups; everyone will respond to FIESTA with . JOSE: I want to go MAMA: Take your sombrero SOMBRERO: Its too hot SISTER: Take me, Jose BURRO: Hee-haw FIESTA (Everyone): Olé Scene is a small town in Mexico, about 65 years ago. JOSE was excited. It was almost time for the FIESTA parade. He was going with his MAMA and SISTER. His father had already taken the BURRO and cart with a load of goods for...

Home > Resources > Leaders > Leader Tips

The District Council Region National
The District A district is made up of several packs and troops. The purpose of your district is to work with chartered organizations to organize and support successful units. Part of this support is by the training of adult leaders and providing commissioner service. The supervision of a district is carried out by a volunteer district committee. The district committee is headed by the key-three (district executive, district chairman, and the district commissioner). Other positions within the district include unit commissioners,...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Scouting Jokes
A Scout Master was teaching his Boy Scouts about survival in the desert. "What are the three most important things you should bring with you in case you get lost in the desert?" he asked. Several hands went up, and many important things were suggested such as food, matches, etc. Then one little boy in the back eagerly raised his hand. "Yes, Timmy, what are the three most important things you would bring with you?" asked the Scout Master. Timmy...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening

In The Year 2030
LEADER: Tonight we are going to embark on a journey into the future. The year is 2030AD and Cub Scouting is still going strong: Picture in your mind the possible changes that may have come about.CUB #1: (Wolf) We hold our den meetings by computer and video-phoneCUB #2: (Bear) My family took a weekend trip on the new space shuttle. Can I count that as a "camping" trip.CUB #3: (Webelos) Last month, my family took me to the moon to...

Home > Resources > Leaders > Leader Tips

The Scout Uniform 2
The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. There are many reasons for this. One reason stands out above all the rest. We wear the uniform because it is a means of identifying ourselves openly with the principles to which we are committed - character development, citizenship training, physical and mental fitness. The fact that youth and adult members of Scouting wear a uniform doesn't mean that we're all alike. We come from different ethnic and racial backgrounds....

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing

Bugs and Things
You can learn a lot about life by watching insects. Have you ever taken time to watch a colony of ants? They are always busy, working together, doing what needs to be done without complaining. The Greek writer, Aesop, told a story about the ants and the grasshopper. All summer long the ants worked hard to gather and store food for the winter. Meanwhile, the grasshopper wasted its time, playing and singing in the long grass. In the fall, when...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Camping 2
When we're camping, just camping In the warmth of the summer air We don't envy the rich, in their caravanettes For a caravan is cheating With hot water and central heating When we're camping, just camping With the light of the moon above Every summer you will find us With our city life behind us When were camping out that's what we love...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Turkey in the Straw
Oh, as I was a goin' down the road, With a tired team and a heavy load, I cracked my whip and leader sprung, I says good-day to the wagon tongue.ChorusTurkey in the straw, turkey in the hay, [Repeat.] Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw, And play a little tune called 'Turkey in the Straw.'Oh, I jumped in the seat, and I gave a little yell, The horses ran away, broke the wagon...

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White Perch
Of the group of fish known as panfish, the White Perch has the distinction of being the most unusual. First, he's not really a Perch although in some ways he looks like one; biologists say he's really a Bass. Second, he sometimes grows so large he's a panfish only if you use a king-size frying pan. Third, he's "anadromous," which means he's equally at home in salt water or fresh water. He can live and breed contentedly in landlocked lakes...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

First Aiders Song The
On the first day of camping the Leader sent to me A boy who had skinned his knee On the second day of camping the Leader sent to me Two banged heads, and a boy who had skinned his knee three nose-bleeds . . four mozzie bites . . five nettle-stings . . six boys with splinters . . seven upset tummies . . eight cuts and grazes . . nine twisted ankles . . ten homesick Leaders . ....

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

I Would Rather Be song CS Version
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 22:03:10 EST From: Robert Collins Subject: I Would Rather Be ......Song: 'I Would Rather Be'Characters form into a line across the stage area in order of appearance, character 1 on one end, and the last character on the other end of the line. Each person steps forward 1 big step as he does his character, and then steps back into line when done.Chorus I: (Everyone) If I weren't a cubscout ______ there's nothing I'd...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

Graduation Of A Webelos Scout
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, Webelos leader, Webelos Scout and family, 2 Bobcats, 2 Wolves, 2 Bears and 2 WebelosEQUIPMENT: Troop scarfARRANGEMENT: The 8 Cubs are lined up in 2 rows of 4 facing each other in order to form a bridge for the graduation. There needs to be enough room between the two lines for the Webelos Scout and his family to pass from the left side to the right. On the left side of the stage is...

Home > Resources > Leaders > Leader Tips

Pack Administration
Five Keys to Successful Pack Administration Organization Training Planning Recruitment Communication Pack Organization For detailed job descriptions for each member of the Pack, see Cub Scout Leader Book, Chapter 4. The Chartered Organization is your sponsor. They should provide meeting facilities and support. They approve all leaders. The Chartered Organization Representative is a member of the Chartered Organization and acts as a liaison between the Pack and the organization. The Committee Chairperson conducts monthly Pack leaders' meeting, leads Pack program planning, works with the Cubmaster...

Home > Resources > Cub Scouts > Arrow Of Light

Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start new Webelos den into active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some special activities. The Aquanaut can be completed right away. 4. Pull the den together during the summer by doing small and simple service projects for school, church, or community. 5. While doing regular programs...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > First Aid

Seven Threats of Outdoor Survival
Common Sense for the Outdoors Seven Threats of Outdoor Survival Common Sense Survival For Outdoors Enthusiasts by Bob Newman A study of genuine survival situations shows that all survivors the weekend backpacker, backcountry hunter, mountain bike rider, or what have you face at least one of seven common threats or enemies to their continued existence. It matters not where they were at the time, how long before they were rescued, what level of training they had, or what gear they brought with...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

A Tree is a Good Scout
Personnel: 6 Cubs and a narrator Equipment: Each Cub hold a picture or drawing of a tree with his section of text on the back.Cub 1: Did you ever pause to think about how helpful a tree is? Cub 2: It provides a nesting place for birds, shade from the sun, and protection from the rain. Cub 3: It discards its dead branches, thus providing wood for building fires and for cooking food. Cub 4: A tree adds beauty to...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

Bear Necessities
By Barb Stephens  The Numbers Game Use the following numbers to fill in the blanks for each statement. Each number listed is used once.   1 2 4 4 8 10 12 24 114 There are _____ steps in the Bobcat Trail (include Parent Guide). _____ fingers are used in the Cub Scout salute and sign. You must complete _____ achievements to the earn Wolf badge or the Bear badge. The Bear Achievements are divided into _____ major groups. Although not all must be completed, Bear Cubs can select from _____ possible Bear Achievements to earn...

Home > Resources > Boy Scouts

The Purpose of the Order of the Arrow
To recoginize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. To devlop and maintai camping traditions and spirit. To promote Scout camping. To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cherful service to others.History of the Order of the ArrowThe OA was founded by Dr. Goodman and Caroll Edson in 1915 at the Treasure Island Camp of the Philiadelphia Council. It became an...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Winter Camping

Winter Camping
Winter Camping The material in this article is but a small part of winter camping training. Taking this course by no means makes you trained enough to take your unit winter camping. There is so much more to cover that can't be covered in the time frame of this course. Before you take you Troop out winter camping, you need to take the winter camping training given by the High adventure team (HAT). This course has a 43 page booklet...

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Lake Trout
The Lake Trout has several qualities that make him a fish you'll like to catch. First is his size. A 5-pounder is an infant; 20-pounders are common. The world record Laker taken on hook-and-line was 63 pounds, 2 ounces, and almost 4 feet long. Specimens weighing over 100 pounds have been netted by commercial fishermen. Second is his tremendous appetite that usually prompts him to gobble just about anything that comes his way, including your lures, as long as they...

Home > Resources > Leaders > Leader Tips

Hey There CubmasterLook At You
You want to be a good Cubmaster, right? If you didn't, you would not be reading this. So as a good Cubmaster YOU WILL....... Learn to lean - You won't try to run the whole show. You will consider all suggestions and offers to help. Recruit Den Leader for a least one year - When you and the Den Leader Coach recruit a Den Leader, you will have him/her agree to serve at least a year. Dens need stable leadership. If assistants...

Home > Resources > Leaders > Leader Tips

School Night for Cub Scouting
School Night is a concerted effort, usually led by the council membership committee in May, September, or October each year in the school systems (private, parochial, and public). One evening is designated for all parents to gather at the school to learn about and hopefully join Cub Scouting. Information is available from your unit commissioner or the local service center. The above Training Tip comes directly from the Cub Scout Leader book. I just pulled out one of six points under...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing

PERSONNEL: 11 Cubs and Den Leader or Den Chief.EQUIPMENT: Cards with letters spelling out C O L L E C T I O N S NARRATOR: We would like to tell you what we collect from Scouting. C: is for COURTESY. A Scout learns to do good deeds and respect others. O: is for OUTING. Outing is one of the most fun parts of Scouting. Camping and hiking, we always look forward to our time outdoors. L: is for LEARNING....

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Introducing a Child to the Outdoor Sport of Fishing
A brief article summarizing some suggestions for ensuring an enjoyable day teaching a child to fish. The outdoor sports rely heavily on one generation instilling the love of the sport into the next generation. This means that one generation has to take the time and effort to take a child fishing with them, if they are going to have the desire to go fishing! For kids to enjoy the sport of fishing, adults must do all they can to make...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

People in a Family Song
(Tune: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) Chorus: People in a family should do a lot together, In the house, or out-of-doors, No matter what the weather, Do not try to put it off, Its either now or never People in a family should do a lot together. Mom and dad should take the time, you will be glad you did, To be a parent and a friend, Do something with your kid. One day they are tiny, And the next day they are grown,...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Winter Camping

Winter Camping Skills
In many areas of the US, including much of the Southeast, Southwest and Pacific coast, winter camping is not a drastic departure from camping at any other time of the year. But, in the high country and mountains where snow is bountiful there are a few things you can do to make sure you are comfortable and safe while traveling over and camping on snow. Navigation When going into the field in snowy conditions you must first consider how you...

Home > Resources > Boy Scouts

Turn your Webelos into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first year boys to get all of them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.). 2. Do not wait for September to start new Webelos den into active program. 3. Get together during the summer months to do some special activities. The Aquanaut can be completed right away. 4. Pull the den together during the summer by doing small and simple service projects for school, church, or community. 5. While doing regular programs...

Home > Resources > Boy Scouts > Advancement

Scholar Fun Knowledge 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------- 13 14 15 16 17 18...

Home > Resources > Cub Scouts

What is Cub scouting
In 1930 BSA launched a new program for boys between the ages of 9 to 11 years of age. The program emphasis on caring, nurturing relationships between boys and their parents, adult leaders and friends. Purposes of Cub scouting Cub Scouting has 9 purposes: Influence the development of character and encourage spiritual growth Help boys develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship Encourage good sportsmanship and pride growing strong in mind and body Improve understanding within the family Strengthen the...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout

Nature Is Everywhere All The Time
It is exciting to learn about animals, birds and insects, flowers, and trees, rocks, soil, weather, water and stars!Nature is everywhere all the time---in cities, in the woods and fields, in the winter, spring, summer and fall.Nature is not confined by time and place--- it is everywhere.But where to begin--how to begin. All you need to start is an inquiring mind --- and eyes, ears, nose, and hands. Use all senses to gather information from the world about you.In the...

Home > Resources > Crafts

Summertime cushion for picnics or backyard fun! This is a GREAT project. Materials: 12 double pages of newspaper Preparations: Start at one side of double page, make a 2 % fold and crease well. Continue folding paper over and over until you have one strip. Fold all 12 pages the same way. Weaving: Lay out 6 strips side by side. Beginning approximately 4 from one side, weave remaining 6 strips of paper in and out. Leave a 4 tail of...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Litter Hurts
A scout comes out and begins talking about low impact camping and the importance of preserving nature. As he walks around, he sees a piece of litter and picks it up. He complains about the thoughtlessness of campers who litter. Next a scout enters and drops lots of litter in his path. Other scouts rush the littering scout and beat him up. Finally they pick up the littering scout and ask him if he has learn anything fro this experience?...

Home > Resources > Leaders > Scoutmaster Minutes

Wilderness Pledge
Scouts, next week we're going to practice some of the skills of what is called minimum impact camping, when we're outdoors for our Park Service project. As you've ;earned this month, the idea of minimum impact camping is to leave no trace that we were ever there when we leave a campsite or hike a trail. As part of our opening ceremony tonight we heard a reading of the Outdoor Code. You should be...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

In the Good Old Summertime
In the good old summer time, in the good old summer time, Strolling through the shady lanes with your baby mine; You hold her hand and she holds yours, and that's a very good sign, That she's your tootsey wootsey in the good old summertime. ...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag

Nature Is Everywhere All The Time
It is exciting to learn about animals, birds and insects, flowers, and trees, rocks, soil, weather, water and stars!Nature is everywhere all the time---in cities, in the woods and fields, in the winter, spring, summer and fall.Nature is not confined by time and place--- it is everywhere.But where to begin--how to begin. All you need to start is an inquiring mind --- and eyes, ears, nose, and hands. Use all senses to gather information from the world about you.In the...

Cinnamon-Raisin Roll-Ups
  • 2 cups Bisquick baking mix
  • 1/2 cup raisins (can omit)
  • 1/2 cup dairy sour cream
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tablespoons margarine, softened
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped nuts
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons margarine, melted
  • Granulated sugar

Spray Pam on the inside of Dutch Oven. Mix baking mix, raisins, sour cream and milk; beat 20 strokes. Smooth into ball on floured aluminum foil or wax paper. Knead 10 times. Roll into rectangle, approximately 12 x 10 inches. Spread with softened margarine (can use squeeze margarine also). Mix brown sugar, nuts and cinnamon; sprinkle over dough. Roll up tightly, beginning at 12" side. Pinch edge into roll. Cut into 12 slices. Place slices, cut sides down, in the bottom of Dutch Oven. Brush melted margarine over the tops, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake until golden, about 13 minutes. Top with margarine if desired.

Lentil/vegetable Stew

Boil Until Tender
4 c Water; or stock
48 oz Tomato juice
2 c Lentils; dried
1 c Rice, brown; uncooked
28 oz Tomatoes, canned; chopped
3 Garlic cloves, crushed
1 Onions, chopped
2 Celery stalks; sliced
3 Carrots; sliced
2 Bay leaves
1 ts Basil leaves
1 ts Oregano leaves
1 ts Thyme leaves
1/2 ts Black pepper, ground
3 tb Parsley, chopped

Then Add

1 Zucchini; sliced
2 Potatoes; peeled & diced
2 tb Lemon juice
1 ts Dry mustard

In 6-qt Dutch oven or soup kettle, combine first 15 ingredients. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, until rice and lentils are tender, 45-60 minutes. Add additional water or tomato juice if necessary.

Stir in remaining ingredients, cover and continue to cook until vegetables are tender, about 45 minutes.

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A Wing and a Scoutmaster's Minute
In case you havent noticed, kids today are fully immersed in pop culture. And they often learn better from watching videos than from hearing someone talk. So where does that leave you if you still give traditional...

Old Hat, New Eyes
I recently participated in a campout with a dozen high-school students from my churchs youth group. We camped at a local state park, took a very short (two-mile) hike, and ate what I would consider pretty straightforward...

Mike Rowe�s Eagle Scout Letter
Theres little doubt that Mike Rowe, best known as host of TVs Dirty Jobs, was the star of the closing arena show at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree, a role he reprised again this summer. But did ...

Minute Judging, Part 2
In my last tip, I argued that no slide show at a court of honor should last longer than three or four minutes, the length of the typical pop song. Of course, you may have many more slides...

Camping and �Close Boys�
I recently came across a Scouter with an intersting problem that I thought I would share. Maybe you can gain some insight by what they are dealing with and some of the suggestions they received.I was baffled by some events...

Returning to the Summit
After two weeks at the National Scout Jamboree, Im finally getting used to hot-water showers and a real bed again!Although it was not without its challenges, the Jamboree was a great event, and it showed the potential of the Summit...

Minute Judging - Eagle Tip
One of my favorite impromptu Scout games is minute judging. It works like this: Everyone sits on the floor, and a judge with a stopwatch shouts Go! Without looking at their watches, the Scouts stand up when they think a...

Special Need Scouts
Todays post comes to us thanks to the great folks at the Scout-L mailing list. Bob Carlson started it off with this post:This article was FRONT PAGE on the St. Louis newspaper this morning, forwarded from our Special Needs Scouts...

Guide to Advancement
The Advancement Team (professional) and National Advancement Committee (volunteer) will be doing updates to the education materials going forward, including the approved national advancement trainers, Advancement News articles, the advancement webinars and many other resources.For those who have concerns about...

Thanks for the Memories
Last week in the mail, I received a nice surprise: a postcard from three Scouts in Milford, Pa., whod used my book, The Eagle Court of Honor Book, to plan their court of honor. You can see the front of...

Why Your Son Should Be A Scout Video
I recently came across this cool marketing video from BSA. It talks about how sports are great, but parents shouldn't overlook the enriching life-long benefits resulting from being a Scout. Check it out, I bet it could help with your...

The National Scout Jamboree (Boy Scouts of America) is a gathering, or a jamboree of thousands of members of the Boy Scouts of America, usually held every four years and organized by the national council of the Boy Scouts of...

This Takes the Cake
The highlight of many courts of honor is the reception. Thats not (necessarily) a criticism of the ceremony. Its just an acknowledgement that many people enjoy socializing and reuniting with old friends while they munch on sinfully delicious desserts.Those desserts...

Fuzzy's Salmon Burgers with Lime Mayonnaise
It is your furry friend Fuzzy here. Scott asked me to share my favourite salmon recipes with you. Of course I can't tell you all my secrets, but I will share this one with you. As it is summer it...

Camp Staff signing rank requirements
I am sure many of have had experiences with Summer Camp staff signing off advancement requirements without fully meeting everything they are suppose to. I know this is especially true with trail to first class, but also to a lesser...
Kamp Knots

Used with permission by
Rich Diesslin

KNOTS Cartoons full-color paperback book is here!
Great Gift for Scouts and Scouters!

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GIRLS? At our Day Camp?
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Scoutmaster Podcast 226 Scouts at Camp
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Eagle Scout becomes youngest to summit 27,766-foot Makalu
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Girl Scout Blog
St. Louis Police Department's Highest Ranking Female Officer was a Girl Scout!
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Bobwhites Blather
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Let me tell you about my week
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Cocoon Polarized Fitover Sunglass Review
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B.P.S Blog Discipline
During his lifetime Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the worldwide Scouting movement, wrote many books and articles directed to Scouters. Each Sunday Ill publish a selection from his writings in the...
Do You Know Your Knots?
  How many of these ten common knots can you identify? ...

hike our planet
Colorful Fungi in the Rain Soaked Forest
Click to view slideshow. Sometimes we have to push through the debris in our life to reach the sunlight. ~ Lee Hiller I Love the strength and beauty of Fungi. Even the...

scout stuff blog
Flag Day is June 14!
Keeping the Tradition Alive On June 14, 1885, Bernard J. Cigrand, a teacher not even 20 years old, placed a 10, 38-star flag in a bottle on his desk before assigning...

Girl Scout Blog
ReminderJune 14 is National Get Outdoors Day!
Participants from federal agencies, nonprofit organizations and the recreation industry are again teaming up to host the 7th annual National Get Outdoors Day (GO Day) to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun at...

hike our planet
The Blue Bird is an Indigo Bunting
Click to view slideshow. The lovely Indigo Buntings have been teasing me since late April. Only allowing tantalizing glimpses of their beautiful blue feathers as the lush foliage emerged. I took...

Scout News

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(Updates Daily)

A banner day at Deans Mill School in Stonington
Cub Scouts from Pack 37 salute the flag as they present the colors to students at Deans Mill School in Stonington, during a belated Flag Day celebration Monday. The actual...

Girl Scouts Daisy registration set for Eagle, Elmwood girls
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska will hold a Daisy registration for Eagle- and Elmwood-area girls from 10 to 11 a.m. June 28 at the Eagle Community Building, 509 S. Fourth...

Canoes and can-do attitudes help clean up river
A stretch of the Concho River is cleaner, thanks to a group of San Angelo Girl Scouts....

What do you enjoy most about Cub Scouts?
In Scouts we learn about archery, and I enjoy that.Xavier Gyurkvoice, Sheffield I enjoy learning more about different sports in Cub Scouts kickball, football, hockey....

Boy Scouts to honor Superintendent Ladd
The Boy Scouts of Elk Grove and surrounding communities will be celebrating the 104 th anniversary of Scouting at a dinner on Monday, June 30 at the Valley Hi Country...

Kansas Girl Scouts win national challenge
POSTED June 16, 2014 1:00 p.m....

A celebration of Sam
Students and Cub Scouts tossed beach balls in joyous affirmation Thursday when a blue and gold ribbon was snipped dedicating the Sam Berns Community Turf Field....

Girl Scouts earn Girl Scout Bronze Award
Seven Girl Scouts from Ascension Parish have earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award, the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. The award requires the completion of a series...

Girl Scouts of CT to honor Houston as Woman of Merit
Girl Scouts of Connecticut will recognize Greenwichs Linda Houston as a woman leader who has......

Van gets stolen with medical records, could keep boy scouts from attending camp
INDEPENDENCE, Mo. Parents of boy scouts in troop 221 are worried that their childrens medical records have been compromised, after a family van is stolen in Independence. Kathleen Pace...

BORDENTOWN: Girl Scouts to build outdoor class for middle school
Many girls participate in Girl Scouts during elementary school earning badges, going to camp, doing small community service projects, but many dont continue on during middle and high school....

Mississippi Power, Singing River Electric give trucks to Scouts
Life just got a little bit easier for the Pine Burr Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America thanks to Mississippi Power and Singing River Electric. On Tuesday, the...

Thoughts to Ponder

Dog Scouts

When you think about it, a dog is a pretty good scout. If treated right, it is trustworthy, loyal, and friendly. If trained right, it can be helpful and maybe even courteous and kind. A dog is rarely wasteful, so thrifty is definitely there. Many rescue dogs have risked or even lost their lives to save another, so I guess bravery is in their makeup. The one thing a dog - or any animal for that matter - can't be is reverent. I see many scouts wince when asked about adding Scouts Own to the camping schedule. Many Scoutmasters - I am sad to say - do not pursue this point of the Scout Law as adamantly as they do the rest. Fewer and fewer scouts earn their religious medallions these days. Remember, a dog can get 11 out of 12.

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders