Cub 1: As we prepare to join together in a banquet to celebrate the birthday of Scouting, it is important to remember why we chose to join the Scouting movement.
Cub 2: Scouting is a program for young men and boys which is much bigger than just the people who are Scouts. When we join together, we are able to do more and be more than just ourselves.
Cub 3: Scouting is a sea of blue and gold uniforms. Scouting is a shirt full of patches. Scouting is a new neckerchief slide that you made yourself.
Cub 4: Scouting is a new pocketknife and bandaged finger. Scouting is a picnic and a sack lunch. Scouting is learning a new game. Scouting is putting the worm on the fishhook yourself.
Cub 5: Scouting is a hike in the park. Scouting is learning a new game. Scouting is picking sides and being chosen first.
Cub 6: Scouting is all of these things and many more. To each of us, it is a different experience. Most importantly, Scouting is caring parents and leaders who bring Scouting to each of us each and every week.
All: Scouting is the Blue and Gold we celebrate here tonight. May we be grateful for past good fortune.