Tweet Treats 
Make a batch of edible seed
wreaths for our feathered friends
6 Tbsp. of boiling water
1 ¼ oz. pkg. unflavored gelatin (Knox)
2 Tbsp. of cold water
2 cups wild bird seed
Mix the gelatin and cold water together,
let sit for about 1 minute. Then add the
boiling water and stir for 2 or 3 minutes
or until gelatin has dissolved. Stir in the
wild bird seed, mix thoroughly, let the
mixture sit a few minutes then stir again.
Repeat the process until liquid is absorbed.
Shape mixture into 4" wreaths by hand.
Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then
allow to air-dry overnight. Tie a colorful
ribbon around your wreath and hang it outside
for the birds to enjoy.
Spider Pretzels
2 round crackers
2 tsp. creamy peanut butter
8 small pretzel sticks
2 raisins
Make a cracker sandwich with peanut
butter. Insert the pretzels "legs" into the
filling. With a dab of peanut butter, set the
raisin eyes on top.
Pawprint Cupcakes
Prepare cupcakes as directed on the
cake mix box. Frost the cupcakes
then sprinkle with coconut, for a
furry paw. Top each cupcake with a
small mint patty. Then place 3
"junior mints" or chocolate chips
around the patty for claw marks.
Doggie Biscuits 
3 eggs
1/4 cup soy flour
1 Tbsp. yeast
2 Tbsp. wheat germ
2 Tbsp. instant dry milk
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 Tbsp. water or just enough to
hold the dough together
In a large bowl, beat eggs then add
the rest of the ingredients. Knead
for 3 minutes. Roll out to ½” thick.
Use a cookie cutter to cut out
"bones". Bake at 325 degrees for
25 minutes. Flip the biscuits and
cook for another 25 minutes.
Makes 7-10 doggie biscuit
treats for your dog
Sea Dogs (Octopus)
Cut slits along the length of a hot dog,
stopping about 1" from the end, (to create
8 dangling arms) Boil hot dogs. Set the
hot dog on top of seaweed noodles (spinach
noodles, cooked). Add a mustard or ketchup
Spider Hot Dogs
Cut hot dog from the center out,
leaving about 1" center. Cut on both
sides, so you have 4 legs on each
side. Broil in the oven until legs curl.
Remove, add mustard or ketchup
eyes in the center.
Bread Pets
Frozen bread dough
Suggestions: Pigs, round face with a button nose, pointed ears, and a curlycue tail.
Turtle: Mold a large round shell; use a knife to cut crisscrosses for the shell. Add
the head, a tail, and stubby legs.
Great Salt Lake Council