InsaneScouter - Thanksgiving Ideas for Scouts ISNL 21-36 - Newsletter

Thanksgiving Ideas for Scouts ISNL 21-36

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Published: Nov 01, 2021


Greetings & Welcome to another weekly newsletter. Did you know Scouts are always hungry, and many of them even enjoy cooking now and crazy things? Stop laughing at me!

Maybe they would like to try out this recipe for Pizza on the Coals.

heavy-duty aluminum foil & a spoon

One package pita bread

One small can of pizza or spaghetti sauce

1 cup grated mozzarella cheese

pizza toppings to taste

Cut pita in half and spoon sauce into the pocket, spreading evenly. Add mozzarella cheese and toppings. Wrap in foil and place on coals. Cook 1.5 minutes on each side until warm and cheese is melted. MMMM is so good!

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Recycled InsaneScouter

ARRANGEMENT: 6 Cub Scouts in uniform, enter stage one by one, carrying various items such as balloons, cotton candy, popcorn, etc. recite their lines. 1st CUB: I went to the County Fair, I saw exhibits there. 2nd CUB: The grandest prize, was won by some guys who raised ......

SETTING: Have a leader in the front of the room. Turn off all lights possible. The leader reads the Legend with the aid of a small flashlight. NARRATOR: This is the legend of the Christmas Scout. It was told to me by a small boy whose faith in the story was absolute. ......

1 1/2 c Onion, chopped 1/2 Green pepper, chopped 1/2 c Celery, chopped 3 cl Garlic, pressed Peanut oil 1 lb Fresh okra, 1/2" slices 2 T Flour 1 Can whole/crushed tomatoes 1/2 Slice chopped smoked ham 1/2 ts Basil 1/2 ts Thyme...

(Five Cub Scouts come on stage in turn and recite one verse) NEWSPAPER BOY:I am your paperboyI deliver the newsFreedom of pressHas different views. POSTMAN:I am the postmanI deliver with a dashThat Boy's Life issueThat......

I took these pictures on October 5, 2009. The pictures of the Las Vgeas Strip and Downtown were taking from a vantage point about 12 miles from the strip. The other picture is of a place called "The Wetlands Tail". All these pictures were taking on a Oylumpus D-5000 digital SLR. Please......

Someone's in de kitchen wid Dinah, Someone's in de kitchen Ah know, Someone's in de kitchen wid Dinah, Playin' on de ole banjo. Fee, fie, fid-ly-i-o Fee, fie, fid-ly-i-o Fee, fie, fid-ly-i-o Playin' on de ole banjo.......

I CAN...stand tall, in my heritage and believe fully in America! I CAN...strive for the highest pinnacle...or any other spot I so is my decision, to be freely arrived at! I CAN...worship at the church of my

  PERSONNEL:8 Cubs and a narrator. EQUIPMENT:Large cards with a letter and corresponding text for each Cub spelling out the word...

  For I am the Akela of a jolly Wolf Cub Band Who, personally, I always think The finest in the land. In uniform upon parade They look so trim and neat, That I'm as p......

One of the biggest challenges troops face in developing youth leaders is getting the adults out of the way. If things get the least bit out of hand at a troop meeting, for example, we adults are far too ......

Seeds of Kindness As we take a look at kindness we need to realize that it is something that comes from within that we manifest outward in what we say and what w......

A brief article summarizing some suggestions for ensuring an enjoyable day teaching a child to fish. The outdoor sports rely heavily on one generation instilling the love of the sport into the next generation. This means that one generation ......

Be kind to your web-footed friendsFor a duck maybe somebody's motherWho lives all alone in a swampWhere it's very cold and dampYou might think that this is the endWell it's not caus' I know another stanzaBe kind to ......

  Preparation: Have large pieces of construction paper with a picture representing each of the eight different aircrafts of the inventors.......

NARRATOR: Years ago, doctors conducted a study in an orphanage that monitored the health of the children and compared that against the food, physical care, and attenti......

Lentils1/4 c Plus 1 tbs corn oil1 med Onion(s), sliced1 lb Dried green or brown lentils picked over and washed2 2" pieces cinnamon stick1/2 ts Cayenne3/4 ts Ginger, peeled and mincedPeel of 1 large lemon minced (about 2 tsp) 3 ......

Tuna Melts In A Pie Iron 2 slices bread1 Tbs butter or margarinePrepared TunaCheese slices Butter bread and lay in pie iron, buttered side against iron. Fill center with filling. Close pie iron, pull off excess bread. Set in coa......

EQUIPMENT: A red candle, white candle, blue candle. ARRANGEMENT: The room is dark except for the three candles. PERSONNEL: Four Scouts. SCOUT 1. As I put out this white candle representing purity, may we be ever mindful of this obligation that a Scout is clean. He is clean i......

Personnel: Cub, Cubmaster, and Den Chief. Equipment: Teepee or tent, 2 large boxes to make store and mountain, 5 cardboard signs that read Bobcat Store, Wolf Tunnel, Bear Mountain, Webelos Bridge, and Rugged Road. Setting: A simulated trail with the teepee standing at the beg......

A nice video about the elements to have in you bushcraft kit. These are the kind of people who go out with just the bare essentials, no extras, no luxuries. I have even heard of some bush cr......

The InsaneScouter Resource Package is made up of over 800mb of Scouting stuff, see detailed list of whats included below. On occasion you will receive an email alerting you to ne......

Snow Camping with Boy Scouts The most important part in snow camping is building the fire in a hole dug in the snow. Initially one has to make sure the fi......

A Gift for the Ages My father-in-law, Ted Hitch, is an Eagle Scout, and one of my wifes prized possessions is a black-and-white photo of him in h......

  Albert Einstein has been quoted as having said "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. It is enough if one trie......

(To be read by a Cub Scout) What did it feel like, astronaut, as you flew into outer space? Did you mind being so cooped up in such a tiny place? Did the stars have points? Did the clouds race by? Did they bump into you as you sailed by? Did you ......

  (Dim or turn off room lights except for an electric candle or flashlight)...

I was born on July 4, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence is my firth certificate. The bloodlines of the world run in my veins, because I offered freedom to the oppressed. I am many things, and many people. I AM THE NATION. I am 195 million livi......

This weekend my W2s joined a local Troop for Fall Camporee in Shepherdstown, WV. We hiked 7 miles through historic Antietam and learned a great deal about the battle, but the boys learned even more about camp cooking, chores and were able to participate in a ca......

Nine boys stand in a line et the back of the room. Each holds a large letter that spells out Christmas. Each steps forward in turn and shows his letter and recites his lines....

Buy package of peanuts.  Write K on 4, H on 4, N on 4, U on 4 and A on 4.  Hide all the peanuts, lettered and unlettered, hunt for 5 minutes. 10 points for greatest number 5 points for each lettered peanut 20 points for the enough letters to write ......

Nature abhors a vacuum and so do strong leaders. When your senior patrol leader doesnt react quickly enough to get the troops attention or deal with some minor problem, theres always an adult around whos all too happy to step into the breac......

I'm a Daisy, Daisy Girl Scout And I'll tell you something too, I'm a loyal lil' Girl Scout, And my color is true blue.......

Hi All,   Scout and I just came in from our vacation at a nice lake. We hope you all had great vacations and of course summer camps too :) As promised I will tell you all about what we did at our camp and also about our vacation.   Of course w......



knots turkey pr

Pinewood Derby future


Scouting teaches youth to be leaders, and that means learning to speak up and voice opinions. These skills are used immediately in guiding ones patrol or troop. But for one group of Scouts, those skills will soon help in guiding the direction of the national Scouts BSA program. The national Scouts BSA committee is seeking nominations of Scouts who'd like to share their perspectives on the programs strengths and areas for growth. These Scouts will meet virtually once a month on Zoom to discuss the programs future and provide feedback to the committee. The 10-15 selected Scouts can expect a three-hour commitment each month, from January to May 2022. This includes work before, during and after the virtual meetings, which will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. ET on the second Sunday of every month. Scouts on this inaugural council are expected to attend at least four of the five meetings. ......

Here are some crafts and other ideas for the Cub Scouts, but there are also things which Scouts BSA and Venturers can do with this theme. Participating in a food collection project goes with this theme, and there are usually plenty of opportunities this time of year. Or for older Scouts, volunteer to take a meal to a homeless shelter and serve it. If you are looking for a fun unit idea, have your own Thankgiving feast at your pack meeting or troop meeting. Everyone brings in their favorite recipe and shares it. Scouts BSA can do a twist on this by cooking it on site, camp style, with grills and Dutch ovens. The food doesn't have to be traditional Thanksgiving food. It is more about the idea of coming together for a meal. What ......

For years you've been telling us you and your Scouts are really like really into chess. And we heard you loud and clear. Nov. 1-5, the Scout Life team will be live daily at 2 p.m. with chess experts, tips to improve your game, giveaways from Scout Shop and a DIY chess set how-to. The week will culminate Friday with what we're considering the most epic chess match of all time. Our Facebook audience will work together to challenge Eagle Scout and chess grandmaster Kayden Troff to a chess game unlike anything you've ever played before (with an unbelievably accomplished opponent). Kids of all ages are invited to join. Even Cub Scouts who aren't yet earning merit badges can benefit from tuning in. We'll kick off the week with the basics of chess so even someone new to the game can be fully engaged in Chess Fest. If ......

This makes a nice Scoutmaster Minute or Cubmaster Minute or even just a good reflection for a family gathering at this time of year. This is based on something in some old BSA program helps. For use with Cub Scouts, you might want to explain what a good turn is beforehand. Thanksgiving At Thanksgiving we always think of everything we are thankful for friends, family, freedom, churches, schools, food. Not everyone gets everything they want, but everyone should be thankful for what they have. And don't forget that giving is a part of Thanksgiving. You might not be able to give money, but you can give time. You can give by doing your Good Turn every day just don't expect to be rewarded or paid. Help shovel a neighbor's sidewalk. ......

We at Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) are saddened to note the passing of Marjorie Ittmann Motch, whose leadership in the national and global Girl Scouting/Girl Guiding Movement spanned four decades.  Ms. Motch served on GSUSAs National Board of Directors for over a decade, including in the roles of board secretary, vice president, and president. She worked adamantly to make Girl Scouts available to every girl, regardless of ethnic, racial, or socioeconomic background. She championed projects to help girls and adults understand and deal with prejudice and to expand leadership and membership among underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, citing research that highlighted the effectiveness of anti-prejudice messaging at an early age. She extolled the democratic nature of the girl-adult partnership, calling each Girl Scout troop an association of equals, and encouraged Girl Scouts to bridge generations and cultural divides through outreach programs with low-income senior citizens and ......

Earning the Eagle Scout rank is an impressive achievement that provides lasting impacts on one's life. One of those impacts can be financial support for higher education. Beginning December 1, the National Eagle Scout Association will be accepting applications for five annual scholarships of varying amounts. Applicants must have completed an Eagle Scout board of review before January 24, 2022; must be members of NESA (click here to join); and must submit their application through the NESA scholarship portal between December 1, 2021, and January 31, 2022. Full requirements and conditions are listed here. Other eligibility requirements include: Eagle Scouts may apply for NESA scholarships beginning in their senior year of high school through their junior year in college. Recipients may receive a NESA scholarship one time only. NESA scholarships are available to Eagle Scouts attending four-year colleges or universities, vocational trade schools and other approved programs. NESA scholarships are ......

How well do you know the basics? Answer some questions about the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, Motto, the meaning of the Scout Badge and more. And then find out if your answers are correct. Use this to help with the requirements for the Scouting Adventure for Arrow of Light or for the Scouts BSA Scout rank. Do you have a question which could be asked as a multiple choice question which you would like to see added? Suggest it in the comments at the bottom of this post. ......

We wrote about the haunted castle operated by Troop 2 in Fort Wayne, Ind., way back in 2005. You can imagine how thrilled we were when we checked and, sure enough, the same program is still going strong today! For more on this only slightly spooky fundraising tradition, check out our story from the October 2005 issue of Scouting magazine....

I would tell those young girls to dream big be confident in themselves. Kathryn Tarrer, Troop 372, eagle scout Scouts BSA is a year-round program for youth 10-18 years old that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and leadership development. Service, and community engagement, become increasingly important parts of the program as Scouts lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scoutings highest rank, Eagle Scout. An average of 6% of Scouts achieve the Eagle rank each year. On February 8th, 2021, the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts, including nearly 1, 000 young women from across the country, were recognized for achieving the Eagle rank. It was far from an easy journey due to the constrained timeline based on participants ages and the COVID-19 pandemic; however, these obstacles did not stop them. Kathryn Tarrer of Troop 372, chartered to St. James United ......

Table of Contents Be Prepared when Outdoors Outdoor Essentials for Cub Scouts Additional Resources Printable Copy Leave No Trace Front Country Guidelines Hiking Safely What’s your 11th Essential? Be Prepared when Outdoors Even during seasons when it is too cold for the Cub Scouts to get out tent camping, we can still get them outdoors on a day hike.  Make sure your Cub Scouts know the 10 Outdoor Essentials. This list of outdoor essentials is written for Cub Scouts. A list for older Scouts would be similar, but not written in the same manner. And these are the outdoor essentials for the type of adventure a Cub Scout would attend. An older Scout in a backcountry area would have different requirements. This list ......

Blackfeet Chief Earl Old Person, a former Scout who was the longest-serving elected tribal official in the country, died on Oct. 13 after a long battle with cancer. He was 92. As chief of the Montana-based Blackfeet Nation, one of the 10 largest tribes in the U.S., Old Person advocated for the rights of the Blackfeet people in congressional hearings, meetings with heads of state and public rallies.  He was a skilled orator who spoke fervently for the rights of his tribe, rallying support in the face of what he saw as unacceptable inaction from the federal government. Speaking out like that takes bravery, and in 2010, Old Person told the Great Falls Tribune that his confidence in front of a crowd first took root in BSA Troop 94 of Browning, Mont.Thats where I got my public speaking, Old Person said. I learned from that. I never write ......


The Allentown Borough Council has passed a resolution recognizing the service of Christopher Fleres for his Eagle Scout project. Christopher is a Boy Scout in Troop 180A and for his Eagle Scout ......

Those who use the fields at Salinas Bill Burke Park will benefit from the hard work of a Boy Scout who completed a service project as part of his requirements to become an Eagle Scout. According to ......

Army 59 was founded on November 2, 1921, in the early days of Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The Boy Scouting movement began in England in 1908,  ......

One of the challenges a young man can take on is becoming an Eagle Scout.In Scouting, only about 8% of Boy Scouts eventually earn Eagle Scout standing, so it isnt something that every boy can ......

Elk Grove Boy Scout Troop 59 will celebrate their centennial at Elk Grove Regional Park on Saturday, Nov. 6. The event will begin with a Webelos day program for children, ages 10-11, from 1-5 p.m., ......

Troy Stockman of Boy Scout Troop 77, sponsored by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Defiance, earned Eagle Scout rank during a Court of Honor on Oct. 17....

His older brother Tegan, who is also an Eagle Scout, spoke to the troop and said they were making the right choice by choosing to join Boy Scouts....

For his Eagle Scout Project, the 16-year-old from Troop 642 Rossmoor/Seal Beach recently launched a fundraiser aimed at supporting St. Mary's Mission ......

Troy Stockman of Boy Scout Troop 77, sponsored by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Defiance, earned Eagle Scout rank during a Court of ......

OAK CREEK, Wis. - An Oak Creek teen has accomplished something very few ever have: earn all 137 Boy Scout merit badges. Josh Rich, 17, used time during the COVID-19 pandemic to reach the goal – a feat ......

An Oak Creek teen has earned all 137 Boy Scout merit badges, an accomplishment very few have ever done. to FOX6 ......

Marshes of Glynn Chapter presented Leven Bufkin with the SAR Certificate of Recognition and Medal at his recent Eagle Scout Ceremony. Eagle Scout Bufkin is a member of Boy Scouts of America Troop 204 ......

WARREN TWP. - Cub Scout Pack 182 enjoyed its first official two-night Camporee since the start of the pandemic on Oct. 22-23 at the Watchung ......

For 11 years, he also served as a den leader and Cubmaster for the Pack 7 Cub Scouts, and Assistant Scoutmaster, Merit Badge Counselor and High Adventure Leader with Troop 10 of the Boy Scouts of ......

Medfield Boy Scout Troop 89 is proud to participate in the BSA Mayflower Council's Annual Scouting For Food Event, November 6th-13th....

While looking to fulfill requirements to earn his Eagle Scout badge, the highest ranking a Boy Scout can receive, Sam Swedin looked to his elementary school years for inspiration....

While a typical thru-hiker takes five to seven months to walk the trail's entire length, Ben conquered the 2200-mile journey in just 97 days....

To prepare her remarks for being named the Elkhorn District of the Scouts BSA (formerly the Boy Scouts of America) 2021 Franklin County ......

WEST PARIS — Back in 2020 Cooper Libby of South Paris' Boy Scout Troop 130 was looking for places to log in volunteer hours....

MOUNT HOLLY, N.C. — Two Boy Scouts are raising money to build a new K-9 ... Olsen are working on the project as part of their Eagle Scout project....

Local Boy Scouts Several hundred Boy Scouts from West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio were in attendance at the first annual tri-state encampment....

While looking to fulfill requirements to earn his Eagle Scout badge, the highest ranking a Boy Scout can receive, Sam Swedin looked to his ......

As part of its commitment to serving communities in Georgia, the Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America is signing onto Greener Life® for Business, a program where Georgia Natural Gas® (GNG) ......

On Saturday, Nov. 13 members of Oakdale Cub Scout Pack 365 will be canvassing a few neighborhoods in Oakdale and dropping off paper grocery bags....

The Boy Scout and Cub Scout programs have recently expanded their offerings to girls. Cub Scouts range from 7-10 years old and Boy Scouts range from ......

Troop 10, BSA, of Great Neck had a successful overnight camping trip at a rustic Scout Camp in Alpine, New Jersey, on a beautiful sunny,  ......

One of the challenges a young man can take on is becoming an Eagle Scout.In Scouting, only about 8% of Boy Scouts eventually earn Eagle Scout ......

To the Editor: On Saturday, Nov. 6, Altamont's Boy Scout Troop 264 will hold its annual food drive and bottle collection. Food donations will be ......


We are all about sleeping bug-free (especially mosquitoes, ticks and all the other biting and stinging varieties of bugs!), and this mini mesh tent makes that 100% possible. It is a rigid mesh structure that pops right up and is ready to be secured to a cot in a wall tent with the attached lines OR set up on the ground of a larger classic tent with a sleeping pad. This video walks you through folding up the spring-loaded bug blocker so you can pack it away for the next adventure....

Join a new Cub Scout as they attend their very first pack meeting! Follow along as they meet their Cubmaster, make new friends, and learn new skills!...

Girls as Drivers for Change (GADC) is an innovative partnership between the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and Save the Children (STC). Both organisations have significant reach and many years of experience working on girls’ empowerment and girls’ rights – in particular, tackling violence against women and girls. With complementary strengths and expertise, this partnership represented a unique opportunity to pilot a new approach to tackling GBV. The project was implemented with the Uganda Girl Guides Association and Save the Children in Uganda and Jordan. Throughout the project, the GADC team collaborated with different stakeholders including the local government, teachers, community members and other local, national and international organisations fighting for girls’ rights....

We are so excited to have Naila Moloo join our Youth Sustainability Panel on October 24, 2pmET, alongside Vishal Vijay and Stella Bowles! Only 15-years-old, Naila has designed transparent and flexible solar cells utilizing nanomaterials and is trying to develop a more sustainable bioplastic from duckweed. Don't miss our LIVE Youth Sustainability Panel and you can ask Naila and her co-panelists questions to further your sustainability journey....

Flag Retirement Ceremony held at Woodruff Scout Camp, Summer 2021. The Atlanta Area Council is home to Woodruff Scout Camp, located in the North Georgia Mountains, Woodruff's natural environment gives you nearly unlimited opportunities for adventure.

Girls as Drivers for Change (GADC) is an innovative partnership between the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and Save the Children (STC). Both organisations have significant reach and many years of experience working on girls’ empowerment and girls’ rights – in particular, tackling violence against women and girls. With complementary strengths and expertise, this partnership represented a unique opportunity to pilot a new approach to tackling GBV. The project was implemented with the Uganda Girl Guides Association and Save the Children in Uganda and Jordan. Throughout the project, the GADC team collaborated with different stakeholders including the local government, teachers, community members and other local, national and international organisations fighting for girls’ rights. Overall the project “achieved its goal of empowering girls and young women to become active agents of change in addressing GBV and gender inequalities” according to the external evaluation....

Girls as Drivers of Change (GADC) is an innovative partnership between the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and Save the Children (STC). Both organisations have significant reach and many years of experience working on girls’ empowerment and girls’ rights – in particular, tackling violence against women and girls. With complementary strengths and expertise, this partnership represented a unique opportunity to pilot a new approach to tackling GBV. The project was implemented with the Uganda Girl Guides Association and Save the Children in Uganda and Jordan. Throughout the project, the GADC team collaborated with different stakeholders including the local government, teachers, community members and other local, national and international organisations fighting for girls’ rights. Overall the project “achieved its goal of empowering girls and young women to become active agents of change in addressing GBV and gender inequalities” according to the external evaluation....

Cub Scout camping is all about getting outdoors and having fun! Follow along to learn about the camping basics, and the experiences you can expect on a campout with your pack or den....


These 1913 Scout Law postcards are the coolest thing you'll see today - Bryan on Scouting...

Respect Cut And Paste Activities For SEL And Character Education Lessons...

exercise to make the kids really think about what makes a good friend...

This Friendship Questionnaire is a great way to gain information about a student's social skills. It can be used in classroom lessons, small groups, or individually. I use it as a pre-test in my small social skills groups to identify which skills I need to target the most, and follow up with the post-test at the end to make sure that those skills were learned....








These 20 ways to teach kids about respect include my previous lessons, crafts, activities, book collections and thoughts...

A Scout is Reverent: A Privilege to Counsel the Boy Scouts of America Catholic Religious Emblem Program...




Positive Behavior Posters for the Classroom and School...


Job Title: Camp Kachina Leadership Program Specialist FLSA Status: Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. Department: Camp Services Reports To: Program Manager/ CampFrom Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:29 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

The Member Experience Generalists primary accountability is to achieve girl and adult membership goals by implementing recruitment and retention strategies as…From Girl Scouts of San Jacinto - Mon, 25 Oct 2021 23:33:15 GMT - View all Houston, TX jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Waterfront Manager is responsible for implementing safe and quality aquatic and waterfront programs for campers and staff.From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Kitchen Manager is responsible for administering the food planning and purchasing for the camp and oversight of health…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The camp Administrative Assistant oversees all office operations, maintains responsive e-mail, phone, and face-to-faceFrom Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for the health, well-being, and safety practices of the entire camp including, …From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

The Summer Camp Ranger will enhance general camp operations by caring for and maintaining comfortable, safe camp facilities. Capable of lifting up to 50lbs.From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:29 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

The Assistant Summer Camp Manager will oversee all camp activities, programming, campers, and staff for summer resident camp in coordination with and direction…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Creative Program Specialist will enrich campers experience by implementing creative, artistic, craft, and fine arts…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Our campers treasure the relationships and sense of community they develop with staff. Likewise, working at one of River Valleys’ Girl Scout Camps is a unique…From Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valley - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 05:19:34 GMT - View all United States jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Program Specialist will enrich campers experience by designing and implementing Archery, Slingshots, Hatchet Throwing, …From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:29 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Aquatics Program Specialist will enrich campers experience by designing and implementing Sailing, Kayaking, Canoeing and…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Under the direction of the Marketing Manager, this specialist will support Girl Scouts of Utah's marketing efforts by developing creative content (email, …From Girl Scouts of Utah - Thu, 28 Oct 2021 01:35:08 GMT - View all Salt Lake City, UT jobs...

The Recruiter will also increase awareness of Girl Scouting to grow adult and girl membership in the Wichita Falls area.From Girl Scouts Of Texas Oklahoma Plain - Mon, 25 Oct 2021 23:07:33 GMT - View all Wichita Falls, TX jobs...

Job Details Position Type Seasonal Please note this application is for individuals who have previously worked at a Girl Scouts River Valleys summer camp.…From Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valley - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 02:23:16 GMT - View all United States jobs...

Camp Kachina Health and Safety Assistant. Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The Health and Safety Assistant is responsible for ensuring a clean and safe camp…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Job Details Position Type Seasonal Our campers treasure the relationships and sense of community they develop with staff. Likewise, working at one of River…From Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valley - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 02:22:35 GMT - View all United States jobs...

The Program Manager will enrich campers experience by providing fun, girl planned activities to supplement the regular unit program; leading all camp activities…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:29 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Camp Kachina Kitchen Staff Level 1. Kitchen Staff is responsible for the preparation of three meals per day for approximately 70-100 campers and adults.From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Camp Kachina Lifeguard Level 2. Seasonal Staff Summer Camp Staff. The lifeguard is responsible for the safety of campers and staff at all aquatic and waterfront…From Girl Scouts of Central Texas - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 22:32:27 GMT - View all Belton, TX jobs...

Incorporates Girl Scout principles into each meeting with girls: makes sure each meeting includes some elements of girl-led, hands-on, cooperative learning. $17 an hourFrom Girl Scouts of Eastern WA and Northern ID - Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:31:12 GMT - View all Kennewick, WA jobs...

Please note this application is for individuals who have previously worked at a Girl Scouts River Valleys summer camp. Our campers treasure the relationships…From Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valley - Fri, 29 Oct 2021 05:19:33 GMT - View all United States jobs...


Hi - I'm a new Den Leader this year and really wanted to do the Scoutstrong Healthy unit award which I found in the Tiger Leader Guide book. But I can't find more information on the site. Does anyone know what happened to this award? The award has great principles and it seems like such a great program - I don't understand what happened to it. Thanks submitted by /u/Luleelu [link] [comments]...

Can you still get brotherhood in the OA if you've aged out? I am an Eagle Scout if that applies to the question. submitted by /u/Deadlydragon9653 [link] [comments]...



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