InsaneScouter - Star Scout from Florida to compete in surfing at 2022 Special Olympics USA Games - ISNL 21-27 - Newsletter

Star Scout from Florida to compete in surfing at 2022 Special Olympics USA Games - ISNL 21-27

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Published: Jul 12, 2021





Greetings Scout Leaders, do you find it challenging to develop great questions for the Board Of Reviews? For those of you who do not know, a Board of Review happens when a Boy Scout has completed all the requirements for a rank. The board members ask various questions to ensure that Scout is ready. If the board passes the Scout, then they earn that rank, else they may have something they need to work on and will appear before the board again at a later date.


Remember, the goal of the board, above all, is, is to evaluate the health of the unit. How is the overall spirit/soul of the unit? Are there areas the unit could be doing better? Where is the unit doing well? What do the scouts think of how the unit is doing?


Keep in mind many of the questions, as phrased below, are probably more for higher ranks. So use your best judgment on what questions are appropriate for the scout before you.


It is common for board members to ask questions like tie this knot or tell me about an experience you had on a campout. But what about questions that require more thought?


So here are some questions...


If you were asked to remove two points from the scout law and replace them with two new words, what would they be and why?


Tell us about something that went wrong on a recent activity, what did you learn from it and what can be done differently next time?


What is your least favorite thing about Scouting & why?


Can you tell me about how you recently demonstrated Scout Spirit at school?


What does Reverent mean to you?


What is your favorite subject at school & why?


Is there an activity you wish the troop would do but has not and why?


Tell us about your favorite service project you have done since you were a scout? What makes it so special?

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Recycled InsaneScouter

  Form a circle around the derby track....

REX: Hey, Tyrone!TYRONE: Hey, Rex!REX: Hey Tyrone! What do you call fossils that won’t come out of the ground?TYRONE: Lazybones!Hey Rex! I heard an amazing story about you. A volcano erupted under you sending you rolling down the mountain and you cr......

I almost feel like I am wasting this blog post, but its my blog and my post so I guess I have the right to waste it if I want ;). I was just looking at my newsletter stats and realized that there are now over 895 subscribers – which ......

This is another cool video that is well done. Worth a watch, at the time of this posting the video has been on youtube for two months. Please feel free to post your comments below.......

The Advancement Team (professional) and National Advancement Committee (volunteer) will be doing updates to the education materials going forward, including the approved national advancement trainers, Advancement News articles, the advancement webinars and many other resources. Fo......

“A fisherman does not bait his hook with food he likes. He uses food the fish likes. So with boys.” “Scouting is a man’s job cut down to a boy’s size.” “Scouting is a game for boys under the leadership of boys under the direction of a......

This has been a great sports week here in Louisville. It started with the Louisville Cardinals winning the NCAA basketball championship and ended with the premier of “42, ” a biopic about Jackie Robinson in which a Louisvillian, Pee We......

  MATERIALS: A large American flag held by Scout, A small piece of light cloth on a stick held by Scout....

4 cups cranberry juice 2 cups orange juice 1 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup lemon juice 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon almond extract Mix ingredients together in large ......

  Props: Cue cards' with the Cubs' lines printed on the back.  It can also be useful to display a world map showing which countries have Scouting organizations. Announcer: "We close our meeting tonight as we opened it......

A few months ago, all of you banded together and really helped me through a tough time by buying the $15 virtual resource package. There were about 50 of you who bought that package which really helped me out. I wanted you to know I really appreciate your help. Furthermore, ......

  Hi all,   Fuzzy and Scout here. How have you been the past month? It seems already sooooo long ago that we had our summer holidays, and our summer camp :( In fact it summer seems a long time ago already, as it is turning colder already. nbs......

George Washington Bridge George Washington Washington Bridge George Washington Bridge George Washington Washington Bridge......

EQUIPMENT: Birch log drilled to hold candles, 2 blue and 1 yellow CUBMASTER: The first step in crossing the bridge to a Scout Troop, is earning the Webelos badge. The requirements for the badge include a knowledge of the Scout Oath, Slogan, Sign, and Handshake. The W......

1/3 cups vegetable oil4 bananas, mashed3 eggs, beaten2 1/3 cups biscuit mix1 cup sugar1 cup chopped walnuts1/2 tsp vanilla Mix all ingredients in large pot. Beat vigorously with fork for 1 ......

I'll be down to get you in a taxi honey Better be ready 'bout half-past eight Now Dearie, don't be late I want to be there when the band starts playin' Remember when we get there honey The two steps I'm gonna have them all Goin' to dance out ......

I recently came across this cool marketing video from BSA. It talks about how sports are great, but parents shouldn't overlook the enriching life-long benefits resulting from being a Scout. Check it out, I bet it could help with your recruiting efforts.  ...

Arrangement:  The Pack flag is placed in the center of the stage.  Ten Cubs in uniform, in turn, come on stage, stand near the Pack flag and recite one of the statements below.  Upon finishing, each Scout salutes the Pack flag and retires to the rear of ......

The little boy was walking down a path and he came across a rattlesnake. The rattlesnake was getting old. He asked, "Please little boy, can you take me to the top of the mountain? I hope to see the sunset one last time before I die." The little boy answered ......

When my dad was a Scout they were on some kind of hike, like all good Scout Troops do. One of the Scouts needed to fertilize the forest really badly and found a good looking spot. After doing his thing the Scout grabbed a handful of leaves to use to ......

God Our FatherGod Our FatherOnce againOnce againWe would ask thy blessingWe would ask thy blessingAmen, Amen......

I am a geek.  Or am I nerd?  Maybe I’m a bit of both.  I loved science as a kid.  I studied whatever information I could get my hands on, I played with ch......

Be kind to your web-footed friendsFor a duck maybe somebody's motherWho lives all alone in a swampWhere it's very cold and dampYou might think that this is the endWell it's not caus' I know another stanzaBe kind to ......

Scouting's newest merit badge, Robotics, debuted this week,  just in time for National Robotics Week. It made quite a splash, too. Hundreds of newspapers ran a wire-service story about it, and the merit-badge pamphlet even showed up in lights in New York's Times Squa......

  CUB #1: All of our American Folklore heroes were hard-working people, You won't find a shirker in the bunch....

Cub Scouts, all during our meeting the candle representing the spirit of CubScouting has continued to burn. Now we'll blow it out, reminding ourselves that aflame must never be left burning when no one is around. But let us keep the lightof Cub Scouting burning in o......

LEADER: They were clothed in buckskin and homespun. They had lots of strength, courage and patience. Mile by mile they pressed westward. They crossed rivers, prairies and mountains, carrying rifles, kettles and faith....

Water (at least one gallon per person per day; three day minimum)Water purification tablets or chlorine bleachFood – only store foods your family likes, such as ready-to-eat meats, fruits, andvegetables; canned or boxed juices, milk, and soup; h......

Her eyes they shine like the diamondsYou'd think she was Queen of the landAnd her hair hung over her shoulderTied up with a black velvet bandAs I went walking on BroadwayNot tending to stay very longI met with a quarrelsome damselAs she c......

I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]I said a-boom-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-boom![Group echoes.]Uh-huh! [Group echoes.]On Yeah! [Group echoes.]This time! [Group echoes.]We sing! [Gr......

  CUB #1: America is the sound of fireworks on the Fourth of July....

1 lb White Beans **; Dry 1/4 lb Salt Pork; Diced 1 ts Dry Mustard 1/2 c Molasses; Full Flavored 2 tb Dark Rum Salt Freshly Ground Black Pepper; To Taste Put beans in a large pot with enough water to cover by about 2 inches. Bring t......


Scouts knots thumb picture


EDGE comic


Reinforcing skills is an important part of a Scouting program. If you can use a game to turn it into a fun activity, it can also encourage cooperation and help leadership skills develop. This is a traditional Scout lashings game which might date back to Baden-Powell himself. ......

Webelos Walkabout is one of the Webelos required adventures. For this adventure, Webelos plan and carry out a three mile hike and complete a service project. Click to view the requirements forWebelos Adventure: Webelos Walkabout Webelos Adventure: Webelos Walkabout ......

  Over the weekend I attended a Camp Staff Reunion (held every 5 years) at Camp Barstow. Part of the program was a historical display that I think ran about a dozen tables long. My small contribution included the collection of a former Scout Executive and his son. I saw ......

My youngest has HF ASD. He has always loved scouts, starting from when his big brother was there. As soon as he was able to join, we did. I was involved for many years, some of those as Committee Chair for the Pack, and others as just a parent volunteer. ......

The Tenderfoot first aid requirements and nature requirements cover a variety of situations a Scout might encounter on a campout, especially first aid for nature related injuries. The Scout also learns how to avoid these injuries. Click to view the requirements forTenderfoot First Aid and Nature ......

The tradition started some time around April 2020. Any time a Scout in the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council made headlines, Brandon Kathman took the news clipping and posted it on the wall of his office. It was a way for Kathman, a district executive with a degree in journalism, ......

Carson: Last night I had a dream. Phil: What happened?Carson: I dreamed I was swimming in a pool of orange soda, but it was just a Fanta-sea....

Mike wrote to me with this question about Cub Scout recruiting: I’m hoping I can solicit your help in a project. I’ve been a scouter for the past 6 years… DL/CC/CM all through the cub years and now I am on the council board. One issue ......

Cool off with this backyard summertime sprinkler system made from PVC pipes. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Five 3⁄4″ x 10′ PVC pipes Following the cutting diagram below, cut the following lengths from the five 3⁄4″ x 10′ PVC pipes: Eight 36″ pieces Six 24″ pieces Four ......

Something special happens when Isaiah Vargas stands up on his surfboard and floats atop a wave. In that moment, everything else — the stresses of school, the symptoms of his autism, even just the daily pressures of being a kid — seem to wash away. “I feel free, happy and ......

Banana boats are a classic camp favorite. They are easy to make and don’t require many ingredients. Enjoy some while spending an evening around a campfire. These are ooey gooey and filled with chocolate and marshmallows. Even your youngest campers can have fun putting them together. ......

When planning an aquatic trek, you’ll need the right vessel to carry you and your gear. That decision depends on how you want to travel and what kind of water you’ll encounter. Typically, kayaks are ideal for solo paddling, while canoes can fit two or three people. The kayak’s smaller ......

Cub Scouting is a family program. But the challenge is encouraging family involvement in Cub Scouts. A Scout whose parent in engaged in the program is more likely to stay in the program. But how do we accomplish that? How can we get parents more ......

  It’s been a great staff week at Camp Barstow. In a little over 48 hours we will welcome our Week 1 campers and I think the camp and the staff are ready. But before then we have a special treat. There is a camp staff alumni reunion Saturday with ......

As they prepared for the 42nd annual Great Hiwassee River Raft Race, the Scouts from Troop 10 in Cleveland, Tennessee, had a plan: Finish with the fastest time. The Scouts from Troop 1010, also from Cleveland, had their own plan: Embrace the event’s theme by dressing up in cool costumes ......


Wearing their tan BSA (formerly Boy Scouts of America) uniforms, the members of Troop 4084G added an additional accessory for their Honor ......

Lane Seahorn, Sam Hattaway, Ulric Eubanks and Wyatt York from Banks County's Boy Scout Troop 106 recently attended the BSA's National Youth ......

Rhys Matthew Fenstermaker, 19, of New Tripoli, received the highest rank in Scouting, the Eagle Scout Award as a member of Troop 66, Slatington, at an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony June 18 at the New ......

Local Boy Scout councils are selling properties and are donating to alleviate the payouts inundating the national BSA. As well as compensating victims ......

The Cub Scouts were very excited to help beautify the beach area for all beach goers. Cub Scouting is for any boy or girl in K thru fifth grade. Contact Cathy at [email protected] for more information ......

It's been more than 17 months since Roger C. Mosby was named president and CEO of the Boy Scouts of America. Since then, the organization has ......

Seneca Waterways Council, Boy Scouts of America, hosted its 70th annual Eagle Scout celebration June 8. Due to pandemic guidelines and restrictions on indoor venue capacity at the ......

A dedicatory plaque was placed on site by the Class of 1937 on their 50th anniversary in 1987. Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Project. Max Hoelker ......

A local boy scout troop gave back to the community and veterans. They built a brand new gazebo at Memorial Park in Edgewood. It’s all part of Edward Lockman’s Eagle Scout project. He told KDKA the ......

Courtesy photos. On May 29, Boy Scout Troop 49, Troop 117 and Girl Scout Troop 43010, along with family members, participated in a flag placing ......

At a ceremony filled with hope and inspiration, seven members of Pinecrest-based Boy Scout Troop 457 were inducted into the Eagle Court of Honor....

Berlin High School student Grace Lazzara earned her Girl Scout Gold Award this year. The award is the highest achievement in Girl Scouts. | Photo courtesy of Grace Lazzara BERLIN – Local Girl Scout ......

More than a year after COVID-19 began to take a toll on scouting, troop leaders are looking forward to the coming school year to recruit new members....

Last year, while the COVID-19 pandemic was still in full swing, four members of Boy Scout Troop 117 completed their Eagle Scout projects and earned ......

The Boy Scouts of America have reached an $850 million agreement with attorneys representing some 60, 000 victims of child sex abuse in what could prove to be a pivotal moment in the organization’s ......

Her and husband and son were members of the local Cub Scouts and Edythe and daughters were Brownies and Girl Scouts. Edythe first served as ......

Camp Mitigwa is still hoping to raise nearly $700, 000 to fund further repairs and renovations following 2020's derecho that swept across the state....

Betty was a Cub Scout Leader and overall supporter of Scouting for many years. Three sons and three grandsons are all Eagle Scouts. She and ......

The memorial will serve as Rushworth's “service project, ” a requirement for the Eagle Scout rank that dictates scouts complete a project serving “any ......

One Girl Scouts camp in Illinois is requiring all campers and staffers to wear a face covering while on the grounds despite their COVID-19 vaccination status....

Days after new data showed Boy Scouts of America lost approximately 2 million members in eight years, Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock suggests the embattled organization is failing because it ......

Invited guests attending the event include: New Jersey Senator Anthony M. Bucco, Assemblyman Brian Bergen, Assemblywoman Aura Dunn, Morris ......

The Berlin Grove has been home to countless Scouting adventures for many years, including the annual Cub Scout Day Camp. Last week, the Cub Scouts completed a community service project during day camp ......

A GetReligion reader, who identified himself as a former Eagle Scout, noted the departing Latter-day Saints and added: What about mentioning that the ......

Get daily updates! Download the new Scouting magazine app today. It's their last pack meeting before a big family campout, and the Cubmaster from ......

David Luthy, a Scout with BSA Troop 316, is working towards earning his Eagle Scout badge. Part of that process includes a service project, where the ......

Rocco Gallara is one of 10 boys over the past few months in 2021 from Long Valley Boy Scout Troop 436 who has attained Eagle Scout ranking. His Scoutmaster W. Scott O'Neil said Gallara became an Eagle ......

Spencer began scouting in elementary school as a Cub Scout and progressed through the ranks to become an Eagle Scout with Crossville's Boy Scout ......

ANN ARBOR, MI - A long-running food and donation drive organized by an Ann Arbor Boy Scout troop and the family of a late Eagle Scout returned to form with an in-person collection to provide 60, 000 ......

Two members of a Boy Scout troop that is based in Freehold Borough have been recognized for attaining the highest rank in Boy Scouting. During a recent meeting, members of the Borough Council passed ......

Women are less likely to speak up in male-dominated spaces and think ... When the Boy Scouts opened applications up to girls, some turned their ......

Lesley Vinka River District Executive with our local “Boy Scouts of America” chapters. Lesley tells Rachel how to find a local pack, what the scouts are ......

When Cub Scouts reach the fifth grade, they cross over to Boy Scouts. At that point, many start to consider the idea of becoming an Eagle Scout. Bryce Gamache, a rising senior at York High School and ......

But now, what some might describe as America's two most iconic youth organizations — the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA — are ......


We’ve talked about knives, their importance in Scouting, and their utility as tools...but how do you use one safely? Podcast Topics Building off of Episode 74 - What's In a Knife?, Ken and Colin return again to the topic of one of the most valuable Scouting tools...this time with an ......


More information is available at

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A short video announcement from Scout Executive Andy Price announcing Grand Canyon Council's funding of the BSA Chapter 11 Settlement Trust....

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A long standing tradition during lunch and dinner is the ranger bell accompanied by a ranger story. Every ranger has the opportunity to participate, and tell a story that reminds them of their love for Philmont, Then ending in a dramatic fall and singing the Ranger Song loud enough to ......


40 activities to promote social awareness, resilience, friendship, sharing and positive thinking in your classroom. Help students to think about their actions and how they influence others. Tackle bullying and negativity by implementing a social learning program in your classroom creating a positive learning environment. teaching learning education class student ......



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From "loyal" to "considerate, " help your child find words that describe how to be a good friend....



These 1913 Scout Law postcards are the coolest thing you'll see today - Bryan on Scouting...



A Scout is Reverent: A Privilege to Counsel the Boy Scouts of America Catholic Religious Emblem Program...



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Advanced First Aider and First Aider. Must be 18 years of age or older. Valid Driver’s License - if driving is a required duty at camp (for the position offered…From Girl Scouts of San Jacinto - Wed, 07 Jul 2021 17:34:09 GMT - View all Houston, TX jobs...

Incorporates Girl Scout principles into each meeting with girls: makes sure each meeting includes some elements of girl-led, hands-on, cooperative learning. $14.50 an hourFrom Associated Industries - Fri, 09 Jul 2021 12:59:39 GMT - View all Kennewick, WA jobs...

Strong personal relation skills with girls and adults. Positive experience working effectively with girls, including youth in at-risk environments. $18 an hourFrom Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana - Wed, 07 Jul 2021 17:48:37 GMT - View all South Bend, IN jobs...

Prep Girls Hoops ( is the platform for high school basketball visibility. Building a baseline level of knowledge of the high school…From Prep Network - Fri, 02 Jul 2021 17:43:06 GMT - View all Portland, OR jobs...

Works with girls, teachers, staff to administer program surveys. The AmeriCorps Girl Scout Program Facilitator will assist Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas … $937 a monthFrom Indeed - Tue, 06 Jul 2021 15:18:14 GMT - View all Dallas, TX jobs...

Remain focused on girl experiences and processes and how they impact short and mid-term outcomes while delivering program activities to the girls to ensure… $937 a monthFrom Indeed - Tue, 06 Jul 2021 15:18:14 GMT - View all Dallas, TX jobs...



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