InsaneScouter - Sept 1 Newsletter - Newsletter

Sept 1 Newsletter

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

The InsaneScouter #47
September 01, 2009

Please share this newsletter with your Scouting friends.
They may sign-up here.


InsaneScouter Information
September 1 Updates

Today brings to an end our first contest. It has been a wonderful month with a total of 198 signups of which 139 were directly referred to by all of you. Great work everyone, pat yourselves on the back. I give you all a Scout Salute!!!

Now its time to pick a winner... drum roll, please...

greenblood07860 for referring bonniefarnsworth

the second winners are

GlennRSmith for referring scoutboy2014



drop me an email at Scott (at) to arrange delivery of your prizes. You will receive the"InsaneScouter resource collection" as a zip file by email and you get to choose one of the following prizes (Badge Magic has a certificate I will need to postal mail you, all others are sent digitally):

    * 1-year account
    * $25 gift code for
    * $25 gift certificate for
    * $20 gift code for

    All prize details and other contest information can be found at{user_id}

Every one gives these 4 winners a round of claws ... hold up your hand, fingers bent out like cat claws and move it around in a circle. (ok ok now you know I have done cubs before ;))


  • Here are this month's contests.

    The first contest will go for two weeks. Your mission is to get people to just look at InsaneScouter. You do this by sharing links to any page on the site. Don't forget to add ?rid={user_id} to the end so you will get credit. Yes, sharing the newsletter also works. At the end of the two weeks, I will check the view logs and pick just one winner. Will it be you?

    The second contest is a lightning round, lasting just 36 hours. It will take place on twitter and facebook only. I will post a tweet which will also show on facebook from that point you will have 36 hours to catch my attention. You are free to use any text you wish, the more catchy the better. However, the link and hashcode used most stay the same. Whichever post catches my eye will win.

    For both of these contest, you will get to pick either the Scout Camp Movie DVD or one of the Blue Sky Kitchen books or 1-year ScoutManage account. I also plan to offer more gift codes but need to see which ones are taken in from the first contest.

  • We have many new members to this newsletter and only 11 of you have taken the survey. So please, pretty please, go take the InsaneScouter survey, honest it will only take you a few minutes and will really help us improve the site. You can find the survey at{user_id}

  • I am working on a "Today In Scouting" history idea. I need help adding dates and events to this google spreadsheet ... Please help add events I have some cool plans for this data.

  • How can we make InsaneScouter remarkable? I am looking for ideas, thoughts, concerns, good, bad, evil, anything... If it can help make the site better by fixing a problem, changing way something works, adding something new, etc ... tell me ... please don't make me beg!!! Tell me by replying to the newsletter or using one of the methods on the contact us page.

  • I have been pondering the idea of creating a way for you to create a profile to list yourself as a local/subject expert. The idea is simple. If you know a lot about the places to camp around where you live, or about a specfic subject regardless if nature, fishing, computers, law, etc ... anything that could help other leaders. The ultimate idea is then when someone needs a "human resource" all they have to do is come to InsaneScouter, do a search for the kind of "expert" they are looking for and the code will spit you out. What do you think? Do you like this idea? Would you list yourself as an expert? Would you use it to find other experts? Tell me by replying to the newsletter or using one of the methods on the contact us page.

  • I have created a new "promote us" page you can find it at{user_id}. This page includes a daily tip widget, various ads and text links you can use to promote InsaneScouter. Also in time, this page will include a number of flyers you can print out, ranging from full page to business card in size, which you can hand out at the round table, to members of your unit, to Scouting friends, at summer camp, at a jamboree, etc. If you include your rid on any of the widgets, links or banners on this page it will give you credit for the contests and allow me to better track where people are coming from.


New Content
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: For each set 10 plastic bottles or chugs will be needed (they do not have to be clear), paints or waterproof markers(like sharpies), water, ball (for later play).Clean out the bottles. If they are chugs they may need to be washed out multiple timesbefore getting rid of milk smell. Allow the inside of bottle to dry. Decorate the...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: Clear plastic water bottle, sand or small beads,and small items that will fit into the bottle.Clean out the bottle and make sure it is dry inside. Place the small items inside the bottle. Make a list of the items in the bottle. Pour in the sand or beads and seal the lid.The lid can be sealed temporarilywith packing...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: See-through ornaments,metallic wrapping paper, puff paints, scissors.Cut the metallic wrap into thin strips. Take off the top of the ornament and place the strips inside. Replace the cap. Decorate the outside with puff paints or glitter. Write the boy’s name on the ornament with puff paints...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: Foam cup,bell on a string, or bell and string to attach bell to, stickers.Turn the cup upside down.Cut a small hole in the top (bottom normally) of the cup. Thread the string attached to the bell through hole. Remember to leave part of the string inside the cup so the bell can swing back and forth. Tie a...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Characters: Senior Scout (like a Den chief, Denner, etc.) Junior “Cub” Scouts.Setting: All Scouts are on stage as the skit starts.Cub 1: When I grow up I’m going to be the world’s greatest broad jumper and jump like this…(Jumps about one 1 foot and falls down.)Senior Scout: Well, you’ll have to remember to take it one step at a time,...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: Small jar with screw lid, white glitter flakes,waterproof glue, small holiday object(s), water.Clean out the jar. A baby food jar is a good size. Glue the object(s) to the lid. Let the glue dry. Put some white glitter flakes into the jar.Add water to the jar leaving some room for air.Put glue around the rim and screw on...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Setting:An old mountain guide is leading two pioneers up into the mountains. The three walk inplace, pretending to climb uphill and down.Pioneer 1: Are there wild animals here?Guide: Yep, bobcats. They’re bad.Pioneer 2: Is there anything else?Guide: Yep, there are wolves. Mean critters!Pioneer 1: Is that all?Guide: You wouldn’t ask that question if you had come to rehearsal. Yep, there’s...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Scene:Four or five Cub Scouts “camping out” (laying on the floor next to each other). The ghostapproaches the first Scout.GHOST: (in an eerie voice) I am the Ghost of Midnight!(Scared, the Scout jumps up, screams, and runs away. The ghost goes up to the next Cub Scout.)GHOST: (in an eerie voice) I am the Ghost of Midnight!(The next Cub Scout...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: Empty toilet paper rolls,lace, ribbon, batting, fiberfill.Stuff fiberfill into the toilet paper roll tokeep the roll from collapsing. Wrap a thin layer of batting around the roll. Cover the batting with lace. Tie each end with ribbon. If the ends of the lace are raw edges trim with pinkingshears to stop fraying, or use fray-check....
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Personnel:Any number of boysEquipment: Pedometer (can be an oversized prop for effect)Setting or Opening: Boys are heaped in a pile - looking worn outafter a long hike.Cub 1 Wow, that was a long hike.Cub 2 We sure walked a long time!!Cub 3 Did you see all those trees?Cub 4 The bear sure was neat!!Continue on until all boys have added...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing

Cub Scout 1: I would like to ask that families keep these things in mind.Cub Scout 2: Counsel your sons that they may have eyes to behold the red andpurple sunsets,Cub Scout 3: and that they may have sharp ears to hear the voice of the GreatSpirit.Cub Scout 4: Guide them to have hands that respect the things God has...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Reflect your family’s holiday spirit.What you’ll need:• Newspaper• Stiff Paper or Cardstock• Scissors• Hole Punch• White Glue• Glitter• Waxed Paper• String1. Cover your work surface with newspaper.2. Cut your favorite shapes out of cardstock or stiff paper.3. Punch a hole in the top of each window ornament.4. Cover one side of the shape with a fine layer of glue.5. Sprinkle...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Personnel: 4 Cubs. In addition, another is hidden inside the machine.Equipment: Large box made to look like, a recycle machine: other items mentioned.Jack: Hey look, guys, a recycle machine!Jim: Let’s try it out! (Turns switch on)Bob: Let’s see what it does with this rusty, old pocketknife. (Drops it into machine. Machinemakes noise and shakes, then out comes a new, shiny...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing

Cub Scout 1: I would like to ask that families keep these things in mind.Cub Scout 2: Counsel your sons that they may have eyes to behold the red and purple sunsets,Cub Scout 3: and that they may have sharp ears to hear the voice of the Great Spirit.Cub Scout 4: Guide them to have hands that respect the things...
Home > Resources > Holidays > Christmas

Materials Needed: Foam sheets, clay, juice or plastic lids, paper, paints, ribbon, clay ingredients (listed below).For the juice or plastic lids cut out two pieces of paper. One is for the background and the other piece is for the backside of the lid.Glue the picture inside the lid. Wrap and glue the ribbon around the edge of the lid. Remember...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials Needed: Foam sheets, clay, juice or plastic lids, paper, paints, ribbon, clay ingredients (listed below).For the juice or plastic lids cut out two pieces of paper. One is for the background and the other piece is for the backside of the lid.Glue the picture inside the lid. Wrap and glue the ribbon around the edge of the lid. Remember...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

Have the audience repeat the words and motionsGoing on a dinosaur hunt. (Slap thighs)And I’m not afraid. (Point to self)There’s a tall mountain. (Look with hand over eyes)Can’t go under it. (Move hand down)Can’t go around it. (Move hand around)Guess I’ll go over it. (Reach hands as if climbing)There’s a river. (Hands over eyes)Can’t go over it. Can’t go under...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing

Preparation: Each Cub Scout carries a poster with a picture of each vegetable mentioned,or real vegetables. For younger boys who have trouble with the words, havean adult read the entire script and let the boys walk on with the items.Cub Scout 1: Here is how to plant one of those thriving Scout gardens that every family wantsto grow.Cub Scout 2:...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

PropsA large box that Cubs can step into and out of; decorate front with knobs anddials. Costume pieces representing the future career for Cubs to have on whenthey announce their future career. (e.g Chef’s Hat for chef)Cub #1: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the fantastic, terrific magic future machine. Byentering this machine you will know your future career.Cub #2: Let...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing

Preparation: Hold a Wolf Badge in your hand.Cubmaster: A badge in Scouting is a piece of embroidered cloth. Ifyou were trying to sell that badge, it wouldn’t sell for very much money.The real value of the badge is in what it represents—the things youlearned to earn it. Things like how to keep healthy, how to be a goodcitizen, good safety...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening

Preparation: Set up four candles and lights.Cubmaster: As Scouts and leaders, we are following a trail blazed by millions of boys, men, andwomen. All of them have had that Scouting spirit, which the flame of this light represents (lights first candle.)Cub Scout 1: What is Cub Scout spirit?Cub Scout 2: It is the three things we promise to do in...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

It is announced that a member of the pack has memorized Washington’s FarewellAddress and is about to do a dramatic portrayal of it. A boy emerges dressed asWashington and delivers his farewell address:Washington: Bye, Mom!” (He exits the stage.)...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening

Preparation: Have five Cub Scouts ready to walk on in turn carrying theiritem: a newspaper, envelope, stop sign poster, 25-mph sign, or recycling tem.Cub Scout 1: (carrying newspaper) I’m your paperboy—I deliver thenews. Freedom of press has different views.Cub Scout 2: (carrying envelope) I’m the postman—I deliver with dash. Thenew Boy’s Life is really a smash.Cub Scout 3: (carrying stop...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Tune: Battle Hymn of the RepublicMy shoes have seen the glory of the growing of a Scout.My shoes the been in water steppin’ in and steppin’ out.My shoes have hiked through forest to the top of the mountMy shoes are wearing out!Groovy, Radical, and Awesome (repeat 3x)My shoes do really stink!My shoes have seen the bottom of the dirty, fishy...
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits

PROPS:• Curtains on stage - behind which is U.S. Flag (Either a painting, or a print or areal flag opened out flat - blue in upper left corner).• Artist’s Smock for each Cub, large paint brush and paper palettes.Den leader:        We are honored to have as our guests a group of famous artists, who                             are going to combine their efforts...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Tune: “Onward Christian Soliders)Onward spotted bed bugs, Marching up the sheets,tickle, tickle, tickle On poor Grandma’s feet.Grandma gets excited, Grandpa gets the gun.Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom See those bed bugs run.Onward spotted bed bugs, marching off the sheets,Carrying off the wounded, And poor Grandma’s feet....
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Divide the group into two teams. Give each team a pencil and paper and ask them to list growingthings for each letter. Example: ant, butterfly, crocus, etc. Set a time limit. The team with thelongest list wins....
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Line up teams of 8, 12 or 16 boys each. Have the first four boys on each team straddle a broomstickwith only their left hands grasping the broom. On the signal, they run to the goal line andrun back. They give the stick to the next four boys in line who repeat the process. If any playerreleases his hold on...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

Ingredients:Napkin Pretzels (stick & log size) Candy Corn Red HotsRock Candy CoconutSpread napkin on table; place rock candy in a circle on the napkin. Place small stick pretzels(tinder) in middle of circle. Add candy corn (flames), log size pretzels (fuel), redhots (coals), and coconut (ash); as you discuss the ways to build a fire and thedifferent stages of a fire....
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Cut a plastic berry container or something similar, in half vertically. Invert one half of the containerand set it at one end of a table. Cubs can line up at the opposite end and try to score by flicking “buttonpucks” into the net...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

It is best to run this race outdoors on soft ground. If you try it on a hard floor, it will be hard onthe hands and knees. Divide the group into teams of two players each. The players on each teamget down on their hands and knees, one behind the other. The one in back graspsboth ankles of his partner...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

Ingredients:1 c brown sugar ½ c butter½ c corn syrup ½ tsp baking soda10 c freshly popped popcorn, cooled (do not use air popped corn as the kernels are too delicatefor the hot syrup)1 (10 ½ oz) package mini marshmallows 2 c mini graham cookies1 c chocolate chipsCombine the brown sugar, butter, and corn syrup in a medium sauce pan...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Provide a wheel chair, blindfolds, crutches and arm slings to debilitatethe boys. Provide obstacles for them to accomplish in their new state ofbeing.     ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Relay teams line up in single file. The first player in each team holds a beanbag or ball firmlybetween his knees. At the signal, he hops to the goal line and back to the starting point wherehe hands the bag to the next “grasshopper” in line. If a player drops the beanbag, he puts it backbetween his knees and keeps...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

Ingredients:1 firm banana 1 tbsp chocolate chips2 tsp chopped walnut pieces mini marshmallowsOn a flat surface, arrange a double thickness of aluminum foil large enough to wrap around thebanana. Leave the skin on the banana and cut a long slit along the inside curve. Press chocolatechips, walnuts, and marshmallows into the opening. Cook it for 8-10 minutes or until the...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Use chalk to mark out a large checkerboard and use colored plasticplates for the checkers. As boys arrive they can join a side and work as ateam to win the game.          ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Have the Cub Scouts stand in a circle on a grassy area, facing outward.Scatter assorted colored insects (toothpicks) in the center ofthe circle. On signal, the Cub Scouts turn around and gather as manyinsects as they can find. Depending on how green the grass, certaincolors will be found more easily than others, showing how colorserves as protection from predators....
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

Ingredients:Refrigerator biscuits String cheeseFlatten the dough into a rectangle that is large enough to cover the cheese about¼ inch thick. Roll the dough around the cheese and seal tightly. Wrap the log in abuttered, double thickness of aluminum foil and place it on the coals or grill. Usinga pair of tongs turn the package until the dough is cooked on...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Set up 10 cans in the grass. Players kick a soccer ball at the cans to try and knock as many down as theycan from 20 feet away....
Home > Newsletter

The InsaneScouter August 17 2009 Please share this newsletter with your Scouting friends. They may sign-up here.   InsaneScouter Information ...

Brought to you by

Fuzzy and Scout Sept Updates

Hi all, Fuzzy here, we just got back from our summer camp. We are very tired after what has been a great week, but everything is a big mess. Tents need to be dried and cleaned, equipment needed to be put away. We did not think it was fair that the l...

Kamp Kitchen - Seasoning It All Up

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Kamp Kitchen – Cutting it All Up

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Scout Camp The Movie

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Kamp Kitchen – Cooking Utensil

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Kamp Kitchen – Personal Mess Gear

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Kamp Kitchen – Personal Hygiene

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Kamp Kitchen

This is the first in a series of blog posts that will talk about the parts of my large outdoor kitchen. In its entirety, the kitchen is designed for large group cooking, like when I was quartermaster/cook at our local NYLT course...

The Moon

I was out the other night with a friend. I brought along my digital SLR camera with me. I decided to practice doing night photography. As I live in Las Vegas the city of lights most of what I tried to do was take pictures of the Vegas Strip. I took 1...

Teaching Tool Safety

In my last post, I talked about how each camp tool is safe when using properly. It's not the tool that is dangerous but rather how the user uses it. Today I would like to make some comments on teaching tool safety to Scouts and other young people. I pers...
Top 10 Rated Pages
Please rate pages yourself, when using the site. all you have to do is login and then click on one of the 5 stars.  
Blogs and Podcasts
A Boy Scout Blog
Start over.
Start over. Powered by a href=”” target=”_new”img style=”margin-bottom:-2px;border:none;” src=”” alt=”...
31 Aug 2009 | 9:24 pm

A Boy Scout Blog
Test. Powered by a href=”” target=”_new”img style=”margin-bottom:-2px;border:none;” src=”” alt=”Dial2...
31 Aug 2009 | 9:07 pm

Nicks Ramblings
Mountain Walking and Being Prepared
While we were on holiday, one item on the local news caught my eye. The Mountain Rescue Teams in the Lake District have been called out more times this year than last and the Keswick team (where coincidentally we were staying) had 70% more call outs ...
31 Aug 2009 | 3:47 pm

Scoutmaster Minute
Contest ends today.
Today is the last chance to get your Tip or Recipe in... Act fast! Tomorrow I will start the final cut and come up with a winner (or two). A big thanks to all of you that have participated in this contest. I can tell you that it has been a lot of fun...
31 Aug 2009 | 6:47 am

Scoutmaster Minute
Court of Honor Video
This is the video that I put together to celebrate a great week at Summer Camp with the Scouts of Troop 664. We had a great week and the video really shows the fun we had. Enjoy! Have a Great Scouting Day!** This summer camp is at Camp Pigott in t...
31 Aug 2009 | 6:11 am

BSA Cracker Barrel
Name That Council: August 28, 2009 solution
Where can you go in the United States to find delicious crab cakes, an impressive harbor, and orioles—both kinds, with wings and with baseball gloves? If you know the answer to that, you probably knew the answer to Friday’s Name That Council tes...
31 Aug 2009 | 5:59 am

Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
PCT Day In Cascade Locks
Saturday was PCT Day at Cascade Locks in Oregon, where the Bridge of the Gods resides. It is the divider between Oregon and Washington. Our good friends Tom and Tori paced themselves so they would be there for the celebration. Teresa (Dicentra), her ...
30 Aug 2009 | 6:07 pm

Commissioner Keith Comments
Dad and Lad Camps a Special Time in Scouting
Yesterday I had the opportunity to work my first Dad and Lad campout, working with a fellow scouter and friend of mine, doing the "I Hate Dishes" program for cub scouts and their fathers. Dad and Lad camps are fun because it is a time for bonding betw...
30 Aug 2009 | 11:38 am


Random Scout News
View all news at all news
Girl Scout sign-ups at St. Charles schools (Suburban Journals)
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is kicking off a new membership year with informational meetings and troop sign-ups:...
1 Sep 2009 | 12:08 am

Gates hands Marine keys to a new house - Houston Chronicle
Houston ChronicleGates hands Marine keys to new house Houston ChronicleTeal Moran stood at a window of her family's brand-new two-story home on Monday afternoon, staring at a growing throng of Boy Scouts waving American flags ...and more »...
31 Aug 2009 | 11:24 pm

Mesquite: Boy Scouts escape Texas heat in Minnesota (The Mesquite News)
Twenty Mesquite Boy Scouts and eight leaders escaped the Texas heat by visiting Minnesota for 12 days from July 7 to 18...
31 Aug 2009 | 10:47 pm

It's boom time for Minnesota 4-H clubs - Minneapolis Star Tribune
It's boom time for Minnesota 4-H clubs Minneapolis Star TribuneI've done 4-H and FFA as a youth and Boy Scouts as an adult leader. In 4-H and Boy Scouts, parents and adult volunteers ...and more »...
31 Aug 2009 | 10:41 pm

Scouts soar with projects (SLIDESHOW) (The Frisco Enterprise)
This past Saturday morning, Eagle Scout and Boy Scout certain members of Troop 216, Troop 826, Troop 282, as well as Centennial High School students, showed up in numbers to perform community service and related projects within the common area of the Plantation Springs Subdivision...
31 Aug 2009 | 10:38 pm

Girl Scouts plan registration night (Grand Island Independent)
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska will be represented at each of the Grand Island public elementary schools from 6 to 7 p.m. next Thursday...
31 Aug 2009 | 10:23 pm

Cub Scouts Sign Up On Tuesday (Yankton Press & Dakotan)
Yankton Cub Scouts Pack 258 will be holding a New Cub Scout Sign-Up Night on Tuesday, Sept. 1, at both Stewart and Webster School gyms in Yankton. The sign-ups are being held from 6:30-7:30 p.m...
31 Aug 2009 | 9:47 pm

Some schools seek to recruit Cub Scouts -
Some schools seek to recruit Cub ScoutsNews-Journal.comDesigned for boys in first to fifth grades, Cub Scouting combines outdoor activities, sports, academics and more in a fun and exciting program that helps ......
31 Aug 2009 | 8:55 pm

Boys Scouts to turn 100 - Garner Citizen
Boys Scouts to turn 100Garner CitizenBoy Scouts of America will turn 100 years old Feb. 8, 2010. Local Boy Scouts are already gearing up for the centennial birthday. “This is an exciting time ...Camel Barn scouting for artifacts for Scout displayVallejo Times-HeraldScout earns every badgeSan Antonio Expressall 3 news articles »...
31 Aug 2009 | 7:14 pm

Boys Scouts to turn 100 - Garner Citizen
Boys Scouts to turn 100Garner CitizenThe Scouting program is open to boys ages 7 to 20. Younger boys in first grade through fifth grade can join a Cub Scout Pack while older boys can join a Boy ...and more »...
31 Aug 2009 | 7:14 pm


Scouts In Action
They Saved the Baby from the River!
John Fitzgerald, 9, Christian Nanson, 11, and other members of Pack 100 and Troop 100 were swimming in Nebraska's Platte River when Christian spotted a baby floating facedown in the water. Listen as they describe how they saved the baby in a true story of Scouts in Action...
20 Jun 2008 | 1:57 pm

He saved the boy from the riptide!
As Todd Staszak, 15, was bodyboarding at Hatteras, N.C., he heard cries for help. A man was trying to save his son and his son's friend as a powerful riptide pulled the boys away from shore. Listen as Todd and others describe how he rescued the boys in a true story of Scouts in Action...
29 May 2008 | 9:34 am

He saved his friends from the oncoming car!
As Trevor Robinson, 18, and four friends were walking across the parking lot of their school in Carmichael, Calif., a car traveling almost 30 miles an hour rounded a corner and headed straight for them. Listen as Trevor and others describe how he saved his friends' lives in a true story of Scouts in Action...
23 Apr 2008 | 8:42 am

He saved the boy from drowning!
Alex Lambert and David "Junior" Tyree, both 12, and John Buchanan, 13, were swimming. As John began to tire, he panicked and jumped onto Junior's back. Both boys started to go under. Listen as Alex and his mom describe the rescue in a true story of Scouts in Action...
24 Mar 2008 | 11:08 am

He saved the man from icy waters!
Jake Silfies and Matt Mikosky, both 12, were hiking during a winter camping trip on Lake Stillwater, Pa. when Matt's dad fell through the ice. Listen as they describe the rescue in a true story of Scouts in Action....
25 Feb 2008 | 12:37 pm


Thoughts to Ponder

Someone Else

With great regret we announce the loss of one of the council's most valuable families - Mr. & Mrs. Someone Else have moved away, and the vacancy they have left will be hard to fill. The Elses have been with us for many years; they have done far more than their share of the work about the council. When there was a job to do, a class to teach, or a meeting to attend, their name was on everybody's lips: "Let Someone Else do it" Whenever a committee was mentioned, this wonderful family was looked to for inspiration as well as results: "Someone Else will set up the event. " And when there was a trip to take Mr. & Mrs. Someone Else were thought to be the best transportation: "Let Someone Else take them. "

The Someone Elses are wonderful people, but they are only human, they could spread themselves only so thin. Many a night I have sat up and talked with someone and heard him wish aloud for more help in the council. He and his wife did the best they could, but people expected too much from them. We have to face the fact that there were just not enough Someone Elses to go around. And now the Someone Elses are gone and we're wondering what we are going to do without them. They have left us a great example to follow, but who will follow it? Who is going to do the things that someone else did?


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders