InsaneScouter - Newsletter - October 2012 - Newsletter

Newsletter - October 2012

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

The Insanescouter October 2012

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InsaneScouter Information

Greetings all. Welcome to another amazing issue of the InsaneScouter Newsletter. Things are finally starting to cool down here in Vegas.

Sorry that it has been so long since I last sent out a newsletter. Many work issues have kept me busy but every moment is interesting and fun. You know what is even more FUN?. Renting a room from a nice lady who has two kids a 6 month old and a 2 year old. The fun never stops with these hyperactive but adorable kids. They are always up to something and only takes a minute of watching them to laugh at whatever they are up to. Everyday I am reminded that the things we do today, will benefit the success of tomorrow in some small way.

Our bear cub friends, Fuzzy and Scout asked me to say hi to everyone. Fuzzy asks that you send him lots of salmon and Scout asks for lots of hot coco to drink. You can send them a message or a virtual treat by replying to this newsletter.

Pinewood Derby & Scoutmaster Minutes

Ask InsaneScouter A Question

If you would like to ask us at InsaneScouter any Scouting related questions, feel free to reply to this newsletter. We may email you directly or answer your question in a blog post or in next month's newsletter.

BSA plans to go to a single Oath for all levels

The volunteer-led task forces supporting the 2011–2015 National Council Strategic Plan’s Goal 411, after considerable deliberation, have recommended moving to the use of the Scout Oath and Law for all BSA programs. This change would primarily impact Cub Scouts and Venturing.

The recommendation has been reviewed and endorsed by the national support committee responsible for program content changes. It has also been discussed and endorsed by the national officers of the BSA, and Wayne Perry has directed that the recommendation be brought forward to the National Executive Board at its October 2012 meeting. For more details...

Blog Posts

Keep an eye out for all the new blog posts, that will be coming between now and end of the year.  Did you forget to stay interactive on Insanescouter's Facebook and Twitter pages? These are great ways to stay current and have fun virtual Scouting. 


Thanks for reading!

New Content
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
ChorusSo I thank You, I thank you God for all of my friends. I thank You, I thank You God for all of my friends with me tonight.When you're all alone and you're feeling so low, There is a friend there to tell the things you know. A friend will always listen, a friend will understand.What is a friend? A friend is here indeed. Sitting all around me, listening to my need. A friend is always...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing
Kitchen Chemistry
We've all seen a pot of water boiling on the stove. We've seen the water vapor (which many of us mistakenly call steam) rising above the pan. If we allow the process to continue, we see that eventually there's no more water left. The H20, in its gaseous state, becomes a part of the atmosphere. In a closed experiment, that water vapor would be trapped in tubes and recaptured. We don't have that sort of equipment in the ordinary kitchen...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
The Airplane
7-Scouts acts as the pilot, co-pilot and radioman on an airliner. 4 other scouts are on the wings as the engines, on the wings of the plane. The pilot announces to co-pilot that engine one has failed. Engine one (ham this up) sputters, makes noise and dies, Co-pilot instructs radioman to inform tower and tell them they will be arriving 15 minutes late(radioman radios tower and repeats message). Soon after engine two fails, repeat the process again but this time...

Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings
Nutscar races
Cars are fast, and beautiful. Have the Cub Scouts and family members create their own cars from walnut half shells. Adding button wheels, tin foil bumpers and any other car decorations they can think of. Hold races by placing a shooter marble (large marble) in the walnut and racing them down a slanted hard surface (a long table with one set of legs collapsed works well, or a 2 x 8 board resting on another table....

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Our Scouts Will Shine Tonight
Our Scouts will shine tonight, our Scouts will shine, Our Scouts will shine tonight, all down the line; They're all dressed up tonight, don't they look fine! When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, our Scouts will shine! ...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening
N - is for nothing so beautiful as a forest in summer.A - is for animals that are free to run and play.T - is for tall pine trees that try to touch the sky.U - is for life under the rocks and logs in the woods.R - is for rivers that flow freely all year through.E - is for everything God made for you and me.Would you all stand for the pledge to the flag? ...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Do Your Best
(Tune: Are You Sleeping) When you do your best When you do your best You'll feel great You'll feel great Make and do for others Make and do for others Spread good cheer Spread good cheer...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dinner
Dons Hawaiian Delight
In a square piece of heavy duty aluminum foil place enough of each of the following to make one serving: Sliced ham Sweet potatoes Carrots PineappleSurround the ham slices with the other ingredients on the foil then add 1 tablespoon of syrup or honey. Fold using "drugstore" wrap to hold in the juice. Cook package on hot coals for approximately 15 minutes on each side....

Home > Resources > Activities > Cheers
Deep Sea Diver
Pretend to put on your diving suit, adjust your helmet, pretend to close face door, and screw the locks in place. Then pretend to jump into the water by jumping one step ahead, pretend to be sinking to the ocean floor, mumbling, "BLUG, BLUG, BLUG!!!" VARIATION: Add the following when you reach the "bottom": walk around very stiffly in a circle, then slowly bend over and pick up something and yell:"I found the TREASURE!!! I found the TREASURE."...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout
A Friend Flag Ceremony
Cub # 1: Many of us have heard the old saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed.Cub # 2: "Our country is often the friend who helps us in need. Immigrants coming to America find helpful neighbors and useful programs to make their move easier.Cub # 3: As Americans we have many rights and privileges.Cub # 4: Our system of government provides schools, libraries, roads, and other services to make our lives better.Cub # 5: Along with these...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Boy Scout
I Am Old Glory
Inspirational Piece You Can Use In Your Court Of Honor I am Old Glory: For more than nine score years I have been the banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans. Born amid the first flames of America's fight for freedom, I am the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group of thirteen colonies to a United Nation of fifty sovereign states. Planted firmly on the high pinnacle of American faith my...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing
NSEW Closing
North, South, East or West: Remember as you leave this pack meeting to keep your scouting spirit strong and live by the motto: Do your Best!...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Pop Commercial
Have one fellow standing, holding an unopened pop bottle, the next holding a bottle opener (or stands ready to open the container, one hand as if holding the container and the other hand raised over it), the other two doing nothing. The first guy examines the bottle real close and passes it to third guy who guzzles it, pretend or for real, and passes the empty container to the last guy. This guy looks at the empty bottle or container...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag
Do Your Best 2
Boys with key words hold up cards saying "DO" "YOUR" "BEST". 1st Cub: DO unto others as they should do to you.2nd Cub: That's called the Golden Rule3rd Cub: YOU'RE all Cubs Scouts of gold and blue.4th Cub: The Pack Law is your special tool5th Cub: BEST way we know to celebrate this season6th Cub: Is in giving your best to others7th Cub: And now we wish you, for that very very reasonAll Cubs: Happy holidays! May we all be...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag
America has always been known for her diversity in landscape. We have towering mountains and low land swamps, dry deserts and lush river valleys. With each of these environments come a unique group of wild life that has adapted itself to that landscape. The American spirit is very much one of diversity and adaptability. Our forefathers may have come from many lands, but they all came here, to America to adapt themselves to a way of life called, Freedom. Let...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag
Leadership Closing
Setting: 6 candles, a flashlight, and 7 adults. Room darkened. All leaders stand with narrator.Narrator: To a Cub Scout it looks so very black, when there is no leader, no den, or pack. Wait, here is a leader with a lighted candle. (First leader lights candle.) But the job is more than one can handle. He needs den leaders and committee members, too, because there is so much you do. Now he has found one and now another. (Second leader...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing
Guiding Star
Personnel: Akela, 8 Cub Scouts Equipment: Small campfire; blue paper or cardboard, three foot square, with cutouts for stars in Big Dipper and the North Star; 8 small or pen-type flashlights, one for each Cub Scout. Arrangement: Akela and 8 Cub Scouts stand near campfire with the figure of the Big Dipper and North Star at one side of the fire. Cub Scouts stand behind the figure with lights which they flash behind their star in the Big Dipper as...

Home > Resources > Activities > Cheers
Webelos Yell
Webelos are great, they can't be beat! So let's give a yell, Webelos are swell!...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Leaders
Den Chief Cords
Personnel: Akela (Cubmaster), a Cub Scout, the new Den Chief, an older Den Chief or Den Leader, and the new Den Chief's Den LeaderEquipment: Two 4-foot lengths of rope made of yarn, one blue, one yellow, a table, a Den Chief's handbook, and a scroll.Arrangement: On Akela's right stands a Cub Scout holding the rope of blue yarn; on his left, on older Den Chief (or Den Leader) holds the rope of yellow yarn. On the table is the Den...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dinner
Montauk Lodge Marinated Vegetables
1 pkg frozen stir-fry veggies 3/4 cups vinegar 1 cup sugar 1/2 cups oil 1 cup celery cut thin diagonally 1 cup onion sliced very thin 1 cup chopped red & green peppers 1 pkg Italian seasoningCook vegetables about 7 minutes in small amount of water until crisp tender. Do not over cook. Boil vinegar, sugar, and oil 5 minutes and pour over hot vegetables. Add celery, onion, and peppers. Mix well. Add Italian seasoning and mix again. Store in...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
The Better Thief
Cast: 2 Scouts There are two scouts, they each say, "I'm the better thief." "No I'm the better thief." Then one says, "Wait, lets have a contest, we will walk past each other three times and who ever steals the best thing wins." The scouts then walk past each other twice pulling out objects such as knife, watch, glasses, etc. Finally on the third pass, the first scout says, "I've got your wallet, ha, beat that!" The second Scout looks...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag
Gold Mining Was Hard Work
Gold mining was a very hard work. Miners just didn't go to the hill and dig up gold. Very often they spent days or weeks with little result. They worked from dawn to dusk, six or even seven days a week.For hours at a time they waded in cold, snow-fed streams, or attacked the hard ground with digging tool's. In heat and cold they prospected in steep, rocky canyons and along the rugged ridges of the Sierra foothills. Sunday was...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Do Your Ears Hang Low
Do your ears hang low, Do they wiggle to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot, Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them o're your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low? Do your ears stick out, Can you wiggle them about? Can you flap them up and down As you fly around the town? Can you chut them up for sure when you hear an awful bore? Do your ears...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Webelos
AOL Cub Scout Safari Advancement
We're headed out on a Cub Scout Safari. Look, over there is a boa constrictor. Watch out everyone! Listen to the monkeys. Aren't they loud? Wait! What's that roar? If we get really quiet, maybe we can spot some tigers. Look, here they come!This month our Tiger Cubs have worked really hard on earning some more Tiger Tracks. They have been to (name Go and See activity) and have worked on Big Idea (number). Now, everyone climb back aboard the...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Back To Gilwell
I used to be a Beaver And a good old Beaver too, But now I've finished Beavering, I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, And I can Beaver no more. So I'm going to earn my ticket, if I can, Back to Gilwell happy land, happy land, I'm going to earn my ticket if I can. I used to be a Wolf Cub ... I used to be a Boy Scout ... I used to be...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Reindeer Poky
Tune: The Hokey Poky You put your antlers in. You put your antlers out. You put you antlers in and you shake them all about. You do the Reindeer Poky and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about! Additional verses - You put your hooves in.... You put your red nose in.... You put your fluffy tail in... You put your reindeer body in......

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag
NSEW Closing
North, South, East or West: Remember as you leave this pack meeting to keep your scouting spirit strong and live by the motto: Do your Best!...

Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
You Dont Say
Person on the phone, Friend Setting: Living Room Person: (Phone rings, picks it up.) Hello? Yes? You don't say ... You don't say ... You don't say ... You don't say? ... You don't say! ... You don't say. Bye! Friend: Say, who was on the phone? Person: He didn't say!...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout
I Like
PERSONNEL: Six Cub Scouts or adults.PROPS: Each Cub Scouts needs to carry a symbol of the holiday he talks about.PREPARATION: Print each speaker's lines on a card. They will be prepared to read in case they don't want to memorize the lines.CUB 1: I like holidays full of good cheer.I like special days at the end of the year.CUB 2: I like Halloween with ghosts big and small,Even though a day from school we don't get at all,CUB 3: I...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout
Cub Scout Garden
As a leader reads the narration, five Cub Scouts enter in turn, carrying posters showing peas, lettuce, squash, turnips, and garden tools.NARRATOR: Here is how to plant one of those thriving, productive Cub Scout gardens that every parent wants his son to grow up in.First, plant five rows of Peas - preparedness, promptness, perseverance, politeness, and praise.Then plant five rows of Lettuce - let us be faithful, let us be unselfish, let us be loyal, let us be truthful, let...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
From Santas Sack
Fill a big bag with all sorts of dress‑up clothes, including wigs and funny hats. Players form a large circle around "Santa's Sack". Put on some music and have them start passing a balloon around the circle. When the music stops the one with the balloon runs to the sack, grabs something quickly and puts it on before re­turning to his place. Continue until the sack is empty then hold a fashion show and judge the most colorful fashion, the...

Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings
Animal Collectives
See how well you know your animals. What is the correct terms for groups of the following animals? 1. A gaggle of 2. A of hawks3. A of cattle4. A of quail5. A of sheep6. A of elk7. A pod of 8. A of wolves9. A of porpoises10. A of oxen11. A of hens.12. A school of 13. A pride of 14. A of buffaloes 1.Geese2. Hawk3. Herd4. Covey5. Flock6. Gang7. Whales8. Pack9. Shoal10.Drove11.Flock12.Fish13.Lion14.Herd...

Home > Resources > Activities > Cheers
Put thumbs to your head with fingers up, forming antlers. Wrinkle your nose, saying. Blink, Blink, Blink."...

Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Cub Scout
What Do You Do At Holiday Time
In the November-December issue of Scouting magazine, there is a story about a Webelos Scout named Daniel Simon of Pack 381, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Daniel earned a $750 gift certificate, and instead of spending the money on himself, he filled seven shopping carts with toys for other children who might not get anything that holiday season. It was a fine act of kindness and generosity. For Daniel, the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack aren’t just words;...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Defender Of The Castle
Type: Circle Game Equipment: Three balls, three tins Pack in a large circle. Stand the three tins in the centre of the circle. One of the players stands in the centre and stands up the tins as they are knocked down by the circle of Cubs with the balls. When all three tins are knocked over at the same time the Cub who knocked over the third tin changes places with the one in the centre....

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Chicago Fire Song
Late last night When we were all in bed, Mrs. O'Leary Hung a lantern in the shed. And when the cow kicked it over, She winked her eye and said "There'll be a hot time In the ol' town tonight!" Fire, Fire, Fire Sing three times, each time softer except for the fire fire fire...
Cinnamon Stars

2 tbsp sugar
¾ tsp cinnamon
¾ c butter, soften
2 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla 1
package French vanilla cake mix

Preheat oven to 375 °. Combine sugar and cinnamon in small bowl. Set aside. Combine butter,
egg yolks, and vanilla in large bowl. Blend in cake mix gradually. Roll dough to 1/8 inch thickness
on lightly floured surface. Cut with 2 ½ inch star cookie cutter. Place 2 inches apart on
ungreased backing sheet. Sprinkle cookies with cinnamon-sugar mixture. Back for 6-8 minutes
or until edges are light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on baking sheet. Remove, cool completely.
Store in airtight container. Makes 3-3 ½ dozen cookies

Danish Cookies

Danish Cookies
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup molasses
3 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 cup brown sugar
3 drops anise oil
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 Tablespoon hot water
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Preheat Oven to 350°.
Mix shortening, sugar, egg, molasses, anise, oil, and water. Blend in remaining ingredients.
Knead dough until right consistency for shaping balls.
Shape dough about one teaspoonful at a time into balls. Place on un-greased baking sheet about
an inch apart. Bake 12 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom. Makes about 8 dozen
Store cookies in an airtight container. For softer cookies, store with a slice of apple.



Lessons from the past... Cactus Slide
Not that many years ago I was on a campout with the Troop I worked with. We were playing a game, Capture The Flag or something like that. Next thing we know a Scout is trotting into camp obviously in...

Halloween Fun
I love Halloween.  What other day of the year can we transform into a wholly different persona and be accepted for doing so?  As a parent, Halloween has taken on a new kind of joy for me: picking out costumes...

Pop Up Dutch Oven Pizza
2 lbs ground beef30 oz jar spaghetti sauce6-8 oz mozzarella cheese1/4 cup parmesan cheese1/4 cup vegetable oil2 cups milk4 eggs2 cups flourPreheat Dutch Oven 5 minutesBrown ground beef, Drain fatWhile beef is browning, mix vegetable oil, milk, eggs and flour in...

Fuzzy and Scout Aug 2010
Hi all Fuzzy and Scout here, Summer holidays are here, so also camping season has definitely started and it is summer camp time. We always like going on camp, whether it is to a large Jamboree or a small cub camp...

Parent Involvement
 I know sometimes it is way to easy for the parents to drop the boys off at the Den meeting and have them say "Don't worry we will be back in time" just to find they are a half an...

Teaching About The Outdoors
When teaching anything it is important to have everything planned out and all preparations made. The faster and smoother the program runs the more fun the kids well have, and the easier it will be on you. As the saying...

SM tips - Robot Merit Badge
Scouting's newest merit badge, Robotics, debuted this week, just in time for National Robotics Week. It made quite a splash, too. Hundreds of newspapers ran a wire-service story about it, and the merit-badge pamphlet even showed up in lights in New York's Times...

How Toastmasters International helps me as a Scout Leader
I have found my 25 years plus experience in Toastmasters International has helped me in many ways.First, if the adults are losing their minds they have successfully lost their sense of humor and are messing up the program for the...

The new Cub program
The new program is a good for new leaders coming into Cub Scouts.  It lays out a lesson plan that is easy to follow and works on the model of 2 Den Meetings a month and 1 Pack meeting.  If...

Keeping Kids Safe Online
A long time ago, when I was still in college I create a presentation for one of my classes called “Keeping Kids Safe Online”. This presentation went as far as to show how easy at the time it was to...
Kamp Knots

Used with permission by
Rich Diesslin

KNOTS Cartoons full-color paperback book is here!
Great Gift for Scouts and Scouters!



Blogs and Podcasts
Read All Scout News
(Updates Daily)
Scouting Maniac
Quotes of the Day Part 2: Day 11
Murphy's Laws:(No copyright violations intended. Please if you are the original author and you do not like the use of your writings please contact the webmaster to have content removed...

Scouting Maniac
Quotes of the Day Part 1: Day 11
Bertrand Russell's10 Commandments of EducationCommandment #1:Do not feel absolutely certain of anything.Commandment #2:Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come...

True North
I used to be a Moose
I have posted over on G+ that our troop is moving charter orgs. Well, I figured that I would confirm that here, too. We started our troop in February of 2010....

Scoutmaster Minute
From the edge of space
While I thought it was very cool to rappel from the 2nd tallest building in Portland this takes the cake. There has not been a lot of chatter about this incredible...

Scouting Maniac
YPT Letter to Parents
WARNING: Due to recent news and legal action directed towards the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) it is important to remind all readers that this blog may or may not...

Scoutmaster Minute
SMMPodcast – Recruiting and Retention
Welcome back to the SMMPodcast, after a long break in the podcast we are back at it and talking Scouting. In this episode, we talk about Recruiting and Retention. It’s about...

PTC Media
SMM105 – Recruiting and Retention
Welcome back to the SMMPodcast, after a long break we are back at it and talking Scouting. In this episode, we talk about Recruiting and Retention. It’s about that time of...
Transcendent Values
To stay afloat organizations , like ships on the ocean, are designed to be reasonably impenetrable and inflexible. Safety and stability is important to ships and organizations but that same...


Scout News
Read All Scout News
(Updates Daily)
Girl Scouts plan yard sale on Oct. 20
There will be a YARD Sale for the Girl Scouts Troop 25102 on Saturday, Oct. 20, from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., at 551 Begonia Street (at Evergreen, three blocks...

Boy Scouts' 'Perversion Files' targeted innocent gay leaders
Gay Eagle Scout and former troop leader Joe Hopkins is outraged and hurt upon seeing some of the files for himself in a secret stash of files the Boy Scouts...

Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, starting new season in Banning
Boy Scout Troop 103 and Banning’s Cub Scout Pack 311 is starting up for the school year, Monday evenings beginning at 7 p.m. at the Boy Scout cabin at Repplier...

Cub Scouts Learn The Ropes At Zoo Tiger Day
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - Tigers took over the Topeka Zoo Sunday -- that's the youngest of the Cub Scouts. The Cub Scouts got a chance to visit the zoo and...

Rio Mesa High School senior earns Girl Scouts' highest honor with her “Building Faith” project, which trains teens prior to mission trips...

3,000 Cub Scouts hit Croton Point Park for Thunderbird Games
Everywhere you looked Saturday at Croton Point Park, thousands of Cub Scouts were having fun....

Girl Scouts celebrate 100 years
Juliette Gordon Low awarding a Golden Eaglet to Girl Scout, 1919. The look of Girl Scout uniforms has seen many changes throughout the last 100 years....

Girl Scouts, River Rangers seek to make clearer water
NEW ULM - The Brown County Girl Scouts and the River Rangers raked leaves out of over 100 blocks of City of New Ulm gutters on Saturday to help make...


Thoughts to Ponder

Ghosts of Regret

Since it is close to Halloween, I wonder how many of you believe in Ghosts?

We all know that there are many different types of Ghosts. You have your basic ethereal wispy spirits that float around haunting people. You have very mischievous Poltergeists that like to wreak havoc in little ways. There are your long dead skeletons that have come to life ready to attack the unwary. Then there are the freshly dead Zombies who are just looking for a bite to eat; albeit human flesh.

The one thing that all ghosts have in common is that they like to haunt the living. You know what haunting is all about; spooking with strange noises, scaring with bloody embodiments, chasing and sliming; all your basic frightening stuff. But because Ghosts are spirits, they really can’t physically hurt you. It is all about the torment – creating anxiety – playing with your mind – that is why they call it haunting.

Now there is one particularly nasty ghost that, while totally real, never appears in any horror movie. These are the "Ghosts of Regret”. They haunt you over things that you wish you had not done. If you have ever laid awake at night wishing you hadn’t drop the easy touchdown pass or that you hadn’t let the ball go into the goal, then you are being haunted by the Ghosts of Regret.

As you get older you will find more and more of these Ghosts of Regret. They can take on strange appearances. One Ghost of Regret is called School Time Laziness. That ghost appears when you are stuck in a poor job because you don’t have the skills to get a better one. Another Ghost of Regret is called Sad Hearts, and it can appear at your Grandmother’s funeral and you realize you never sent her a single Thank You note for all those Christmas Presents she sent you over the years. As you get older, you tend to look back at your life and unfortunately can find that you have a lot of Ghosts of Regrets.

As a matter of fact, let me tell you about a Ghost of regret that I have. This Ghost has the body of large dark bird which is constantly circling above me. It has a loud piercing screech that torments me almost every day; especially at Scouting events. You see I was a Boy Scout for over four years, but I never made the effort to get past the Rank of Life. That loud piercing screech that haunts me to this day; well all of you would recognize it as the call of an Eagle.

A Scoutmaster's Minute
By Kurt Schwoppe
October 29, 2009


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders