InsaneScouter - Newsletter March 2011 - Newsletter

Newsletter March 2011

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

The InsanescouterMarch 2011

Forging A Path Of Hopefulness

As leaders, we need to forge a path of hopefulness and desire to keep the program alive in our Scouts, our own hearts, and the minds for generations to come. InsaneScouter was created based on this premise and fights every day to help Scouter's one resource at a time.

Recently, I was listening to a Scouter explain how he rediscovered his Scouting spirit and his tale helped rekindle the fire in me. It also reminded me of how loyal you are to InsaneScouter. Thank you, I am eternally grateful to all of you and rest assured without you InsaneScouter would not be the great place it is today.

There is no doubt that together we can ensure InsaneScouter continues to grow and everything we offer remains fresh, current, and freely available. Please help us keep the lights on by Becoming A Member (

You can also help by signing up for a free WePay Account ( and use it to collect funds. In return, WePay will give InsaneScouter $20 and you $10, but you have to collect funds with it first. WePay accounts are good for collecting dues, camp fees, summer camp fees, day camp fees, training fees, and even to sale car wash tickets. The funds are insured by the FDIC and you can withdraw the funds at any time. For more details read this blog post (

We are also looking for volunteers to help update and add resources, write blog posts, and help with tech projects. If you can help let me know.

Lastly, you can help by just letting anyone you know in Scouting know about InsaneScouter. It never ceases to surprise me how many people I meet that have never heard of the site.


Blog Posts

You may have noticed there have been no new blog posts in a while. This is sad because I have been putting most of my attention on finding a job and web development gigs. I have had very little luck so far, but I am continuing the battle as I am sure many of you are too. Please be patient with me and as I can I will write more blog posts, and update the site.

Part of this newsletter is a random selection of content and blog posts, so just bear with me through these difficult times.




Did you know that the more people who use InsaneScouter the more we make from the ads? So even if you can't help us by becoming a member or volunteering to help with content, just by letting your friends know about us. You can simply forward this newsletter to everyone you know in Scouting and ask them to do the same thing. For every person who signs up for this newsletter, from the newsletter your forward on, you will get one entry to win one of the below prizes.

  1. - InsaneScouter Membership
  2. - book of Scout cartoons around Camp Knots
  3. - a copy of the DVD
  4. - (similar to PayPal but for small groups) winners account will have no service fees for a whole year
  5. - Flint Steel and Magnesium Fire Starter
  6. - 12 Scout Novels written by Fletcher (ebooks)
  7. - 1-year free account (online advancement tracking)
  8. - Mark Ray Eagle Court of Honor Handbook
  9. - Mark Ray Scoutmasters Other Handbook
  10. - David C. Scott Signed copy of The Scouting Party



Thank You To...

I would like to thank our great sponsors including, (who is providing our hosting for free), and for helping us keep the lights on. I would also like to thank you not only for using the site but for being a Scout leader and molding the leaders of tomorrow. Lastly, I salute the few of you who actively help maintain InsaneScouter. You All Rock!

Remember InsaneScouter is here to stay, but we can only do it with your support.


New Content
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
A Cub Scout's Smile
(Tune: When Irish Eyes are Smiling)When Cub Scouts all are smiling Sure it’s like a morn in spring for a mid their joy and laughter you can hear the music ring. When all the pack is happy and the night seems bright and gay, With that fine Cub Scouting spirit, Sure it wins you right away...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Do Your Best
(Tune: Are You Sleeping)When you do your best when you do your best you'll feel great you'll feel great make and do for othersMake and do for others spread good cheer spread good cheer...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Siesta or Fiesta
(Tune: Home on the Range) Down Mexico way, they have parties to gay; Which they call a great big fiesta, And during each day, they take time from their play, To take a relaxing siesta. Chorus: South, south of the border, A relaxed kind of people we find. They don’t seem to worry or rush in a hurry, We should have more of that kind. During each day, down in Mexico way, They take a rest called a siesta, Then there’s lots of fun for everyone when they have an exciting fiesta...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Pocket Kim's Game
For Pocket Kim's Game, have the boys empty their pockets on the table. If there aren't enough things on the table have some pocket items to add; if there are too many, give back some of the repeat items. Give the boys a few minutes to study the collection and then cover them. Give each one a sheet to write out whatever he can remember. (Or, you can split the Den into teams and let them go after it that way.)...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Cub Cucaracha
(Tune: La Cucaracha)La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,We are happy, young seniors;La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,Guitar music we adore.La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,The bullfight we love to see,La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,We siesta after three.La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,Senioritas we admire,La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,Our food will set your mouth a fire.La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,Brilliant clothing is our rule,La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,Our sombreros make us cool....

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Guessing Game
Equipment: 5 small coins or buttons for each person each person is given 5 small coins or buttons and places them in their pocket. Divide into pairs and stand facing each other. Then each pair puts their hand into their pockets simultaneously and brings out so many of the coins or buttons. Placing their fists in front of each other, they must guess how many objects they have between them. The one nearest the correct number goes into the next round, and so on until you...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
A Balancing Elephant
An elephant stood on the web of a spider. She felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter. Along came her friend. She called to invite her. Two elephants stood on the web of a spider. Two elephants stood on the web of a spider. They felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter. Along came their friend. They called to invite her. Three elephants stood on the web of a spider. Three elephants...Four elephants...etc.......

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Lion Taming
Try to tame the lions by knocking them off their pedestals. For pedestals, use inverted galloon ice cream cartons. Set them up in several rows. For animals, round up stuffed animals (they needn’t be all lions), or make the animals out of cardboard, at least a foot tall. Glue a cardboard support strip to back of animals. Give player a ball or bean bag and see just how many lions he can tame...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Here is Our Pinata
(Tune: Sing a song of sixpence)Here is our piñataWhat a sight to see, Filled with treats and goodies just for you and me. When it's time to break it, We'll circle all around then we'll scramble for the treats that fall down to the ground...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Hoola Hoop Clown Toss
Try to toss a hula hoop over the head of a giant clown. To make your clown, glue, or tape various sized boxes together. (Weight the bottom box with plenty of sand.) Then, paint the boxes. Roll a cone shape paper hat, and glue to clown head. Glue on yarn hair and paper features...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Thinking Safety
(Tune: Clementine)In the kitchen, Dad was cooking, Frying chicken in some oil. Said he’d go out to do the shopping, Just as dinner tried to boil! Thinking Safety, I remembered, Told him, “Dad! Turn off the heat!”Using caution is more important than preparing supper meat. At the table was a candle mom had lit to cheer the room. Matches sitting on the counter made me feel a sense of doom. Thinking Safety, I remembered, Told her, “Mom, this I must teach, Keep the matches and the lighters out of little sister’s reach!”In the bedroom,...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Trunk The Elephant
Any player who sticks the trunk in the right hole on the elephant wings. On large cardboard, draw an elephant’s head. Cut several holes. Designate one for the trunk. Hand the player a vacuum cleaner hose. Then, blindfold him and twirl him around several times. Head him in the direction of the elephant and see where he places the trunk...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Burn Care
(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)For minor burns, we are told, Treat with water that is cold. A light cover keeps out air, A minor burn gets minor care. Major burns need a medical potion, Never apply grease or lotion!“A clean dry cloth” is what they say And, “See a doctor right away!”...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Ring The Ten Pegs
Drive nine tent pegs into the ground five to six feet apart, in a big circle. Players run around the circle trying to ring pegs with rubber jar rings. Color code the rings with a magic marker, blue for one team, yellow for the other. Divide den into two teams. Each team member has several rings. Have team members mixed together and everyone runs around pegs at the same time. Score one point per pegringed...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
I'm Fire Safety Sam
(Tune: Popeye the Sailor Man)I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff)I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff)Please test smoke detectors cause their home protectors.I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff)Substitute lines 3 and 4 with the following words for new verses...It's important to say...With matches, don't play. If there's smoke you should know, you'd better crawl low. Have a fire escape plan. Every family can. If there's a fire, get out. Use your escape route. Go to a neighbor's when alone, Then call 9-1-1 on the phone. Clothes on fire? Here's your goal: First...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Dunk The Clowns
Pint-size plastic bottles• Medium size plastic tub• Board to lay across the top of tub• Rubber balls• Permanent Colored markersDesign the plastic bottles to look like clowns. Set them on the board placed across the water-filled tub. Divide the den into two teams, let them take turns throwing the balls at the clowns. Keep track of the number of times the clowns are toppled. When the board is empty, reset the clowns and continue playing...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea, There's a hole in the bottom of the sea, There's a hole, there's a hole there's a hole in the bottom of the sea. There's a log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. Etc. as above. There's a bump on the log etc. There's a frog on the bump etc. There's a wart on the frog etc. There's a hair on the wart etc. There's a flea on the hair etc. Now the flea on the hair on the...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Four Clowns In A Row
Give each person present a sheet of paper marked off in twenty squares. In each square, they must get someone present to write his or her name. That will mean that each person will get the signatures of twenty people, one for each square. Provide each player with fifteen or twenty small stickers. If the committee could get white stickers and paint clown faces on them it would help. Each one is now asked to write his or her name on a small piece of...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Baby Beluga
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea, Swim so wild and you swim so free. Heaven about you, sea below, Just a little white whale on the go. Baby beluga, baby beluga, is the water warm? Is your mother home with you, so happy. Way down yonder where the dolphins play, Where they dive and splash all day, The waves roll in and the waves roll out, See the water squirting out of your spout. Baby beluga, baby beluga, sing your little song, Sing for all your friends, we like to...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Mark start and finish lines about 30 and 40 feet apart. Players line up at the start line, each holding a hula hoop. If there are only a few hula hoops to share, divide players into smaller groups for several races. When the leader says GO, each player places his hoop on the ground in front and jump into their hoops. They pull them over their heads and toss them again to move toward the finish line. Players who fail to make their jump into...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Pirate Ship
(Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence)Sing a song of pirates, A pocket full of gold, Sailing on a big ship, In the days of old If in a battle, The ship was sunk, On the bottom, it would lay You can find their treasure, If you search there some fine day...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Draw an expanded tick-tack-toe grip with 16 or 25 spaces on the pavement with squares the size of a hopscotch board. The players are divided into two teams, the 0 team and the X team. The rules are the same as traditional tick-tack-toe. The first team to complete a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally across the playing field using team members to score a point. After both teams have agreed on which team will go first, the first team collects in a huddle to decide...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Sally The Camel
Sally the camel has five humps. Sally the camel has five humps. Sally the camel has five humps. So go, Sally, go. Sally the camel has four humps. Sally the camel has four humps. Sally the camel has four humps. So go, Sally, go. Sally the camel has three humps. Sally the camel has three humps. Sally the camel has three humps. So go, Sally, go. Sally the camel has two humps. Sally the camel has two humps. Sally the camel has two humps. So go, Sally, go. Sally the camel has one hump. Sally the camel...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Clown Walk
Players are evenly divided into two teams. A starting line and finish line about 30feet apart are marked. Each team forms a unit by holding hands, interlocking arms, riding piggyback, or by any other means that can be devised, The only limitation is the number of arms and legs which may be used for the task of walking. The number of arms and legs which can be used in the walking process is determined by subtracting two from the total number of people on...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Get Along, Little Dogies
As I was walking one morning for pleasure,I saw a cowpuncher come riding along; His hat was thrown back and his spurs were all jingling, And as he approached, he was singing this song: Yippee ti yi yay, get along little doggies, Tis your misfortune and none of my own. Yippee ti yi yay, get along little doggies, For you know Wyoming will be your new home...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Animal Themed Games
Animal Calls: Boys see who can do the best animal impersonations. It can be for fun or judged for prizes. Animal Relay: Each member of a team is allocated a different animal. He must then move across the hall in the style of that animal. Birds on a Telephone Line: Divide the group into two relay teams. String a clothesline from one side to the other at the shoulder height of the average person. Clip 20 or more round-topped clothespins onto the clothesline. (The pins are the birds...

Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
Cowboy's Dream
(Tune: My Bonnie)Last night as I lay on the prairie, And looked at the stars in the sky, And I wondered if ever a cowboy Could drift to that sweet by and by. Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little doggies, roll on, roll on. Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little doggies, roll on. The road to that bright happy region Is a dim narrow trail, so they say, But the broad one that leads to perdition Is posted and...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Balloon Volley
You’ll need one inflated balloon and one 4-5 ft stick, pole or broom for every 5 players. Give each player a number from 1-5. Players 1 and 3hold the stick at shoulder height. Player 4 holds the balloon. Player 5 stands between Players 4 & 1. Players move in a counterclockwise direction.The game begins with Player 4 hitting the balloon over the stick to Player 2, and then moving to take Player 3’s position. Player 3 waits until Player 2 hits the balloon before...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts
Chocolate Peanut Squares
• 4 oz semi-sweet chocolate• 2 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter• 3 cups rice crispies• Butter/margarine Use a double boiler or a saucepan and bowl that fits (i.e., sits partially in the pan without touching the bottom, allowing contents of the bowl to melt).Place about 1-2” hot water in the bottom pan, and place on a stove burner over medium heat. Break the chocolate into the top pan/bowl and add peanut butter. Heat until chocolate melts. Stir to blend chocolate and peanut butter. Remove top pan/bowl from the saucepan and add rice...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Endurance Hop
This is a relay race. You’ll need 4 different objects for each team (such as a ball, a basket, a hat, and a beanbag). Teams stand in adjacent rows along the starting line. The 4 items are placed 3 feet apart in a straight line in front of each team. Use tape to mark where each item belongs. At a signal, the first player hops to the first item, picks it up, then (without touching his other foot to the ground) proceeds to pick up...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts
Caterpillar Bananas
Ingredients:• A bunch of bananas• 1 jar of peanut butter• 1 package of raisins• Uncooked spaghettiDirections:• Peel a banana. Cut it into round even slices.• Spread peanut butter on one side of each slice of the banana.• Stick banana slices together.• Add raisins with a dab of peanut butter to one of the ends for eyes.• Use uncooked spaghetti for the antenna.• Eat your caterpillar!...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Series of Games
Art Contests: Boys design projects or posters on a particular subject for fun or to be judged.Artists: Players sit around a table, each with paper and pencil. The right-hand Scout draws a picture, in separate firm strokes, of an ordinary figure or head, putting in his strokes in unusual sequence so that for a long time it is difficult to see what he is drawing. Each player looks over to see what the man on his right is drawing and copies it stroke by stroke...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts
Egyptian Pyramids
Ingredients:• 1 pound bag of coconut• 1½ cups of sugar• 6 egg whitesDirections:• Beat the egg whites until stiff.• Mix the coconut and sugar and mix into the eggs.• Grease a cookie sheet and shape the meringue into pyramids.• Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or until a light brown...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Steal the Bacon
Divide the troop into two, three, or four groups. Number off EACH group separately. Line them up facing each other, about 30-40 feet apart. The number1 Scout on one team will be across from the last Scout on the other team. Place your 'bacon' between the lines. The idea is for a Scout to go out and retrieve the object. The leader calls out a number and each Scout with that number runs out and tries to get the object and go back behind...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts
Yummy Mummy Cookies
Ingredients:• 2/3 cup butter or margarine, softened• 1 cup sugar• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract• 2 eggs• 21/2 cups all-purpose flour• 1/2 cup cocoa• 1/4 teaspoon baking soda• 1/2 teaspoon salt• 1 to 2 packages (10 ounces each) white chocolate chips• 1 to 2 tablespoons shortening (do not use butter, margarine or oil)• Miniature semisweet chocolate chips, for garnish directions:• Beat butter, sugar, and vanilla in a large bowl until creamy. Add eggs; beat well.• Stir together flour, cocoa, baking soda, and...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Fireman, Save My Child
Each team has a pile of the cut-out children on a table and a drinking straw for each player. Approximately 15-20 feet away from the start, place a small pail for each team on another table, chair, stool, etc. At the call of "Fireman, save my child", the first player on each team must pick up a child by sucking up the figure against their straw. While holding the figure this way, they run to their respective pair and deposit the figure. The next team...

Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Dinner
Taco Pie
Ingredients:• 1 pkg crescent rolls• 1 pkg taco seasoning• 1 pkg grated mozzarella cheese• 1 pkg Doritos (plain)• 1 small can tomato paste• 1 pkg grated cheddar cheese• 1 lb ground beef Directions: Press crescent rolls in the pie pan to form crust. Crunch Doritos into small bits and sprinkle a coat on the crust. Brown ground beef, strain, and add tomato taste plus 1/2 cup water and taco seasoning. Put...

Home > Resources > Activities > Games
Feather Relay
Each player throws a long feather javelin style, toward the finish line. As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again, and continues until across the finish line. He then picks it up and runs back to his team to give the feather to the next player. Variation: each team member makes a paper airplane to use instead of the feather...


Behind The Eight Bean Chili

Dry beans:

1/4 lb kidney
1/4 lb white
1/4 lb pink
1/4 lb black
1/4 lb red
1/4 lb pinto
1/4 lb cranberry
1/4 lb navy
1 lb bacon, cut into pieces
5 large onions, chopped
1 jar minced garlic
1/4 cups coriander
1/4 cups cinnamon
1/4 cups paprika
1/4 cups cayenne pepper
1/2 cups dried red peppers
1 can non-alcoholic beer
5 lb ground beef
1 gal. can Italian plum tomatoes, w/juice
salt to taste


In a large pot, soak the beans together overnight in water to cover. Drain and add fresh water to cover. Cook at simmer 1 1/2 hours. Heat a #14 Dutch oven and fry bacon until just beginning to crisp. Add onions and garlic. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add all spices and cook another 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and juice and the n/a beer. Simmer 1/2 hour. Divide meat into three batches and brown in a large skillet. Drain and add to the tomato mixture. When the beans are fully cooked, drain, reserving liquid, and add to meat/tomato mixture. Salt to taste and simmer 1 hour. Add bean liquid as necessary.

Three Sisters Casserole
1 can pinto beans
1 can kidney beans
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 onions, diced
6 cups squash, diced
3 cans whole corn
1 red pepper, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 tsp salt
1/4 cups olive oil
2 tsp cumin

Heat olive oil in a large skillet and sauté onion, garlic, peppers, cumin, and 1/2 tsp cayenne until onions are soft. Stir beans together in a Dutch oven. Add onion mixture and stir well. Cook at medium heat. When at a simmer, add squash and cook for 15-20 minutes. Add corn and cook another 10 minutes. Add salt and mix together well. Serve over warm tortillas.



Ramblings The Hassle-Free Way to Collect Scouting Dues
(This is a sponsored post)The general public often associates a Scout Leader’s life with camping trips, guitar sing-alongs, and jamborees. While that mental picture is idyllic, very few non-Scouts take into account the pile of administrative tasks that go...

Fuzzy and Scout Jan 2011
Happy new year all! Fuzzy and Scout here :)We hope you all had a grrrrrreat Christmas and a fun and safe new years eve. We had great presents, of course, loads of salmon but also new clothes and a new...

Scouts and Grades
This post comes to us from another member of the Scout-L mailing list and republished with permission. The original thread is from Jan 2010. The original question asked was: Just looking for thoughts on incentivizing Scouts to do well in school...

Baden Powell Quotes
“A fisherman does not bait his hook with food he likes. He uses food the fish likes. So with boys.”Scouting is a man’s job cut down to a boy’s size.”Scouting is a game for boys under the leadership of boys...

The Scout Uniform
The Scout Uniform has a long-standing tradition and symbol of Scouting. It also has a certain effect on the behavior of those wearing it and the views they have on the world around them. I do believe in the...

Eagle Tip - Charging the Eagle Scout Collegian
Eagle Tips are republished with the permission of Mark Ray. You can find his website at Eagle court of honor scripts assume that the honoree remains involved in Scouting, but many Eagle Scouts have left for college and have—at least...

Song - Cub Scouts Don't Wear No Socks
I came across this song on a Scouting Mailing List and thought I would share it with you .. and I hope you all enjoy it... Cub Scouts don't wear any socks Saw them when they took them off Threw them in...

Keeping Kids Safe Online
A long time ago, when I was still in college I create a presentation for one of my classes called “Keeping Kids Safe Online”. This presentation went as far as to show how easy at the time it was to...

Kamp Knots Cartoon Contest
“Knots” is a Scouting themed cartoon series created by artist Rich Diesslin. You can see the latest “Knots” cartoon at Rich has graciously agreed to donate one “Knots” comic book to InsaneScouter to give away as part of a contest.To...

Rope Box - Lashings
Think of lashing as a form of weaving poles together to connect poles together. Depending on what you need the poles to do depends on the weave, exact lashing you are using. For example, you use a tripod lashing when...

Eagle Tips - Tonight's Ceremony: Brought to You in Technicolor
Eagle Tips are republished with the permission of Mark Ray. You can find his website at to enough Eagle courts of honor, and you’ll eventually see someone skip his lines in the script or read someone else’s lines by mistake...

Camp Solar Oven
This post comes to us via an email posted to the Scout-L mailing list by Jay Thal. I would like to thank him for letting me repost his email and the photos he took while making his solar oven. Back on...

Citizen Super Bowl
The goal of the game is to see who has the most points after all questions are answered. (Suggestion: To prevent the boys from getting restless, play the game in four quarters with "half times" where you can do fun...

Fuzzy and Scout Dec 2010
Hi all, It is your furry friends Fuzzy and Scout here, the boy has it gone cold here now Scout actually is wearing a set of thermal underwear and wooly clothes, but we are used to that. Some people have told us to go...

Scouting A Nation Booklet
For those of you who were asking, here is the story behind the “booklet”. Think of the booklet as a printed newsletter, for lack of better terms. It will be between 6 and 10 pages and contain resources to help...


Brought to you by

Blogs and Podcasts


Scouting in NKY
100 Days of Scouting – Day 24
Today I: Emailed the parents of the top two Pinewood Derby racers from each rank to get their confirmation their boys would be able to attend the District race later in...

A Scoutmasters Blog
Patrol Z — The Adventure Begins
Wow! I never expected to see something like this posted to Youtube by the BSA. But I think it is very well done. Welcome to Patrol Z, an action comic...

Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
Latest Issue of Washington Trails Is Out
The March/April 2011 issue of Washington Trails has arrived and the news is out: it is now in full color! Glorious full color and still uses post-consumer recycled paper...

Leave No Trace
KIPP Delta College Preparatory School
Helena, AR - Team East visited the 5th-8th grades at the KIPP Delta College Preparatory School. The students in attendance were learning more about responsible outdoor recreation and...

Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
For Those Who Like Music When Traveling
Kirk and I have been toying around with an iMainGoX speaker system of late. It has a couple of features that will make it excellent for hiking and travel (even though...

BSA Cracker Barrel
Giveaway Thursday: Win a free Leatherman multitool prize pack
The Great Gear Giveaway goes miniature this week with four Leatherman keychain multitool. They’re the latest prize in Scouting magazine’s weekly gear giveaway. As I’ve told you, I’m trying to clean...

100 Days of Scouting
2nd 100 Days of Scouting: Day 24
Citizenship in the world ever has the sense that Scouting and your life have become indistinguishable? Last night after the Blue and Gold, and getting buried under a ton of non-dairy whipped...

BSA Cracker Barrel
Tips for deducting Scouting-related expenses on your income tax return
Photo by Horrgakx on FlickrWhen Baden-Powell said “Be Prepared,” I’m pretty sure he wasn’t talking about income tax returns. But still, there’s no better advice than that two-word phrase during tax...


Random Scout News


View all news at all news


Milford Cub Scouts race cars at Pinewood Derby - Times Herald-Record
Milford Cub Scouts race cars at Pinewood DerbyTimes Herald-RecordMembers of Milford Cub Scout Pack No. 71 recently held their annual Pinewood Derby at Shohola Elementary School. The Scouts, with their...

Scouts join ranks for Blue and Gold Banquet - Times Herald-Record
Edmonds BeaconScouts join ranks for Blue and Gold BanquetTimes Herald-RecordPORT JERVIS — Leaders, families, and Scouts of Cub Scout Pack 173 gathered at the Erie Trackside Manor Feb. 22 for...

Scouting honors -
Scouting Scout leader Maria Z. Nigro received the Archbishop's Award for Scouting. Cub Scout Martin Romines was awarded the Parvulu Dei medal. Boy Scouts Nicholas Adams and Christopher Mascetti received...

Help Scouts to help shelter -
Help Scouts to help shelterNorthJersey.comBoonton Girl Scout Troop 912 is helping the Montville Animal Shelter by collecting cat litter, cat or dog toys, dry kitten food, and dog food, ground...

Village scouts move on to the next level -
Edmonds BeaconVillage scouts move on to the next levelNorthJersey.comRidgefield Park's Cub Scout Pack 4 held its annual Blue and Gold Ceremony in the St. Francis gymnasium last month to celebrate...

Hackensack's super scouts -
Hackensack's super scouts Pictured, front row, from left: Cub Scouts Paul DelVecchio, MarcMartinez, Ryan Galbreath, Jonathan Outen, and Edward Malin; back row, from left: Hackensack Councilman Marlin Townes, Cubmaster PJ Mascetti,...


Scouts In Action


They Saved the Baby from the River!
John Fitzgerald, 9, Christian Nanson, 11, and other members of Pack 100 and Troop 100 were swimming in Nebraska’s Platte River when Christian spotted a baby floating facedown in the...

He saved the boy from the riptide!
As Todd Staszak, 15, was bodyboarding at Hatteras, N.C., he heard cries for help. A man was trying to save his son and his son’s friend as a powerful riptide...



Thoughts to Ponder

 Good Turn Closing Thought

Most of us are happiest when we are doing something for others. Think, for a moment of a time when you were helpful to someone. Chances are it made you feel pretty good. Of course, we feel best when we do something for others without being found out. When we help others regularly, it soon becomes a habit and gets to be a natural thing. Once a Cub Scout establishes this habit, he learns the real meaning of a good turn.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders