InsaneScouter - Newsletter - 2004 - May - Newsletter

Newsletter - 2004 - May

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 3

Issue: 5

May 2004

Thank you for subscribing to the InsaneScouters monthly newsletter. It is our intention to provide you with information and resources to help you run your units program. Please reply to this newsletter if you have any suggestions on how we can better help you.

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Cub Scouts My Home State

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Baloo's Bugle (pdf)
Ottawana (pdf)
Denver Area Council 2004 Pow Wow (pdf)
Desert District's Roundtable Handout (doc)



Outdoorsman - Knotty Knots
Outdoorsman - Campfire Fun & Safety
Outdoorsman - Campsites & Firewood
Outdoorsman - Outdoor Cooking

Handyman - Tool Man Crossword
Handyman - Handy at Home

Boy Scouts

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I am proud to announce many of the new features and content now available at InsaneScouter. Below you will find a list of what these updates are and where to find them.

There are many things we have in progress including

  • Developing a virtual web team to maintin InsaneScouter and help keep everythng current
  • Improved Hosting for Scouting groups (
  • More Products and Services in the Insane Trading Hut
  • And Much More

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FTP Service

InsaneScouter proudly announces its long awaited FTP service. After many problems it is now fully operational and online with nearly 8 gigabytes of resources for you to download. Some of the resources available incluled PowWow Books, Graphics, Clip Art, Digital Patch Collection, Multi-Media, Demo Scouting Software and the InsaneScouter Sample CD. For more information go to

Games / Activities


Back-to-Back Relay :  Pairs standing back to back their backs touching and must run together to a goal and back with one running forward and the other running backward. If they separate, they must start over again.

Backward Trip Race :  This is run in teams of three, the central player facing forward. The other two, with arms linked, facing backwards. The first team to finish intact wins.

Blind Walk :  Divide group into pairs with one member of each pair blindfolded. Seeing partner leads blind partner on a walk. The walk should be challenging, including such obstacles as climbing over tables, crawling under chairs, walking up or down stairs, climbing over railings, etc.

Come Along:  All of the Cubs are placed in a bunch in the center of the play area.  Each of the four teams is assigned a corner of the room as home base.  Four Cubs are chosen to be leaders.  The four leaders run to the center of the room and grab the hand of another Cub.  The two Cubs must run around the bunch of Cubs and then grab another Cub.  The three Cubs circle the bunch and grab another Cub, etc.  Determine how many Cubs would evenly divide the bunch into four even groups.  That is the number of Cubs that must be gathered in a string before heading for home base.  First team to gather their Cubs and get home wins.  Boys left in the bunch are the leaders for the next round.

Circle Trivia :  Use a tennis ball or beanbag.  After choosing a category, call out a letter.  IT has five seconds to find a response to the category with that letter.

Cross the River :  Line up in teams with their equipment and draw two lines to represent the river. Laystepping stones (pieces of paper) across the river. Cub 1 carries Cub 2 on his back across the river using the stepping stones. Cub 2 comes back and picks up Cub 3 plus a piece of equipment. Cub 3 comes back and picks up Cub 4 plus a piece of equipment and so on until all the Cubs have crossed the river. 

Cub Car Races:  Use cardboard boxes as cars.  Dens should decorate their vehicles. One lap equals a trip around the room.  Pit stops mandatory.  Change tires (remove shoes and put them back on).  Wash windshield (other team member sprays driver's face with water bottle and then wipes face dry).  Fill up with gas (drink a glas 11c s of water).  Either have each den member run three laps or have dens exchange drivers after each lap.

Cubmobiles (Pushmobiles ):  Plans and rules found in The 1000 Cub Scout Leader How-To Book.

C.U.B.S.:  Cubs sit in a large circle and a bean bag is placed in the center.  The leader assigns each Cub a letter of the word CUBS.  When the leader calls out a letter, all the Cubs with that letter jump up, run around the circle twice, come back to their spot, then enter the circle, and try to snatch the bean bag from the center of the circle.

Cup Race:  Thread paper cups onto a cord stretched between chairs, or posts.  Each team member blows cone to the end of the cord, brings it back;  next boy does the same.  First team finished wins.

Dizzy Pole Relay (Izzy Dizzy):  Each team member runs up hall, picks up a bat. Then puts one end stationary on the ground and runs around it 10 (or so) times before running dizzily back to his team to tag the next boy.

Long Distance Whispers :  Distribute members of a team some distance away from one another. Give the leader a scrap of paper with a message around 15 words long. The team members must remember the message and relay it to the next team member who in turn relays it down the line to the final Scout. The final Scout writes down the message when he returns back at the starting point. The team with the message most resembling the starting message wins. The longer the distance the more breathless and less articulate and more forgetful the Scouts become.

Packed My Suitcase:  Memory game where Cubs sit in a circle.  The first Cub names an item that he packed in his suitcase.  Each Cub adds another item as they go around the circle.  The Cubs who remembers all of the previous items wins.

Pioneer Went to Sleep:  Everyone stands in a circle. The first player begins by saying "Pioneer went to sleep." The rest of the group answers "How did Pioneer got to sleep?" The leader then says "Pioneer went to sleep like this, like this," repeating a small gesture such as nodding the head or twisting the wrist. The rest of the group mimics the gesture and answers "like this, like this." The entire group continues to repeat the gesture as the next boy in line says "Pioneer went to sleep," and others respond as before. The second boy adds another gesture to the first, so that now there are two movements to keep going. The game continues around the circle, each player adding a gesture. By the end of the game, the entire group should be a foot-wiggling, eye-blinking, head-shaking, nose-twitching mess. Try to add as many gestures as possible before the game totally falls apart. Since it is difficult to do more than ten gestures at once, you may not get everyone in the group, but the challenge is to see how far you do get. Start off slowly with small things, such as toes and fingers, and work up to the bigger things, such as arms and legs.

Quarter Toss:  Set a group of targets on the floor (plastic bowls, cups, paper targets). Toss quarters, other coins, or washers onto the targets.

Tunnel Relay:  Team members stand i 11c n a line one behind another with their legs apart. The person at the back of the team crawls through the legs of the other members and then stands at the front, legs open. The next team member then goes. When everyone has crawled through (team is back in order 1000 ) the team has finished.

Wheel Rolling:  See who can roll a wheel the farthest across the parking lot.

Wheels:  Line teams up.  Give each team member a number.Then shout out modes of transport, for example a car.  Number four runs because it has four wheels. Any mode of transport is applicable. One = unicycle, 2 = bicycle, 3 = tricycle or a unicycle and a bicycle, 4 = car, 5 = unicycle on top of a car, 6 = three bikes, train = whole team runs.  Design a short course for them to run.

American Indian Stone Toss :  Materials:  Six flat rocks about as big as your hand.   Eighteen stones about the size of walnuts.  Only play this game outdoors. 

Arrange six flat rocks, roughly one foot apart in a row on the ground.  Put a smaller stone on top of each flat stone.  Give each player six small stones.  Each player, in turn, should stand behind a throwing line twelve feet away and toss his six stones.  Observer must stand out of the line of fire.  Score five points for each stone knocked off. Highest score wins the game.

Indian Hide Out :  One Indian hides while the rest count to 100.  When the group finishes counting, they set out to hunt. Whenever anyone finds the hider, he watches for a chance to join him, while still hiding from the rest  As each new hunter finds the group, he also crowds into the hiding place.  When the last hunter discovers the hiding spot, the game starts over.  The first hunter becomes the hider.

Commanche Give Away:  This Commanche games starts with the leaders, or chief drawing a circle on the ground  The players stand inside the circle, the leader outside.  He throws small sticks (craft sticks are the right size) one at a time into the ring in rapid succession.  The players try to grab as many as they can.  This game taught warriors to be alert and quick.

Beat The Rap :  Items needed: A leader, a timer, a scorekeeper, a gavel, and 12 thumbnail sized rocks.

The contestants, one at a time, pick up as many of the dozen rocks that have been placed on the floor as he can in 10 seconds.  He may use only one hand, and the rocks must stay in that hand.  The timer calls go to start and stop at the end of 10 seconds.  The scorekeeper keeps a record of the rocks picked up and held at the end of that time.  Winner is the one that held the most rocks.

Turkey Feather Relay:  Divide the group into relay teams.  First player on each team holds a long turkey feather.  At the signal, each throws his feather, javelin style, toward the finish line  As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again from that spot.When it finally crosses the finish line, he picks it up, runs back to, and hands the feather to the next teammate  Each team should use different colored feathers.  The first team to all cross the finish line and to return to the starting position flaps their arms and gobb 11a les like triumphant turkeys.


Opening Ceremonies

Four Winds Opening

Cast: Akela- Cubmaster, dressed as an Native American Indian Chief, rattle, 4 Cubs in Indian costumes, carrying artificial torches.

Props:  Artificial torches and artificial campfire. A stagehand is needed to plug the artificial campfire in on cue.

Akela enters dresses as chief, approaches 11c unplugged campfire. Standing behind it, facing the audience, he raises his arms and faces skyward, rattle in hand.)

Cubmaster: (dressed as an Indian Chief) let the North Wind enter.  (one of the boys enters carryi fff ng a torch.  He stands by the campfire and says his line.  Others do likewise as they are called in.)

North Cub comes in and stands north (or in back of) the campfire and faces the audience -North wind: the North Wind that brings the cold, builds endurance.

Cubmaster: South Wind enter.South Cub enters and stands directly across from the North“faces audience South wind: the South wind brings the warmth of friendship

Cubmaster:: East Wind enter.East enters and stands to the left side of the fire-faces audience

East wind: the east wind brings the light of day.

Cubmaster:: West Wind enter.

West enters and stands directly across from East-faces audience  West wind: the West wind from the direction where the sun sinks, brings night and stars.

Cubmaster: the Four Winds will light our council fire.  All cubs turn towards the artificial campfire, and touches the artificial torch to the fire at the same time. At this moment, the stagehand connects the electrical wire offstage, lighting the bulb in the "Fire".

Advancement Ceremonies

Spirit Of Akela (Advancement Ceremony)

Props: Ceremony board or log with three small candles or light sticks, an one large candle, tom-tom, artificial council fire

Setting: Tom-tom beats, Akela enters and walks behind the fire, Akela gives Cub Scout sign and tom-tom beating stops.

Narrator:Akela was the big chief of the Webelos tribe; tall, stalwart, straight as an arrow, swift as an antelope, brave as a lion, he was fierce to an enemy but kind to a brother  Many trophies hang in his teepee.  His father was a son of a great yellow sun in the sky.  He was called the Arrow of Light.  His mother, from whom he learned those wondrous things that mothers know, was called Kind Eyes  He began to understand the signs and calls of the Webelos tribe.  Then he was taken on little trips into the forest among the great trees and streams. Here, form the wolf, he learned the language of the ground; the tracks and the ways to food (At this point, Akela lights the large candle representing the Spirit of Akela' and using that, lights the small Wolf candle.)

Akela: With this candle, representing the Spirit of Akela we light the trail of the Wolf.  From the signs along the Wolf trail, I see that the following braves are ready for advancement to the Wolf clan of Akela's tribe (Akela calls names of boys receiving Wolf badge and arrow points.  They come forward and stand before the council fire.  Akela presents their awards)

Narrator:Then from the big, kindly bears, he learned the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds, the language of the air.

Akela: (Lighting Bear candle) With the Spirit of Akela we light the Bear trail.  From the signs along the Bear trail, I see that he following braves are ready for advancement in the Bear clan of Akela's tribe. (He calls forward the boys who are receiving Bear badges and arrow points.)

11d Narrator:But before he could become a Scouting Brave on his own, he had to prove himself by trying out new skills, performing certain tasks and passing tests of accomplishments.

Ake ffb la: (Lighting Webelos candle) With the spirit of Akela we light the trail of the Webelos.  From the signs along the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have shown their skills in _____ (He calls names of boys receiving activity badges, and indicates which badges they earned)

Akela: From the signs further on down the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have proven themselves worthy to wear the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Akela's tribe. (He calls forward boys who have earned the Arrow of Light award.  Upon presenting these awards the tom- tom begins to beat again at a rapid place. Drum stops)

Akela: From the four winds, Akela hears that your braves are doing well along the trails that will lead you into Boy Scouting.  Now will all Cub Scouts stand and repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise?

An Arrow of Light Incentive Ceremony

Sometimes it is appropriate to provide incentives to Webelos to get the Arrow of light.  This ceremony at the Blue and Gold may be appropriate for your unit.

Staging:  Lights dimmed, ceremonial fire (not lighted).  Cubmaster dressed as a Chief, one scouter as Indian drummer, one Scouter as Indian bowman, arrows for each Webelos Scout.  Chief and two Indians enter, tom-tom beating softly, slowly.

Indian Bowman:  (lights candle) This light is the light of Cub Scouting.  (Pretends to light campfire as it is turned on.)  May the Spirit of Scouting Light our ceremonial fire tonight.  Webleos, Leaders, come take your place at the ceremonial fire.

Chief:  (Takes a hunting arrow from Bowman, raises arrow in both hands over fire.)  Oh Great Spirit, this is Akela, the Chief of Pack_______ and the council of Webelos Leaders.  We present to you an arrow as a symbol of the Arrow of Light, a badge of honor, the highest Cub Scout award.  (Drives arrow point into the fire log.)

Indian Bowman:  Tonight we have several young braves that are well on the trail of adventure towards the Arrow of Light award.  All Webelos and their dads/parent come take your place beside your den leaders.

Chief:  Webelos, tonight we are presenting to you and your dad a symbolic arrow.  This arrow represents a goal, the Arrow of Light award.  This joint presentation means it requires effort for both of you.  As the challenges of Webelos becomes harder to overcome, let this Arrow and what it represent give you the strength and knowledge to overcome them and reach the goal of the Arrow of Light  Dads into your custody we present your son's arrow to be brought back as a symbol of accomplishment and part of our Arrow of Light ceremony in May.  (Bowman gives arrow to Webelos leaders and he in turn presents them to Dads.)  Now go back to your den and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.

Closing Ceremonies

Spirit of Scouting Closing Ceremony

Ask everyone to stand. The Cubmaster gives the words and demonstrates the signs used in the ceremony.  Then everyone joins in.

May the Spirit of Scouting   (Boy Scout Sign)

121 And the Light of Akela  (Cub Scout Sign)

Be with you and me (point index finger)

Until our paths  (Both arms out to 1000 sides)

Cross  (Arms crossed)

Again (Cub sign on wrist, then on elbow, then shoulder)

Skits / Applauses / Fables / Songs


Geronimo Cheer : Tap hand against mouth and say Woo, Woo, Woo, Geronimo!

Bow & Arrow Cheer : Make motion as if shooting an arrow, and say fire and release the arrow!

War Drum Cheer : Beat on your chest saying, Boom, Boom, Boom!!!

Pow Wow Cheer : Explain to the audience that when you call out, Pow, they are to respond Wow, and vice versa.

War Hoop Cheer : Pound on your chest a few times and then Yell YIIIIIIIII

Tonto Cheer : Leader says, Where does Tonto take his garbage? Audience yells, To de dump, to de dump, to de dump, dump, dump. in rhythm while slapping hands on thighs like running horse.

Chief Cheer : How! How! How!


How the Sun, Moon, Stars, Got into the Sky (Audience Participation Skit ) 1002

Characters: Chief -- Stand with arms folded across chest and say Ugh
Sun -- Cover eyes with hands and say So Bright
Moon -- Frame face with hands and say Good Night
Stars -- Blink Rapidly and say Twinkle Twinkle
Narrator:  Long, long ago the Native Americans had no fire and no light.  They suffered much during the cold winter and they had to eat food uncooked.  They also had to live in darkness because there was no light.

There was no Sun, Moon, nor Stars in the sky.  A great Chief kept them locked up in a box.  He took great pride in the though that he alone had light.  This great Chief had a beautiful daughter of whom he was also proud.  She was much beloved by all the Native Americans in the tribe.

In those days, the raven had powers of magic.  He was a great friend of the Native Americans and the Chief. He wondered how he might make life more comfortable for them.

One day he saw the daughter of the Chief come down to the brook for a drink.  He had an idea.  He would put a magic spell on her.  In time, a son was born to the daughter of the Chief.  The old Chief was delighted and as the boy grew, his grandfather became devoted to him.  Any thing he wanted he could have. 

One day he asked the old Chief for the box containing the Stars. Reluctantly, the old Chief gave it to him.  The child played for a while by rolling the box around. Then he released the Stars and flung them into the sky.  The Native Americans were delighted. This was some light, though not quite enough.

After a few days, the child asked for the box containing the Moon..  Again the old Chief hesitated but finally the boy got what he wanted.  Again, after playing awhile with the box, the boy released the Moon and flung it into the sky. The tribe members were overjoyed. But still there was not enough light, and the Moon disappeared for long periods.

Finally, the child asked for the box with the Sun.NO, said the old Chief.I cannot give you that. But the boy wept and pleaded.  The old Chief could not stand the tears, so he gave the box to him.  As soon as he had the chance, the child released the Sun and cast it into the sky.

The joy of the tribe knew no bounds.  Here was light enough and heat as well.  They ordered a feast of the Sun and all the Native American celebrated it with great jubilation.  And the old Chief was happy.  He had not know the Sun, the Moon and the Stars could means so much for the comfort and happiness of his people.  And for the first time, he too enjoyed himself.

The Cub Scout Trail-Skit

Props needed: Teepee or tent, Tiger Cap, Large boxes to make store and mountain  Cardboard signs that read: Tiger Treat Center , Bobcat Store, Bear Mountain, Webelos Bridge , Rugged Road

Setting: A simulated trail 11c , with the teepee standing at the beginning, four signs held along the way by Cub Scouts, and the Den Chief and the end with the fifth sign.  Blue and gold crepe paper streamers are wound around the signs marking the trail. Akela, attired in an Indian b ff8 lanket and headband, is at the teepee.  The prospective Cub Scout wears an old baggy shirt over his uniform as he steps up to meet Akela.

Akela: Can I help you?

Boy: I'm on my way to manhood.

Akela: Come; let's follow the blue and gold trail.  It's the best way.  First, we'll stop at the Tiger Treat Center . (Boy goes inputs Tiger cap on-comes back out)

Boy:  Boy that was a treat! I searched interesting place, discovered new things and shared with my new friends!  What is next?

Akela:  Yes. But Tigers just give you a little taste of what is to come. Now we need to stop at the Bobcat Store, to prepare you for a longer more challenging journey.  (Boy ducks down and removes old shirt, and removes Tiger cap. Returns)

Boy:  OK, I'm ready for the next step.

Akela: Follow the blue and gold trail. I will walk with you as your guide.

Cub Scout: (at Wolf Tunnel)  I hope there aren't real wolves here!  (Ducks in and puts on the Cub Scout cap.)

Cub Scout: (comes to Bear Mountain)  A mountain WOW! Are you SURE this is the best way?

Akela: You're doing fine (Comes to Webelos Bridge ).  I must go to help others now.  You did very well!  Good luck!

Cub Scout: (Salutes) Thanks for your help. (Crosses Bridge .)  This is the end of the trail.  Is this manhood?

Den Chief:  No, but you're getting there.  Just follow the rugged road, to Boy Scouting.

Scene: White man on stage; Native Americans enter, beating drums and line up in half circle.

White Man:  White man glad to see red man.  White man hope big chief feel tip top.

Brave:  (calling to friend) Hey Joe! Come here and listen to this guy talk!

All Dance

White Man: Why were the Native Americans the first people in North America?

Brave:  Because we had reservations

All Dance

Brave 1: I hear your name is Sitting Bull.

Brave 2: Yes, that's right.

Brave 1: Then, why aren't you sitting?

Brave 2: I'm on vacation.

All Dance:

Brave 1: Hey, Why are you wearing so many feathers?

Brave 2: To keep my wigwam, of course!

White man: What is that you're wearing around your neck?

Brave: These are bear claws

20 104 White Man: Oh, I suppose that they hold the same meaning for you as pearls do for us?

Brave: Well, not quite. Anybody can open an oyster!

The P 1000 ronouncement

Big Chief: Bring in 10 scalps; kill 5 buffalo barehanded and go into desert without water for a moon. Then I will pronounce you Big Brave. You understand?

Indian Brave: Yes.  What do I do to get pronounced Little Brave?


Texas State Song

Texas, Our Texas
Written by William J. Marsh and Gladys Yoakum Wright
Composed by William J. Marsh

Texas, Our Texas! all hail the mighty State!
Texas, Our Texas! so wonderful so great!
Boldest and grandest, withstanding ev'ry test
O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.

Texas, O Texas! your freeborn single star,
Sends out its radiance to nations near and far,
Emblem of Freedom! it set our hearts aglow,
With thoughts of San Jacinto and glorious Alamo .

Texas, dear Texas! from tyrant grip now free,
Shines forth in splendor, your star of destiny!
Mother of heroes, we come your children true,
Proclaiming our allegiance, our faith, our love for you.

God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.

Weave, Weave, Weave New Cloth
(Tune: Row, Row, Row, Your Boat)

Weave, weave, weave, new cloth.
In and out thread flies.
A blanket, a blanket, a blanket, a blanket,
To keep us warm at night.

Throw, throw, throw a pot
Squish the clay to knead.
Twirl around, twirl around, twirl around, twirl around,
Smooth as it can be.

Build, Build, Build a house
A-do-be stands the best,
Make a brick, make a brick, make a brick, make a brick.
On the cliffs it stands the test.

O Blue and Gold
(tune: Oh Christmas Tree)

O Blue and Gold, O Blue and Gold
You know it stands for truth untold.
O Blue and Gold, O Blue and Gold
The youth that wear it aren't so old.
So carry on your colors bright,
Until the whole world you will light.
O Blue and Gold, O Blue and Gold,
The memories live though we grow old.

We're The Cubs
(tune: Clementine)

We're the Cub Scouts (boys)
We're the Scouters (adults)
Here we are both young and old (all)
Altogether we're a Cub Pack
Having fun at Blue and Gold.

Tigers and Bobcats (Tigers and Bobcats)
Wolf and Bear Cubs (Wolves and Bears)
And the WEBELOS are we. (WEBELOS)
Altogether we're a Cub Pack
Having fun in harmony.

We're the mothers (moms)
We're the fathers (dads)
Helping Cub Scouts as they go. (adults)
Up the ladder of achievement,
Climbing higher as th f8 ey grow.

Let's give thanks (everyone)
On this occasion
To the mighty Gold and Blue;
Pack ____ is the number
Representing me and you.


Indian Talking Stick

You need:

· Stick (measuring 1/2" x 24")

· Yarn

· Fur Scrap

· 2 Jingle Bells

· 12" Suede Cord

· 4 Pony Beads

· 2 Feathers

· Tacky Gl 11b ue

· Scissors



Cut a piece of fur 1" x 2".  Wrap it around the end of the stick. Use tacky glue to secure it.  Spread a little glue at the end near fur.  Wrap yarn tightly around stick adding more glue as needed.  Cover about 5" of the stick changing the color if desired.

Tie suede lace near the bottom of the yarn wrap.  Thread the lace through the bells and knot again.  String 2 pony beads onto each end.  Tie off and trim.  Slip feather ends up through beads with a little glue to secure.

InsaneScouter Moment - The Man Without A Country

In the year 1805, some plotters tried to set up a new government in some of the southern states. When the plot was discovered, the traitors were tried for conspiracy against the United States government. One of them was Philip Nolan, an Army officer. During his trial, the president of the court asked Nolan whether he wished to say anything to show that he had always been faithful to the United States. Nolan replied, "Damn the United States! I wish I may never hear of the United States again!"

He got his wish. Nolan was put on a Navy ship with instructions that he should never hear the name of his country or get any information about it. Years went by. Nolan became a changed man. In his heart, he had an intense love for the US.

Philip Nolan finally died. A note with his last request was found in his Bible. The note said: "Bury me in the sea, it has been my home and I love it. But will not someone set up a stone for my memory at Fort Adams or at Orleans, that my disgrace may not be more than I ought to bear? Say on it: 'In memory of Philip Nolan, a lieutenant in the Army of the United States. He loved his country as no other man has loved her; but no man deserves less at her hand.'"

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders