InsaneScouter - Newsletter - 2004 - January - Newsletter

Newsletter - 2004 - January

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

January 2004

Thank you for subscribing to the InsaneScouter's monthly newsletter. It is our intention to provide you with information and resources to help you run your unit's program. Please reply to this newsletter if you have any suggestions on how we can better help you.

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I am proud to announce many of the new features and content now available at InsaneScouter. Below you will find a list of what these updates are and where to find them.

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Games / Activities

Cub Car Races

Use cardboard boxes as cars.  Dens should decorate their vehicles.  One lap equals a trip around the room.  Pit stops mandatory.  Change tires (remove shoes and put them back on).  Wash windshield (other team member sprays driver's face with water bottle and then wipes face dry).  Fill up with gas (drink a glass of water).  Either have each den member run three laps or have dens exchange drivers after each lap.


Cubs sit in a large circle and a bean bag is placed in the center.  The leader assigns each Cub a letter of the word CUBS.  When the leader calls out a letter, all the Cubs with that letter jump up, run around the circle twice, come back to their spot, then enter the circle, and try to snatch the bean bag from the center of the circle.

Cup Race

Thread paper cups onto a cord stretched between chairs, or posts.  Each team member blows cone to the end of the cord, brings it back;  next boy does the same.  First team finished wins.

Feather Relay

Each player throws a long feather javelin style, toward the finish line. As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again, and continues until across the finish line. He then picks it up and runs back to his team to give the feather to the next player.  Variation: each team member makes a paper airplane to use instead of the feather.

File Race

Teams race in single file, one behind the other. No Scout is permitted to pass his teammate ahead of him.

Fireman, Save My Child

Each team has a pile of the cut-out children on a table and a drinking straw for each player. Approximately 15-20 feet away from the start, place a small pail for each team on another table, chair, stool, etc.  At the call of "Fireman, save my child", the first player on each team must pick up a child by sucking up the figure against their straw.  While holding the figure this way, they run to their respective pail and deposit the figure. The next team member then goes. If they drop the figure en-route, they must stop and pick up their child, again, by sucking it up with the straw.

Football Throw

Boys take turns seeing who can throw a football the farthest.  Boys should be broken up into groups by rank.  A football is the prize for each rank.  Nerfs work the best.

Guard the Treasury

One boy is chosen to be "IT", the keeper of the treasure, who stands guard over the "jewels" (beanbag or whatever). Everyone else forms a circle around "IT". The group standing around "IT" must try to steal the treasure without being tagged. Those touched by "IT" are frozen in place and can no longer try for the treasure. Play ends when the "jewels" are captured.

Steal the Bacon

Divide the troop into two, three, or four groups. Number off EACH group separately.  Line them up facing each other, about 30-40 feet apart.  The number 1 Scout on one team will be across from the last Scout on the other team. Place your 'bacon' between the lines. The idea is for a Scout to go out and retrieve the object. The leader calls out a number and each Scout with that number runs out and tries to get the object and go back behind his line. Once the object is touched, the other Scout can tag the Scout that touched the object. There are two ways to win a round: either get the object and bring it behind your line without being tagged, or tag the other Scout after he grabs the object and before he makes it past his line.  Variation:  Tell a story instead of just calling out numbers: "THREE Scouts went on a hike. They saw TWO deer and FIVE trees...”

Steal the Treasure

A Cub sits in a chair blindfolded.  He is the guard.  Some treasure, a hat, key ring, etc. is placed under the chair.  Other Cubs are in a circle around the guard.  One Cub is sent to try to steal the treasure.  The guard tries to tag the thief when he hears him approach.  If the thief is caught he becomes the guard.

Wink Murder

Everyone closes their eyes, and the leader picks one or more boys to be killers. When everyone opens their eyes, the killers try to kill the other boys by winking at them. The non-killers try to expose the killers before everyone is dead. If a non-killer announces that someone is a killer, then
1) If they are right, the killer is "dead", or 2) If they are wrong, the guesser is "dead".  Killers can kill other killers.
Keep going until all the killers are dead or until only one killer is left.


Caveman Opening

CUB #l : The early caveman used fire to protect himself from wild beasts and to warm his body.

CLTB #2: In ancient times the Phoenicians used fire on mountain tops or high pillars as beacons for their ships.

CUB #3: The American Indian used fire to hollow logs for his boats, to fire pottery, and for ceremonial purposes.

CUB #4: The pioneer used fire to forge rims for his wheels and bolts to build wagons. The silhouette of the village blacksmith against fire was a common eight in early America.

CUB #5: The cowboys in the old west sat around the campfire with a pot of coffee and a pan of beans entertaining themselves by singing ballads of the trail.

CUB #6: Fire today makes the wheels of commerce and industry turn. In essence, fire is. putting men on the moon.

CUB #7: Fire is the universal symbol of Scout camping.. The fellowship around the campfire is one of the most lasting memories in the life of a Scout.

Flag Opening

Arrangement: Pack flag is placed in center of stage. Ten Cub Scouts in uniform, in turn, come on stage, stand near the pack flag and recite one of the statements below. Upon finishing, each Cub Scout salutes the pack flag and steps back.

Cub 1: May I grow in character and ability as I grow in size.

Cub 2: May I be honest with myself and others in what I do and say.

Cub 3: May I learn and practice my religion.

Cub 4: May I always honor my parents, my elders and my leaders.

Cub 5: May I develop high moral principles and the courage to live by them.

Cub 6: May I strive for health in body, mind and spirit.

Cub 7: May I always respect the rights of others.

Cub 8: May I set a good example so that others may enjoy and profit from my company.

Cub 9: May I give honest effort to my work.

Cub 10: May I regard my education as preparation for the future.

Advancement Ceremonies

Akela's Life Story – Advancement Ceremony

Equipment: Ceremony board or log with 3 small candles and one large candle; tom-tom; artificial campfire.

Setting: With the tom-tom beating, Akela enters and walks behind the fire. Akela gives the Cub Scout sign and the tom-tom stops.

Narrator: Akela was the big chief of the Webelos tribe; tall, stalwart, straight as an arrow, swift as an antelope, brave as a lion—he was fierce to an enemy, but kind to a brother. Many trophies hung in his teepee. His father was the son of the great yellow sun in the sky. He was called the “Arrow of Light.” His mother, from whom he learned those wondrous things that mothers know, was called “Kind Eyes.” He began to understand the signs and calls of the Webelos tribe. Then he was taken on little trips to the forest among the great trees and streams. Here, from the Wolf, he learned the language of the ground; the animal tracks and the ways to food.

Akela: (Lighting the small Wolf candle from the large candle) From this candle, representing the “Spirit of Akela,” we light the trail of the Wolf. From the signs along the Wolf trail, I see the following braves are ready for advancement in the Wolf Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls the names of the boys receiving Wolf badges (w/parents) and arrow points. They come forward and stand before the campfire. Akela presents awards, as appropriate.)

Narrator: Then, from the big, kindly bears, he learned the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds, the language of the air.

Akela: (Lighting the Bear candle) With the “Spirit of Akela,” we light the Bear trail. From the signs along the Bear trail, I see the following braves are ready for advancement into the Bear Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls the names of the boys receiving Bear badges (w/parents) and arrow points.)

Narrator: But, before he could become a Scouting “brave” on his own, he had to prove himself by trying out new skills, performing certain tasks and passing tests of accomplishment.

Akela: (Lighting the Webelos candle) With the “Spirit of Akela,” we light the trail of the Webelos. From the signs along the Webelos trail, I see the following braves have shown their skill in…(he calls the names of the boys receiving activity badges and indicates which badges they earned). And, the following braves have demonstrated the skills and knowledge necessary to advance into the Webelos Clan of Akela's tribe (calls names of boys who have earned their Webelos badges and invites their parents to come forward; presents awards). From the four winds, Akela hears that you braves are doing well along the trails that will lead you into Boy Scouting and the highest trail of all, that of Eagle. Will all Cub Scouts stand and repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise?

(Everyone exits to the sound of the tom-tom.)

Arrow of Light Ceremony

Cubmaster: (The lights are turned off; the room is dark.)

Light of Akela, shine for me. (Turn on a flashlight with red cellophane covering the lens.) Lead me to the honored one and his elders.” (With the flashlight, escort the boy and his parents to the front.) (While the lights are off, 4 other Webelos Scouts come to the front.)

Cubmaster: Akela, send your helpers to light ___Name's____ way.

(Each Webelos, in turn, turns on his flashlight and says his part, leaving the light on until the house lights come on.)

Webelos #1: ___Name___, tonight you will receive the highest honor in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Listen so that it may guide you along scouting's path.

Webelos #2: The shaft of the arrow is straight and narrow, just as the path you should follow.

Webelos #3: The tip points the way you should go, to the right, a symbol that nothing should be left undone.

Webelos #4: The seven rays of the sun stand for each day of the week. To remind you that each day is a new day, a day to do your best.

Cubmaster: ___Name___, we ask you to remember these things and let the Arrow of Light light your path always. Do you promise to do this? (Have the boy say, “Yes.”) Akela, return our light. (House lights come on. Have mother and/or father present award to boy; have boy present parent's pin.)

Closing Ceremonies

Fire Safety Closing

Cub Scouts, all during our meeting the candle representing the spirit of Cub Scouting has continued to burn. Now we'll blow it out, reminding ourselves that a flame must never be left burning when no one is around. But let us keep the light of Cub Scouting burning in our hearts. (Extinguish candle.)

Skits / Applauses / Fables / Songs


Cub #1: Did you hear about the kid that always wore two different colors of socks?
Cub #2: Yeah, his mother told him to never touch matches!

Cub #1: Doctor, doctor—my boy swallowed a pen!
Cub #2: Well, bring him into my office as soon as you can.

Cub #1: What should I do in the meantime?
Cub #2: Use a pen.


This or That

A game that requires advance planning. Two players secretly agree on a code word, for instance, “that,” as one of them leaves the room. The other players select an object in the room, and ask the player to return. The player who remained in the room points to various objects, asking, “Is it this book?” “This flower?” “This picture?” “That basket?” To which the accomplice replies, “Yes!”


Silly Filly Inny for Home Alone

The leader passes around slips of paper with various brief phrases on them. Each member of the group draws a paper from the proverbial hat. The leader reads the story below. When there is a pause in the story… signified by ***, the leader points to one of the group members, and that person SHOUTS OUT his phrase. Of course, the phrase may or may not be exactly what was left out…in fact, that's the fun of it!

  • Kitchen table
  • Favorite cartoon
  • Dining room
  • Table Soccer
  • Yummy cheese
  • Upstairs bedroom
  • Big bouquet
  • Garage door
  • Cupboard door
  • Math book
  • Dad's old computer
  • Comfy couch
  • Old-fashioned oatmeal
  • Cordless telephone
  • Dairy farm
  • Toy truck
  • Refrigerator
  • Romaine lettuce
  • English cucumber
  • Garden shoe

2:30 p.m., and Johnny arrived home from school with his sister, Suzie. They put their backpacks on the ***, and prepared to make a snack. Johnny liked to have cheese and crackers, so he opened the refrigerator and took out a piece of ***, then opened the *** to get the crackers. Suzie preferred milk and cookies. She reached into the cookie jar and took out 4 *** cookies, before reaching into the *** for a glass for her milk.

They took their snacks into the family room, sat down on the *** and turned on the television to watch their ***. A half-hour later, Johnny knew it was time do his homework, so he turned off the TV, retrieved his backpack, and headed to his ***.

Johnny took his *** out of his pack, and prepared to do his assignment. He had finished about half of the problems when the *** rang. “I'll get it,” called Suzie. A few minutes later, she yelled, “Johnny, it's Mom, and she wants to talk to you.”

Johnny picked up the phone. “Hi, Mom,” he said. She asked him if he would please make a salad for dinner, using the *** and the *** he would find in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. Johnny said he'd do it right after he finished his math homework.

Mom had asked Suzie to set the table, and she was already putting the plates on the *** when Johnny hung up the phone and headed back to his room. Suzie went out to the garden to pick a *** of flowers for the table.

After Johnny had finished his homework and made the salad, he returned to his room and turned on his ***. He was hoping to receive an email message from his cousin, who lived on a ***. His cousin almost always had a story to tell him, since they had a lot of animals, and one of them was often getting into mischief. Today was no exception. It seems that a goat had escaped his pen and wandered into the backyard. It had chewed his mother's *** and his brother's ***. Johnny replied to the message with news of his *** team's victory, writing that he had even scored a goal.

Just then, Johnny heard the *** open, and knew that one of his parents was arriving home. Although he and Suzie felt perfectly safe at home alone, he always felt better when his parents were home, too.

Around the Town

1. Do you want to go on a trip around town?

2. All right! Let's go! (Leader-pats knees with palms of hands using alternating rhythm, indicating walking. Cub Scouts do likewise in mimicking all motions.)

3. Look, there's a fire station -- they are neat things to have in our town to keep our homes and businesses safe.

4. Here's a bridge over this beautiful stream -- well have to cross it. Be careful not to fall in! (Leader beats alternating fists on floor making sounds like walking on a hollow bridge.)

5. Look at this empty lot. The grass is deep. Let's plow through it. (Leader pretends to push grass to each side to walk through.)

6. Here's a big stream. Let's see if we can jump across. Let's back up and get a good run. (use arm motions as running, then hold hands in air for a few seconds and bring hands down on knees with a loud clap.)

7. Oh, no. We landed in the mud. We'll have to walk through it. (Holds hand with fingers extended downward slowly moving up and down, with frown on face.) Leader comments, “Look, there are animal footprints. They must have come here for water.

8. Here's a trail that leads up to the highest hill. Should we take it? Okay, let's climb. (pat on knees, labored breathing to indicate difficulty while climbing, Leader can comment about the countryside of animals, etc.)

9. Finally the top. Let's rest. (Rest momentarily until . . .)

10. Look at that tall tree. I'll bet if we climbed to the top we could-see for miles around. (Double fists and place one above the other in climbing motion.)

11. (Put hands to eyes and look around.) Think of all the fun things we can do around our town: go fishing, hike, ride bicycles, play on the playground, play soccer, play baseball...

12. Oh, look, there's someone burning leaves. Uh-oh, that dry grass is starting to catch fire and they don't see it! Let's run back to the fire station!


Now take time to discuss how this story might end. What are the fire safety rules?

What should you do in case of fire?

Stretcher - Audience Participation Skit

Try this as an icebreaker or a seat relaxer. Everyone imitates the actions of the leader as he tells the story.

One day while he was at sea, Christopher Columbus stood up.

He looked to the north,

Then looked to the south,

Then to the east,

And to the west.

He then turned around and faced the north,

Then he faced west,

Then he turned to the south,

And turned to face the east.

Then stood on tiptoes to see over his neighbor's shoulder --

But he could see nothing.

So he sat down.


I'm Fire Safety Sam
(Tune: Popeye the Sailor Man)

I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff)
I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff)
Please test smoke detectors
'Cause they're home protectors.
I'm Fire Safety Sam. (ruff, ruff)

Substitute lines 3 and 4 with the following words for new verses...

It's important to say..
With matches, don't play.

If there's smoke you should know,
you'd better crawl low.

Have a fire escape plan.
Every family can.

If there's a fire, get out.
Use your escape route.

Go to a neighbor's when alone,
Then call 9-1-1 on the phone.

Clothes on fire? Here's your goal:
First stop, then drop, and roll!

Brush Your Teeth
(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Brush, brush, brush your teeth,
Morning, noon and night.
See your dentist twice a year,
Keep your smile so bright.

Burn Care
(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)

For minor burns, we are told,
Treat with water that is cold.
A light cover keeps out air,
A minor burn gets minor care.

Major burns need medical potion,
Never apply grease or lotion!
“A clean dry cloth” is what they say
And, “See a doctor right away!”

Thinking Safety
(Tune: Clementine)

In the kitchen, Dad was cooking,
Frying chicken in some oil.
Said he'd go out to do the shopping,
Just as dinner tried to boil!

Thinking Safety, I remembered,
Told him, “Dad! Turn off the heat!”
Using caution is more important
Than preparing supper meat.

At the table was a candle
Mom had lit to cheer the room.
Matches sitting on the counter
Made me feel a sense of doom.

Thinking Safety, I remembered,
Told her, “Mom, this I must teach,
Keep the matches and the lighters
Out of little sister's reach!”

In the bedroom, brother studied,
Working oh so diligently,
Stereo, TV, heater, computer,
All plugged in same circuitry.

Thinking Safety, I remembered,
Told him, “Bud, that's not too wise!
You should unplug some electronics
Before that one connection fries!”

Fire prevention can be easy,
Just have care at every turn.
Use your good sense and some planning
To prevent unwanted burn.


FIRE BUCKET BRIGADE CHEER-Pretend to pass buckets of water, throw water on fire going “sww-wooosssHH.”

FIRE ENGINE CHEER-Divide into four groups. 1. Bell,.“ding, ding, ding.” 2. Hom...“hon.k, honk, honk.” 3. Siren...“rrr, rrr, rrr.” 4. Clanger...“clang, clang, clang.” Have everyone yell at once.


You can visit your local Fire Station and see what kinds of stickers or badges they have and use these for awards and recognitions.


Emergency Preparedness Kit

Water (at least one gallon per person per day; three day minimum)

Water purification tablets or chlorine bleach

Food – only store foods your family likes, such as ready-to-eat meats, fruits, and vegetables; canned or boxed juices, milk, and soup; high-energy foods like peanut butter, jelly, low-sodium crackers, granola bars, and trail mix; vitamins; foods for infants or persons on special diets; cookies, hard candy; instant coffee, cereals, and powdered milk.

First Aid Kit

  • First Aid Manual
  • Band-Aids
  • Soap/germicide
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Latex gloves
  • Gauze pads
  • Roller (Ace) bandages
  • Safety pins
  • Triangle bandages
  • Cotton balls
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Moistened towelettes
  • Thermometer
  • Sunscreen
  • Prescription medicines
  • Extra pair of prescription glasses

Tools and Emergency Supplies

Portable radio                       Flashlight
Batteries                               Waterproof matches
Duct tape                              Scissors
Shovel                                  Wrenches (water and gas shut-off)
Plastic sheeting                     Whistle
Fire extinguisher                   Work gloves
Pen, pencil, paper                 Clock
Manual can opener               Mess kits or paper plates, cups, and silverware
Bleach                                  Multi-tool knife
Tent                                      Sugar, salt, pepper
Zip-lock baggies                   Aluminum foil
Wash cloths                          Small cooking stove with fuel or grill
Towels                                 Soap for hands
Soap for dishes                     Toothpaste, toothbrushes
Shampoo                               Deodorant
Comb/brush                           Lip balm
Shaving supplies                   Feminine hygiene products
Insect repellant                      Contact lens cleaner (if necessary)
Plastic garbage bags           Toilet paper
Disinfectant                         Medium size bucket with a tight lid
Personal identification          Emergency phone numbers
Cash                                       Important family papers and documents
Maps                                      Extra car and house keys
Sleeping bags                       Change of clothes for each person
Pillows                                    Specialty items (diapers, pet food, etc.)
Something for entertainment


Chocolate Peanut Squares

· 4 oz semi-sweet chocolate

· 2 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter

· 3 cups rice crispies

· Butter/margarine

Use a double boiler or a saucepan and bowl that fits (i.e., sits partially in the pan without touching the bottom, allowing contents of bowl to melt).

Place about 1-2” hot water in bottom pan, and place on stove burner over medium heat. Break chocolate into top pan/bowl and add peanut butter. Heat until chocolate melts. Stir to blend chocolate and peanut butter.

Remove top pan/bowl from saucepan and add rice crispies. Mix until crispies are covered in chocolate mixture. Spoon mixture into pie pan greased with butter or margarine. Allow to harden in refrigerator. Cut into squares and eat!

Fire Cracker Sandwich


· Bread, Peanut butter, jelly or other favorite sandwich filling

· Clear plastic wrap, Yarn or ribbon


1. Cut the crusts off the bread. Flatten the bread with a rolling pin. (The children just like to "smush" it with their hand.)

2. Spread on your sandwich filling. Roll up.

3. Wrap in a piece of plastic wrap. Twist the ends of the plastic wrap and tie with a piece of ribbon. It will look like a firecracker!

InsaneScouter Moment - New Year's Resolution

Well, Scouts, did you make any New Year's resolutions? I hope some of you resolved to bring up your grades in school and be more helpful around the house. I'm sure your parents would be delighted with those resolutions.

In Scouting, we make a resolution almost every time we meet. Each time we repeat the Scout Oath or Law, we're resolving to do our best to do our duty and to make ourselves the best citizens we can be. I'm inclined to think that resolving to follow the Scout Oath and Law are the most important resolutions you can make - now and in the time to come. The Oath and Law cover almost everything that makes a good man and a good citizen. So, I think, as we start the New Year, we ought to repeat the Oath and Law and think about what we're saying. (Lead Oath and Law)

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