Newsletter - 2004 - February

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

February 2004

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Games / Activities

Art Contests : Boys design projects or posters on a particular subject for fun or to be judged.

Artists : Players sit round a table, each with paper and pencil. The right-hand Scout draws a picture, in separate firm strokes, of an ordinary figure or head, putting in his strokes in unusual sequence so that for a long time it is difficult to see what he is drawing. Each player looks over to see what the man on his right is drawing and copies it stroke by stroke. When the right-hand artist has finished his picture, compare all the rest with it.

Packed My Suitcase : Memory game where Cubs sit in a circle.  The first Cub names an item that he packed in his suitcase.  Each Cub adds another item as they go around the circle.  The Cubs who remembers all of the previous items wins.

Paper Hoops : A pile of newspapers for each team is placed at one end of the room with the teams lined up at the other end.  When the whistle blows they race up to the newspapers.  The object is to cut the newspaper sheet in the middle and then step through the paper without ripping it right through to the edge.  If that happens they have to start again.  When they have stepped through they race back so that the next team member can go.  The winners are those who are all sitting down with their arms folded. Use newspapers that are not too big.

Patience Relay : Separate the cards into a suit per team. Lay out the 10 number cards (including ace) in any order face down at the end of the room. One at a time the boys run up and turn over a card.  If it is not the Ace then they turn it face down again and run back to their team and the next player has a go. When the ace is turned up they can lay it face up. The next card needed is the two and so on. Play continues until one team has all its cards turned face up.

Wheel Rolling : See who can roll a wheel the farthest across the parking lot.

Endurance Hop : This is a relay race. You'll need 4 different objects for each team (such as a ball, a basket, a hat and a beanbag). Teams stand in adjacent rows along the starting line. The 4 items are placed 3 feet apart in a straight line in front of each team. Use tape to mark where each item belongs. At a signal, the first player hops to the first item, picks it up, then (without touching his other foot to the ground) proceeds to pick up the 2nd , 3rd and 4th items, then hops back to the starting line. If an item is dropped, player must stop and pick it back up. 1st player delivers all items to the 2nd player, who hops off the line to return the items to their 4 spots, then hops back to the start and tags the next player, who hops off to pick up the items. Alternatively, players may leave the each item in the next item's spot, and drop off the 4 th item in the 1st item's spot before returning to the line. The first team to have all their players finish wins.

Balloon Volley : You'll need one inflated balloon and one 4-5 ft stick, pole or broom for every 5 players. Give each player a number from 1-5. Players 1 and 3 hold the stick at shoulder height. Player 4 holds the balloon. Player 5 stands between Players 4 & 1. Players move in a counterclockwise direction.

The game begins with Player 4 hitting the balloon over the stick to Player 2, and then moving to take Player 3's position. Player 3 waits until Player 2 hits the balloon before advancing to take his position. Player 2, after hitting the balloon back over the stick, will take the place of Player 1, who then stands behind Player 5. Players continue to rotate one position to the right each time the balloon crosses over the stick. Players may hit the balloon as many times as needed to get it over the stick. Players holding the stick may move sideways, but may not catch the balloon or lower the stick to assist their teammates. Two players must be holding the stick before the balloon is hit over it. If the stick is dropped while the players are changing places and the balloon has been hit, the stick has to be picked up quickly before the balloon passes over it, or the team is charged with one point. The lowest point total at the end of 5 minutes is the new total to beat.

Gato Enfermo (Sick Cat): One boy is the Gato Enfermo. He chases the other players, and each one he tags becomes another Sick Cat and must hold with his left hand the place on his body where he was tagged. All Sick Cats continue to chase. Last boy caught is the winner.

Skits / Applauses / Fables / Songs


Cub #1: What do you call a sleepy bull?
Cub #2: A bull-dozer.

Cub #1: How do you stop a bull from charging?
Cub #2: Take away his credit card.

Cub #1: What would you get if you crossed a lion with a woodpecker?
Cub #2: An animal that knocks before it eats you.

Cub #1: What is the best thing to do is you find a burro in your bed?
Cub #2: Take a siesta somewhere else.


Broom Trick

You will need a broom to show this trick. Wrap one hand around the lowest part of the broom handle, as close as possible to the broom itself. Wrap your other hand around the handle, just above your first hand. Hold the broom out at about waist-high. Now have 5 friends put their hands around the handle above yours (the tallest boy should have his hands at the top of the broom handle), and tell them to pull the broom downward so that the bristles touch the floor. There are five against one.

Would you believe that, no matter how hard they pull and tug, they won't be able to get the broom down? This is because you can easily deflect the downward force they exert by merely moving the broom slightly to left or right. In effect, they will be pushing the broom sideways—not downwards.


Jose's Dilemma - Audience Participation

Assign the parts to 5 groups; everyone will respond to FIESTA with “Olé.”

JOSE: I want to go MAMA: Take your sombrero
SOMBRERO: It's too hot SISTER: Take me, Jose
BURRO: Hee-haw FIESTA (Everyone): Olé
Scene is a small town in Mexico, about 65 years ago.

JOSE was excited. It was almost time for the FIESTA parade. He was going with his MAMA and SISTER. His father had already taken the BURRO and cart with a load of goods for the market. “Hurry, JOSE,” called MAMA, “it's time to go to the FIESTA.

Get your SOMBRERO and meet your SISTER outside.” JOSE looked all over the house but he could not find his SOMBRERO. “SISTER,” he called, “have you seen my SOMBRERO ?” JOSE's SISTER replied that she had not.

JOSE searched some more. He must have his SOMBRERO to attend the FIESTA for the summer sun was very hot. “MAMA,” called JOSE, “have you seen my SOMBRERO?”

“Hmmm,” said MAMA, “I think I saw your father put it on our BURRO when he left for market.” “Oh, no,” said JOSE, “the BURRO is wearing my SOMBRERO. I cannot go to the fiesta.” And JOSE sat down, very defeated.

“What's the matter?” asked his SISTER. “It's time to go the FIESTA, but the BURRO is in town wearing my SOMBRERO . I cannot go; the sun is too hot.” “I know what to do,” said his SISTER, and off she ran. Soon she returned, and in her hand was the answer to JOSE's problem. It was yesterday's newspaper. “Of course,” exclaimed JOSE, “I can make a paper hat just like we did in Cub Scouts last week!”

Soon the hat was made and JOSE, his SISTER, and MAMA left for the FIESTA. But, when JOSE got to town, he was quick to find their BURRO and trade the paper hat for his SOMBRERO , since it was more appropriate for the FIESTA.

The Grand Fiesta

Fiesta: “Ole, Ole”
Mexican: “Si si, Si si”
Rocket: “Zoooooo-oom”
Castillo: “Ahhhhhhh”

Today is the Grand CASTILLO, a special FIESTA day in the village. It is the day that the village honors it's patron saint, as does every MEXICAN village once each year.

In the afternoon, there is a parade up and down the streets. At night the most important part of the FIESTA takes place. All day long everyone waits impatiently for the CASTILLO.

CASTILLO really means castle. To the MEXICANS, it means a special kind of fireworks display that is part of almost every MEXICAN FIESTA. Men have fastened ROCKETS and pinwheels to a light framework which is shaped like a castle. All of the MEXICANS in the village contribute money to buy this CASTILLO.

When it begins to grow dark, the people crowd around. The band plays, the boys and girls wear costumes. At last someone steps forward and lights a ROCKET near the bottom of the CASTILLO. It sputters, then zooms high into the air to burst with a wonderful display of red and green light. The pinwheel catches fire and whirls around and around, sending out showers of white sparks. Then the next ROCKET goes off, and the next pinwheel. One after another all the ROCKETS zoom into the sky. Then darkness settles. The CASTILLO has burned out.

The band plays again and everyone buys refreshments. Nobody is in a hurry. They have had a grand CASTILLO tonight and later they will have another, with eight stories. That CASTILLO will last a long time.

At last the FIESTA is over. There will be another FIESTA soon. All the MEXICAN'S work hard, but they know it is not good to work all the time. They know that FIESTAS  are important too. One Mexican says: “To save money with no purpose is foolish. But to save money for a new tractor or for a FIESTA, that is wise”.

(Adapted from a story in “The First Book of Mexico”.)

The Fearless Toreador

Characters: Fearless Toreador, Brave Bull, and any number of Spectators

Costuming: Toreador wears knee socks over jeans, white shirt and short jacket or vest. Pin fringed paper patches to shoulders. He should have a red cape or jacket and a cardboard shield. For the bull, let two boys get under a blanket. Pin cardboard horns and features to head and fringed paper tail to other end. Spectators are dressed as Mexicans in bright colors.

Setting: Spectators are at rear of stage. Fearless Toreador is standing to one side, facing the Bull, which is standing on the opposite side of the stage.

Fearless Toreador: I am Don Sebastian Jose de Fernando. I an zee bravest and most fearless Toreador in all Mexico. (As he says this, he struts about the stage, waving his sword, red cape slung over his shoulder).

Spectators: Ole!, Ole!

Fearless Toreador: Not only am I zee most fearless Toreador, I am also zee most handsome. (Takes off his had, smiles and struts some more.)

Spectators: Ole!, Ole!

Fearless Toreador: A ha, you see. Zee bull, he is frightened of Fearless Toreador. Oh, I am so brave. I am so brave eet is a shame. Zee bull, he weel not fight. Poor scaredy bull!

(Now the Toreador turns his back on the bull and struts proudly over to the side of the stage, flexing his muscles and brandishing his sword. Then he dusts off his suit, admires his nails, primps his hair, etc. While his attention is distracted, the bull starts moving. He paws the floor, jumps a bit, the lowers his head and starts toward the Toreador).

Fearless Toreador: (turning toward the bull) And now Bull, watch out! (At this point, he sees the bull charging toward him. Dropping everything, he runs from the stage) Help! Help! Zee ferocious bull. He weel keel me! Me, Fearless Toreador, the bravest Toreador in all Mexico. Help!! Help!!

(Bull chases him off stage)

Don Diego And The Super Jumping Beans

This skit has three main characters: Amigo, Pancho, and Dan Diego. In addition, you will need other characters for JUMPING BEANS. YOU can have as many jumping beans as you wish.

Amigo, Pancho, and Don Diego are dressed in Mexican costumes. As the scene opens, Amigo and Pancho are on stage conversing. Don Diego is sitting to one side of the stage sleeping, siesta style. He has one leg all wrapped up in a bulky bandage. The jumping beans, who enter later, wear burlap sacks or old pillow cases over their heads and arms.

AMIGO: Pancho, eet is very sad. Eet is terr-eeble.

PANCHO: Amigo, tell me, tell me, what ees zee matter?

AMIGO: Oh, Pancho, eet is worse than you theenk.

PANCHO: You bring zee great sorrow to my heart, dear Amigo.

AMIGO: Pancho, look. (Points to Don Diego.) Don Diego, he has the lumbago.

He ees very cross. Hees leg, eet well not work. He cannot dance at zee fiesta, so instead he ees taking a siesta.

PANCHO: Oh, zat is veree bad, Amigo. Don Diego, he always dance at see fiesta. Thees must bring much trouble to Don Diego.

AMIGO: Si, si, Pancho. (Holds and shakes head sadly.)

PANCHO: Amigo, wait, wait! Eet ees great idea that I have!

AMIGO: Tell me queeck, Pancho.

PANCHO: Zees looks like a job for Super Beans!

AMIGO: (excitedly) Ole, Ole, Pancho. Zee famous Super Beans. Zey are see greatest jumping beans in all Mexico.

PANCHO: We wee1 call them now, Amigo. (Holds hands to mouth and shouts toward side of stage.) Oh, Super Beans, our poor Don Diego, he has zee lumbago.

Help heem, queeck!

Super beans enter. They do not walk but jump up and down as they move on stage.

This will be funnier if the beans jump alternately so that there is an Up and down commotion at the same time.

AMIGO: Oh, great Super Jumping Beans, have peety on poor Don Diego. CM-

beans jump about over to Don Diego.)

SUPER BEANS (all together): Don Diego with the lumbago. No more Siesta. Come, follow us and dance at see fiesta.

Don Diego awakens slowly. He gazes intently as Super Beans jump about. Little

by little he begins to move. He rises, forgetting about his leg. He begins to jump up and down behind the beans.

DON DIEGO: Come Amigo, come Pancho. We no longer siesta, we go to the fiesta.

(Amigo and Pacho join Don Diego and all jump off stage.)


Here Is Our Piñata
(Tune: Sing a song of Sixpence)

Here is our piñata
What a sight to see,
Filled with treats and goodies
Just for you and me.

When it's time to break it,
We'll circle all around
Then we'll scramble for the treats
That fall down to the ground.

A Balancing Elephant

An elephant stood on the web of a spider.
She felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter.
Along came her friend. She called to invite her.

Two elephants stood on the web of a spider.

Two elephants stood on the web of a spider.

They felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter.

Along came their friend. They called to invite her.

Three elephants stood on the web of a spider.

Three elephants...

Four elephants...


To Break the Piñata

Strike it, strike it, strike it,
Don't lose your steady hand,
Measure the distance,
That's in the path.

Cub Cucaracha
(Tune: La Cucaracha)

La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
We are happy, young seniors;
La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
Guitar music we adore.

La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
The bullfight we love to see,
La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
We siesta after three.

La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
Senioritas we admire,
La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
Our food will set your mouth a fire.

La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
Brilliant clothing is our rule,
La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha,
Our sombreros make us cool.

Siesta or Fiesta
(Tune: Home on the Range)

Down Mexico way, they have parties to gay;
Which they call a great big fiesta,
And during each day, they take time from their play,
To take a relaxing siesta.

South, south of the border,
A relaxed kind of people we find.
They don't seem to worry or rush in a hurry,
We should have more of that kind.

During each day, down in Mexico way,
They take a rest called a siesta,
Then there's lots of fun for everyone
When they have an exciting fiesta.


Bull Cheer : Make bull horns with fingers while shouting "El Toro, El Toro !"

Bull Fighter: Hold down cape and move to in appropriate motion while shouting "OLE!"


Paper Bag Piñata


  • Paper grocery bags
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Tissue paper wrapping paper
  • Glue sticks or white glue
  • Thin string or yarn
  • Candy and/or small toys

Decorate the paper bag with strips of tissue paper.  Create your own design!  Fill the paper bag about half full with goodies.  Fold the top edges over and staple closed.  Poke a couple of holes in the top seam.  Run the string or yarn through the holes and tie into a loop.


Use empty tomato sauce cans and duct tape.  Put beans, rice, and/or un-popped popcorn into one can. 
Put the cans top-to-top.  Secure with duct tape around the joint between the two cans.

Mexican Fish Yarn Painting

  • Cardboard
  • Pencils, crayons or markers
  • Yarn or embroidery floss of various colors, cut in 6” lengths
  • White craft glue

Draw a circle in the middle of your piece of cardboard. In the middle of the circle, draw the outline of a fish. Draw other fish, ocean creatures, seaweed and shapes in the area outside of the circle.

Spread glue on the body of the fish drawing in the center of the circle. Place pieces of yarn on the outside line of the fish body, then fill in the body with the yarn strands. Cover the tail in the same way. Next, spread glue around the fish inside the circle.

Working out from the fish, cover the entire circle in yarn. Then work on the shapes outside of the circle. Spread glue on each shape, then cover each shape with yarn. To complete your picture, work on the space in between each of the shapes until all of the space is covered with yarn. Take a look at some Mexican yarn paintings online at:

Pufferfish Pinata


  • Newspaper Spoon
  • Large balloon Paint
  • Plastic bowl Paintbrush
  • White craft glue Pin
  • Water Candy/Toys
  • Small drill Blindfold
  • Wire or string Broom/stick

Note: This is a messy project, so prepare some workspace prior to starting.

Begin the project by tearing off long strips of newspaper, blowing up the balloon, and mixing the white craft glue in the bowl with some water to make a thin paste. (Try a mixture of half glue and half water to make the paste.)

Dip each strip of newspaper completely into the paste and place it on the balloon. Continue this process until you have covered the entire balloon except for a small hole in the bottom. Add 2 more layers, then let the newspaper dry overnight on your piñata.

At this point, your piñata looks like a ball, but here's how to make it look like a spiny pufferfish. Tear the newspaper strips into smaller squares. Dip each square into the paste. Roll the small squares into cones and press them onto the piñata. These will be the spines of your pufferfish. Shape a tail with the newspaper, and glue it onto the piñata at the opposite end of the hole.

Allow the piñata to dry completely, then paint it. When the paint has completely dried, pop the balloon with a pin and fill the piñata with candy and small toys. Plug the hole with a few crumpled sheets of newspaper. Complete the pufferfish by rolling up some of the newspaper to form two lips. Glue the lips over the hole. When dry, paint them.

Drill a couple of holes in the top of your piñata. Thread a wire or strong string through the holes and hang it overhead. (If possible, hang it over a beam or on a ceiling hook on a long rope so that it can be raised and lowered to adjust the height.) One at a time, have children, while blindfolded, take swings at the pufferfish to try and break the piñata and release the candy.

Paper Bag Pinata

Here's a simple to make piñata that you can make from materials around the house.

Materials: A large paper bag, string, tissue paper, glue, scissors, crepe paper streamers, markers, paint and googly eyes (optional)


Fill the paper bag about ½ full with candy and small prizes.

2. Roll the top of the bag down, staple the folded top shut and punch out two holes along the top.

3. Cut the tissue paper into strips; add fringes to the strips if desired.

4. Glue the tissue paper onto the paper bag, completely covering the bag.

5. Decorate the bag with paper cut-outs, markers, paint, googly eyes (for a face), and any other material.

6. Glue the crepe paper streamers to the bottom of the piñata.

7. Tie a long string through the two holes at the top. The string will be used for hanging up the piñata.

8. Hang up the piñata, and break it open with a soft bat.

Shoe Box Guitar

Here is an easy to make guitar from recycled materials.

Materials: An old tissue box or old shoe box, rubber bands, paper towel tube, scissors, pencil


1. With adult supervision, cut out an oval-shaped hole in the top of the shoe box.

Some tissue boxes already have an oval hole; remove the plastic that is inside the hole.

2. Stretch 3 or 4 rubber bands length-wise around the box and over the hole.

3. Place a pencil under the rubber bands width-wise on one side of the hole.

4. Tape a paper towel tube to one end of the show box.

5. Decorate the box guitar with markers or paint.

Paper Plate Maracas

A maraca is a Mexican rattle. The original maracas were made from hollow gourds filled with pebbles or seeds. A simple maraca can be made from one or two paper plates stapled together, filled with dried beans or popcorn.

Materials: One or two paper plates; dried beans, rice or poporn (un-popped); wide wooden craft sticks; markers, crayons or paint; stapler; glue


1. Place a handful or two of dried beans, rice, or popcorn on a paper plate.

2. Turn another plate upside down and cover the first plate. Staple the plates

together along the edge of the plates. You can also use a single plate by folding a paper plate in half, adding the beans, then stapling the edges shut.

3. Staple two wooden craft sticks onto the paper plates, one on each side of the plates, to make a handle for the maraca. Glue the two sticks together.

4. Decorate the maraca with crayons, markers or paint.

Festive Centerpieces

Supplies for each centerpiece:

· 24-27 colored candy sticks (at least as high as the can)

· 1 empty 16-28-oz can

· 1-2 rubber bands

· 20” ribbon (1-1.5 inches wide)

The number of candy sticks you'll need will depend on the type you use and the size of the can. Place a rubber band around the can. Tuck candy sticks (still in their wrappers) behind the band, keeping the bottoms flush with the bottom of the can. Continue to add them around the can until it is completely covered. If you're having trouble keeping the candy in place, add a second rubber band toward the bottom, then tuck the sticks beneath both bands. Remove one rubber band and center the other on the can before continuing to the next step.

Hide the rubber band with a ribbon that coordinates with your table decorations. Fill the can about half full with water. (Be sure not to get water on the candy, or you'll wind up with a sticky mess.) To complete the centerpiece, add fresh flowers.



Chili Cheese Dip

· 1 can chopped tomatoes

· 1 can prepared chili

· 1 lb Velveeta, cubed

Melt ingredients together in double boiler over low heat. Serve with chips when cheese is thoroughly melted. Keep warm in fondue or crock pot.

Cheese Nachos

Turn snack time into a fiesta time by using brightly colored construction paper for placemats & arranging paper tissue flowers in the center of the table. Let the children help make cheese nachos by sprinkling grated cheese on top of tortilla chips. Then bake at 350 until the cheese has melted.

Mexican Pizza


· 1/2 lb. ground burger

· 15 1/2 oz. can chili beans

· 8 oz. can corn, drained

· 2 T. chopped green chilies

· 1 12" boboli crust

· 3 green onions, chopped

· 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

· 6 olives, sliced

· 2 tomatoes, chopped


1. Brown burger, drain and combine with beans, corn and chilies.

2. Place crust on a pizza pan. Spread mixture over crust.

3. Top with cheese, onions, olives and tomatoes.

4. Bake 10-12 minutes at 425 degrees, until cheese melts and pizza is heated through.

Taco Pie


· 1 pkg crescent rolls

· 1 pkg taco seasoning

· 1 pkg grated mozzarella cheese

· 1 pkg Doritos (plain)

· 1 small can tomato paste

· 1 pkg grated cheddar cheese

· 1 lb ground beef


1. Press crescent rolls in pie pan to form crust.

2. Crunch Doritos into small bits and sprinkle a coat on crust.

3. Brown ground beef, strain and add tomato taste plus 1/2 cup water and taco seasoning.

4. Put into pan. Cover meat with sour cream.

5. Put cheese on top (both cheeses).

6. Sprinkle Doritos over top of cheese.

7. Bake in 350-degree oven for 30 minutes.

InsaneScouter Moment - This Little Card in my Hand ins't worth much

My son went off to college as a freshman last month. He was very concerned about his speech class. His first assignment was a short speech. I asked him if I could share it with a few Scouter friends. Here it is: This little card in my hand isn't worth much. It's not a Credit or Debit card, just a simple piece of plastic. But while this may not be worth anything, it means a lot to me. This card states that I am certified as an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. (Pass around Card) To become an Eagle Scout one must have devotion, persistence, and determination. Many scouts quit scouting after the first year. Others follow in their footsteps in the years to come. Then, there are those who wait till the last minute to work on their Eagle and do not complete it by the age of eighteen, I was almost one of these. For every one hundred scouts only four will become Eagles. I had to work very had to earn that card, and I almost did not make my Eagle. I waited until I had almost no time left to complete my Eagle at all. I then realized how much earning my Eagle would mean to me. I then pushed myself to my limits to earn my Eagle. During my years in the Boy Scouts, I was thrust into many situations that tested my character and pushed my dedication to its limits. This was the most testing of them all yet. The Eagle Project is a service project every Eagle applicant must provide for his community. The Scout must plan, develop, and give leadership to others in this project. For my Eagle Project, I, with the help of others, created a new exhibit at the Alexandria Zoological Park. I of course waited till the last minute to complete this project, and only completed it in time thanks to the help of my friends, family, and leaders. Probably the most taxing on my resolve, on my journey to Eagle were my merit badges. Of my last three merit badges, two took three months to complete and the other took one. I had waited till the last minute to complete these, putting all my effort into completing them. I was able to complete all of the merit badges before the deadline of the age of eighteen, mainly because of my father's help. Earning my eagle meant a lot to me. I believe it has been the crowning accomplishment of my life so far. My journey to Eagle has shaped me more than anything else in my life. This card represents that to me and it lets me realize that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, with the help of others.

Randy Worcester District Venturing Chair Cogioba District - Clarksville, TN Middle Tennessee Council

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