InsaneScouter - Newsletter - 2003 - September - Newsletter

Newsletter - 2003 - September

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 2

Issue: 9

September 2003

Thank you for subscribing to the InsaneScouter's monthly newsletter. It is our intention to provide you with information and resources to help you run your unit's program. Please reply to this newsletter if you have any suggestions on how we can better help you.

Please forward this newsletter to all your friends in Scouting


Land a Plane

Have each person make a paper airplane from a regular sheet of paper. Place a landing target (2 foot square board or cardboard) over a trash can. From 12 feet away, all players should try to fly their plane so it lands on the target. Make sure they don't trash another's plane while retrieving their own.

Space Pilot Relay

Have each person make their own saucer by stapling together two paper plates. Divide into teams. For each team, place a rather large cardboard box facing open to the team about 15 feet away. On the signal, one player at a time tries to sail his flying saucer into his team's target. He continues to do so until he succeeds. Then the next player plays until his saucer makes it into the target. The first team to get all their saucers in the target, wins.

Space Shuttle

Divide the den into two teams. Each team has a space shuttle (bike). On the ground or driveway about 10 yards in front of each team is a space station which is a coffee can holding 5 to 10 marbles or other small objects. Ten yards beyond that is the moon - another coffee can marked by a small flag. On signal, the first player on each team mounts the space shuttle, drives to the space station and dismounts. He picks up one marble, remounts, flies to the moon where he drops the marble into the can, then drives back to his team. The relay continues until all have made the space shuttle flight. The last player of each team picks up the flag and flies back to his team.

Satellite Launch

Here is a good game for a pack meeting. Have the entire pack get into a circle with one boy in the center of the circle. Four to six volleyballs or basketballs are needed. The object of this game is for the boy in the center of the circle to try to get balls as the boys in the circle throw them to each other. When he catches a ball, he can choose somebody to be in the middle with him.

Ride to the Moon

Teams of three boys are needed. Have two of the boys lock their arms together to make a chair and carry the third boy to the moon (a designated line not too far away). Then they should carry him back to earth (the starting point). Then let another boy in the team have a ride, and then the third. When all are finished riding to the moon and back, they're done!

Rocket Relay

Each team lines up with a chair (launching pad) sitting at the front, facing away. The first boy sits in the chair and on "Go" he blasts out of his chair and runs around the room, touching the wall (or a single object) on each wall as identified before the relay. When he returns, he taps the next boy ready for launch (sitting in the chair) and that boy blasts off around the room. Continue in this manner until all boys have returned.

Round the Moon

Each team lines up in single file, with each boy placing his hands on the waist of the boy in front, so the team forms a rocket. At the opposite end is the moon (a chair). When the leader calls "Go" the teams all race to their moon, keeping hold of each other. As they pass around the moon, they drop off part of their rocket (the last boy in line) and head back to their starting point. They round that point and head back to the moon to drop another part of the rocket. Play continues until the nose cone lands safely on the moon.






This 'game' is has been designed with Cub Scouts in mind. The game will be done as follows: 1) every person, Cubs, parents, Den leaders, and even siblings should take the test alone. Emphasize to the kids that if they don't know what a word is, they should ask an adult. The game is supposed to test Fire Safety skills, not reading ability. 2) After everyone has answered the questions alone, they should then get together by family. Each family should compare answers and circle those that aren't the same. Do NOT change 'YOUR' answers after you start the family discussion. After you have compared answers on all questions, go back and discuss those where the answers aren't the same. For answers that don't agree, you should settle on one 'correct' family answer. PARENTS, PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR KIDS IF THEIR ANSWER IS IFFERENT FROM YOURS! KIDS, DON'T ASSUME YOUR PARENT'S ANSWER IS RIGHT, AND THAT YOURS IS WRONG. 3) In the final step, each Den should get together. The Den Leader should read the answer sheet out loud, and the families should see how well they did. Mark the total number of right answers for each column in the boxes at the bottom of the page. These score sheets are NOT to be turned in, I would like families to take them home and talk about them. If any kids do better than their parents, please have them bring both game sheets up to me at the front. I would also like Den leaders to find out whether any
families had 100% perfect on the game.

A few questions can use several answers. There is a 'best' answer for each of these questions. If you find a question that has more than one answer, skip it and come back to it later. EVERY answer should only be used once. Use the process of elimination to find the 'best' answer on those questions that can use more than one of the answer words.



This 'game' is has been designed with Cub Scouts in mind. The game will be done as follows: 1) every Cub is to pair up with an adult (parent), Boy Scout, or older sibling. They should work as a team to decide the answers for each question. PLEASE make sure the Cubs have a lot of input into the decision-making. 2) After everyone has answered the questions as pairs, they should then get together by Den. Each Den should compare answers and circle those that aren't the same. Do NOT change 'YOUR' answers after you start the Den discussion. After you have compared answers on all questions, go back and discuss those where the answers aren't the same. For answers that don't agree, you should settle on one 'correct' Den answer. PLEASE LISTEN TO EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY IF THEIR ANSWER IS DIFFERENT FROM YOURS! KIDS, DON'T ASSUME THAT SOMEONE ELSE'S ANSWER IS RIGHT, AND THAT YOURS IS WRONG. 3) In the final step, THE Cubmaster should read the answer sheet out loud, and the Dens should see how well they did. Mark the total number of right answers for each column in the
boxes at the bottom of the page. These game sheets are NOT to be turned in, I would like families to take them home and talk about

A few questions can use several answers. There is a 'best' answer for each of these questions. If you find a question that has more than one answer, skip it and come back to it later. EVERY answer should only be used once. Use the process of elimination to find the 'best' answer on those questions that can use more than one of the answer words.

Skits / Cheers / Songs

The Magic Kite Skit
Scene: An outdoor scene with one Cub holding a ball of string with a kite tail tied on one end. Five other Cubs are gathered around him.

Cub 1: What's that?
Cub 2: Don't you know what a kite looks like?
Cub 1: Sure I do, but if that's a kite, then it sure won't fly!
Cub 2: It'll fly. It's magic.
Cub 3: Kites can't be magic.
Cub 2: This one is. All I have to do is say "Dad, look at the kite I've made."
Cub 4: Then what?
Cub 2: Dad shows me how to make one.
Cub 5: That kite still won't be magic!
Cub 2: Uh huh. Then he shows me how to fly it.
Cub 6: Wow! It's magic if it can do all that! Com on guys, let's go make our own kites!
All: (trot off stage) "Yeah" "Wow" "It's magic" "Let's go!"

Hiking on Venus Skit

Props: den leader with Cubs, have a bundle rolled up to resemble a tent
The Den Leader leads Cubs onto stage, turns around and stops. The boys carrying the bundle set it down near the front of the stage. All the boys sit down in a semi-circle facing the audience.)
DL: Wow! Hiking on Venus is tough work. Let's camp here near this cliff (points to off stage). Boys, you need to stay away from that ledge. There's a 10,000-foot drop if you fall over the edge and the nearest hospital is 50 million miles away. (looks around, puzzled)
DL: Who has the pack with the food? Bring it over here.
Cub 1: It was too heavy for me to carry. I left it back on Earth.
DL: Earth!?!?! So now we have no food. Who has the water?
Cub 2: I DID have it.
DL: Where is it now?
Cub 2: It's back on Earth too.
DL: No food and no water! Well, at least we can have a campfire. Who brought the matches?
Cub 3: I forgot them - back at the spaceship.
DL: (getting angry) No food, no water, and no matches. I'm almost afraid to ask, but who was supposed to bring the tent?
Cubs: We brought it. It's right here.
DL: Well at least some one brought something. Okay, pitch the tent.
Cubs: But, but, but¦
Cubs: (look at each other, shrug, pick up tent and pitch it off the stage, then peer over the edge)

The Guided Missile Skit

Personnel: den leader and eight Cubs
Equipment: Spaceship cut into eight parts, one part for each Cub Scout. One letter from "Cub Scout" is on each section. Each boy's part is on the back of his spaceship section (posterboard). The leader holds the Fuse - a rectangle piece with a rope wick hanging off.
DL: Cub Scouts of Den __ drew up plans for a missile so they could take a safe trip into space. Now they are going to build the missile for you in case you want to go along with them on this journey into outer space. Here they come with their parts! Let's all sit quietly and listen.
Cub 1: (walks out and stands off center stage - he holds the bottom of the missile with a C on the front and his words on the back) "C" is the part we build on, and it stands for COURTESY in Cubbing and all through life.
Cub 2: (walks out, stands on first Cub's left) "U" is next, and this part stands for UNITY, because we are united and strong.
Cub 3: (walks out, stands next to Cub 2) "B" is then added and that stands for BRAVERY in all our thoughts and deeds.
Cub 4: (walks out, stands next to Cub 3) "S" is next and stands for SAFETY. We learn by it and use it in all our activities.
Cub 5: (walks out, stands next to Cub 4) "C" adds some more and it stands for CHURCH - the one of our choice.
Cub 6: (walks out, stands next to Cub 5) "O" is building it stronger and stands for OUTDOORS, which is full of fun and wonderment.
Cub 7: (walks out, stands next to Cub 6) "U" is near the finish and stands for USEFULNESS - to ourselves and others.
Cub 8: (walks out, stands next to Cub 7) "T" is the nose that guides us and stands for TRUTH in all things. (all parts now form a spaceship)
DL: Anyone knows the fuse is necessary to light and send this missile on its way. (Leader hands the fuse to the first Cub). We are on our way - everything's A-OK. Ready to lift off? Fire!!! (Nose Cub leads off as they all walk evenly keeping the spaceship pieces together and facing the audience. They could also make an S-s-s-s-s sound.)

Run-Ons & Jokes

Hey, what kind of music do astronauts play?

Why do astronauts see the doctor right before they blast off?
To get their booster shots.

If athletes have athlete's foot, what do astronauts have?

The moon is going broke!
Why do you say that?
The TV weatherman said the moon is down to its last quarter.

I'm going to cross a galaxy with a toad.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Why not?
Don't you know what you'll get?
No. What?
Star Warts!


Astronomer's Song
(tune: Yankee Doodle)
We've got our eyes upon the sky,
We watch the stars that shimmer.
The sun and moon are friends of ours,
We know their every glimmer.
Blast off to meet new friends,
Watch the twinkling stars.
It's better than a TV show,
By Jupiter and Mars!

Rockets Away
(tune: Anchor's Away)
Rockets away, my boys
Rockets away.
We're off to see the stars,
The planets and more.
Keep your eyes upon the skies,
Learn their ways and soon
When we return we'll be
Smarter for sure!


Vinegar Rocket Launcher

You'll need a cork with streamers thumb-tacked to it, a one-quart bottle container, ½ cup of water, ½ cup of vinegar, baking soda.

Put one teaspoon of baking soda on a 4x4" piece of paper towel. Roll up the paper towel and twist the ends. Drop the paper into liquid mixture inside the bottle. Place the cork on top and stand back and watch. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gas. As the gas forms, pressure builds up. Soon comes the "pop" and the rocket (cork) is launched. Turn the bottle on its side resting across two parallel pencils so you can see the recoil action. This makes a cannon.

Planet Identification

Have nine different sized and colored circles (number them 1-9) representing the nine planets posted around the room. On each, put the scrambled letters of its name on. Give each player a piece of paper on which to write the unscrambled names. In addition, ask if the planet is "appropriately" sized and colored.

Earth, Air, Water and Fire

All Cubs sit in a semi-circle around the leader, who suddenly points to one of the Cubs and says either "earth," "air," "water," or "fire." If the leader says "earth" the Cub must say the name of some animal before the leader counts to ten. For "air," the Cub must name a bird. For "water," the Cub must name a fish or water creature. When the leader says "fire," the Cub must remain silent. A player who makes a mistake or gives a wrong answer loses a point. It is also a point loss if a Cub uses an answer that's already been given by himself or another player during the game. When a player loses five points, he must sit out until the next game.


Compile a list of 20 things that you can supply or have each boy bring it from home. Examples: old batteries, hangers, bottle caps, wire twists, buttons, beads, pens, pencils, jar lids, wood blocks, pins, string, nails, wallpaper scraps, cardboard, paper, fabric, pennies, wire, ANYTHING.
Furnish a box for each boy and get a glue gun and paint ready. Anything goes. Officially tell the boys that they are junior scientists. Tell them to use their imagination to create their own robot using the box and the bag of 20 items. At the pack meeting, let each boy present his robot and tell what it could do if it were real.

Spaceman Neckerchief Slide

Have each boy bring a favorite small toy space ranger. Hot glue each to a neckerchief ring (PVC pipe ring, curtain ring, pipe-cleaner ring). Be sure it's completely dry before wearing.

Rocket Ship Bank

Materials: potato chip can, colored paper or contact paper, glue, 3 popsicle sticks
Remove the corrugated paper on the inside of the can, if there is any. Cover the outside with colored paper or contact paper (you may want to decorate it before attaching it to the can). Invert the can so the plastic lid is on the bottom of the rocket for easy removal of the money. For the nose, cut a 2 ½" circle of colored paper and remove a pie-shaped wedge. Over-lap it and glue the ends to form a cone. Glue the cone to the top of the rocket. Have an adult cut a vertical coin slit near the top just under the cone. For the rocket fins, cut three evenly spaced vertical slits about 1 ½" above the bottom of the rocket. Insert the sticks at an angle and add glue to where the stick meets the rocket body. Cover each stick with colored paper that's a little wider than the popsicle stick and glue it in place.

Moon Buggy

Materials: empty Big Mac cartons, assortment of materials such as pipe cleaners, golf tees, buttons, screws, cardboard wheels with brass fasteners, etc. Give each boy Big Mac carton and whatever materials he likes to design his own Moon Buggy or Mars Rover.

Flying Saucer

Decorate the bottom sides of two paper plates to look like a flying saucer. Punch a small hole in the center of the top plate and attach a string through it, taping it securely on the eating side. Staple or tape the plates together around the outside and hang your flying saucer.


Pour 1/4 cup of uncooked rice in the middle of a 6" square scrap of cloth. Put the ends of three or four 12" streamers on top of the rice. Twist the cloth so the rice is in a tight little ball with the streamers coming out the end. Tie it tightly with a 12" piece of string. Play catch with them!

Star Gazers

Poke small holes into the end of a black film cartridge container to make a star constellation. In a darkened room, shine a flashlight through the holes to see the constellation displayed on the wall.

Space Picture

Splatter yellow paint on black construction paper. Glue on colored aquarium gravel as an asteroid field. Cut planets of varying size and color and glue these on to finish off the picture.


Milkyway Treats

3 Milkyway bars 3 cups rice krispies
Melt the milkyway bars in a bowl. Add the rice krispies to the melted milkyways and mix well. Spread mixture into a baking tray. Cut into bars after cooled.

Alien Meltdown Bun

hamburger buns sliced cheese sliced ham
Put cheese and ham on the bun. Microwave for 40 seconds.

Purple People-Eater Shake

milk bananas blueberries vanilla ice cream
Put one scoop of ice cream in the blender. Add some milk and cream. Then add a sliced banana and some blueberries. Mix thoroughly, then drink!

Propeller Dunkers

Pilsbury bread sticks cheese whiz
Make bread sticks according to directions on the package. While they're baking, melt some of the cheese whiz in a microwave safe bowl. When done, dip the propellers into the cheese!


Advancement Ceremony

Set up: Have the awards pinned to ribbons: red ribbon for Bobcat, yellow for Wolf, teal for bear, and blue for Webelos.

CM: Tonight we want to honor the true adventurers in our Pack, those Cubs who have explored and conquered the Bobcat, Wolf, Bear and Webelos areas of our solar system. We know that to do this required hard work, diligence and above all, courage. Courage to "stick to it" and see a task through to the finish. Because of the success of their missions, we want to recognize and advance the following Cub Scouts (call boys and parents forward and present boys with awards).

Advancement - Space Station Freedom
Set the stage as best you can: US Space Station Freedom control panel, foil-covered solar panels, cardboard orbiters (Atlantis, Columbia, Discovery) hanging from fishing poles, etc.

CM: Welcome aboard the United States Space Station Freedom. This is a busy night. We're handling quite a few orbiters this month. Tonight we expect to see three very special shuttles carrying mission specialists who have earned exceptional recognition. Here comes the first one now - the shuttle Atlantis, carrying astronauts who have earned their Bobcat rank. (call them forward and award their badges)
CM: We're glad to have these Bobcats here. But wait, here comes the next shuttle - Columbia, ready to dock. 'Docking sequence complete; stand by for crew egress.' Will the following astronauts please step forward to the control center? (call Wolves for their rank and/or arrow point badges)
CM: I understand from their commander, that the Wolves had a trouble-free flight here. Hold on! The next shuttle is ready to connect. 'Discovery, we copy. Secure for docking. Docking sequence complete. Stand by for crew egress.' Welcome, (call names of Bears receiving awards). We're glad to see you made here in such good shape.
CM: Bobcats, Wolves, Bears, you have all earned our esteem and congratulations for the hard work that brought you success on your mission. Rest assured, we have still more missions for each of you to perform with your crews. Stand by for further instructions. (salute) Dismissed!

Closing: Prayer from Apollo

Have the pack form a large brotherhood chain (arms over each other's shoulders) and then read the prayer that was broadcast from outer space by Frank Borman from the Apollo in March 1968.
Give us, O God, the vision, which can see thy love in the world in spite of human failure. Give us the faith to trust thy goodness in spite of our ignorance and weakness. Give us the knowledge that we may continue to pray with understanding hearts, and show us what each of us can do to set forward the coming of universal peace...

The Sky is the Limit Closing Ceremony
DL: Cub Scouts, it wasn't long ago that we heard some people say, "The sky is the limit." That meant that a man could make anything of himself he wanted ¦ at least, on the earth. Well, that limit is off now. There is almost no limit to what you can aspire to do, either on earth or in space. Our astronauts showed us that.
CChr: Colonel "Buzz" Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, was a member of Troop 12 in Montclair, New Jersey. He once said to a group of Scouts, "Set your goals high and settle for nothing less than accomplishment. Don't settle for mediocrity."
CM: How well you perform will depend on how you accept the new challenge, which says, "The sky is NOT the limit." A Cub Scout who does his best in everything he undertakes now is preparing himself for that new challenge. If you want to aim for the stars, you must remember that you are building your launch pad right now, by your willingness and initiative in every task you tackle ¦ at home, at church, in school and in Scouting.

Scouts on the Moon Opening

Old Glory was placed on the moon by former Scout Neal Armstrong. As we all join in our pledge to the flag, let us be thankful for all the courageous astronauts of America who helped make it possible for our flag to be flown to the moon. Someday one of our own Cub Scouts may be able to leave his footprints on the moon, too. Please rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Flag on the Moon Opening

As the curtain opens, a den of Cub Scouts dressed as astronauts are lined up across the stage. There are large astronaut footprints cut out of black paper and taped to the floor. These lead from offstage to a flag stand. A Cub Scout astronaut enters from the side of the stage following the footprints and places the flag in the stand while a narrator reads the following:
The United States has much to be proud of. One of those many things is the fact that we landed the first men on the moon. Old Glory was placed there as evidence of this great achievement. This indeed, is something for all of us to be proud of. As we join together in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag, let's be thankful to the courageous astronauts of our country. Because of their actions, someday some of our own Cub Scouts may be able to leave their footprints on the moon also.

Adventure in the Sky Opening

Have large pieces of construction paper with a picture representing each of the eight different aircrafts or inventors. You can then put the boys' lines on the back of each. Have the boys hold their paper down until it is time for them to say their part and then they should hold it up high so everyone can see.
Cub 1: Leonardo daVinci had a vision of man in the sky.
Cub 2: Orville and Wilbur Wright built a plane, the first one to fly.
Cub 3: The sound barrier was broken by Chuck Yeager they say.
Cub 4: John F. Kennedy said we'd land a man on the moon one day.
Cub 5: The Shuttle Atlantis now soars overhead.
Cub 6: As I settle down and curl up to sleep in my bed,
Cub 7: I lay down to rest and sleep, I do try ¦
Cub 8: But all I can dream of is "Scouting to New Heights."


We all know that an accident can happen at any time no matter where you are or what you are doing. That is why it is important to have a first aid kit. In Scouting, you go on hikes, bike rides and do all sorts of activities. While on a hike, someone might trip and sprain their ankle or break their leg. You never know. It is simple to make a first aid kit and usually doesn't have to be very expensive. Here is how to make your own first aid kit.

First of all, you need a place to put the supplies in, container. It is good to find one that is waterproof. I personally use a toolbox. Yours can be smaller, the main thing is to make sure it can handle all your supplies and is easy to get to in an emergency.

  • Aspirin or Tylenol - 100 tablets.
  • Antihistamine - 20 Laxative - 10 tablets.
  • Anti-diarrhea tablets - 25
  • Band-Aids of varying size and shape - 30
  • Sterile gauze pads, 4 " squares - 5
  • Porous adhesive tape, 1" wide - 1
  • Waterproof adhesive tape, 1" wide - 1
  • Spenco Second Skin (for burns), 2" x 4" - 4
  • Elastic bandage, 3" wide - 1
  • Triangular bandages - 2
  • Safety pins - 10
  • Antiseptic cleaning solution - 2 ounces
  • Calamine lotion - a small bottle
  • Scissors - 1
  • Tweezers - 1

It is also a good idea to carry a few quarters for a payphone just in case. A cell phone is not enough. Your battery might die or you might go to an area that is out of your range.
You will also need to remember to pack medications you will need such as allergy pills and other medications. These are really important too. Keep a list of these on an index card so that if anything happens emergency medical personnel have a quick reference of what you are on.

A first aid kid would not be complete without a first aid handbook. This will help you in those situations where you don't know what to do or you freeze and is a good thing to read every once and a while to refresh your memory.
It is always good to take a first aid course. They usually cost a little bit of money but are really helpful. It is well worth it and think of the difference it might make.

You may want to make more than one first aid kit. You might want to make one for the house, car, and outings. This way you are prepared for the unexpected.

InsaneScouter Moment - Children Are Like Kites

You spend years trying to get them off the ground.

You run with them until you are both breathless.
They crash ... they hit the roof ... you patch, comfort and assure them that someday they will fly.

Finally, they are airborne.

They need more string, and you keep letting it out.

They tug, and with each twist of the twine, there is a sadness that goes with joy.

The kite becomes more distant, you know it won't be long before that beautiful creature
will snap the lifeline that binds you together and will soar as meant to soar ... free and alone.

Only then do you know that you have done your job.

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders