InsaneScouter - Newsletter - 2003 - March - Newsletter

Newsletter - 2003 - March

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

February 2003

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Games and Activities

The Magic Potion Skit

Props: A big pot, spoon, magic ingredients.
Cast: 4 boys (One boy is stirring the pot. Boys 2-4 walk-in)

Boy #2 - Hey, what are you doing?

Boy #1 - I’m making this magic disappearing potion.

Boy #3 - Magic disappearing potion? How did you come up with that?

Boy #1 - I was cleaning out my grandpa’s attic and I found this really old magic book.

It says right here “Recipe for Magic Potion that will make your friends disappear”.

Boy #4 - You don’t really believe all that mumbo jumbo do you?

Boy #1 - I don’t know. This book is pretty old. It may just work.

Boy #2 - Well. let’s try it and see. What’s in it?

Boy #1 - First you add a gallon of turnip juice, then a quart of sauerkraut.

Boy #4 - Nothing is happening yet. What’s next?

Boy #1 - Three tablespoons of hot sauce and an old sneaker.

Boy #3 - Still nothing. Is that all there is?

Boy #1 - No, there are a few more ingredients to go...let’s moldy onion, five cloves of garlic and one pair of socks leftover from day camp. That’s it.

Boy #2 - Well, I don’t see any magic happening, but that stuff is starting to smell pretty gross.

Boy #3 - It sure is. It’s starting to smell like something my sister made for dinner the other night.

Boy #4 - I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had enough. Let’s get out of here!

(Boys 2-4 run off the stage)

Boy #1 - Well, what do ya know. It really works!



Den Leader: What is the chemical formula for water?
Cub Scout: H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O.
Den Leader: H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O?
Cub Scout: Yeah, H to O.


The Vision Problem Audience Participation Skit

Divide the audience into four sections and assign each a sound.

MURRAY: Blink, blink. Squint, squint.
WESLEY: Snicker, snicker.
GLASSES: I can see!
CARD: Home run!

MURRAY Mole was excited because he was finally going to buy a genuine Mickey Mandrill rookie CARD from WESLEY Weasel. All his life MURRAY had saved for this baseball CARD, and today he was finally going to get one! Before getting out of bed, MURRAY put on his GLASSES. Being a mole, MURRAY’s eyes were weak and he needed GLASSES to see the slightest distance ahead. Even with his GLASSES, MURRAY was a bit unfocused, but at least the GLASSES helped.

After getting dressed MURRAY gathered up his savings and hurried to WESLEY’s. “Can I see the card now?” MURRAY asked. “Did you bring the money?” WESLEY demanded. When MURRAY said yes, WESLEY brought him inside. “Wouldn’t you like a nice glass of water first?” WESLEY asked. “Okay.” shrugged MURRAY. WESLEY went into the kitchen and came back with a big glass of water. As he approached MURRAY, WESLEY tripped and spilled the water all over MURRAY. “I’m so sorry,” said WESLEY. As he tried to wipe up the water, WESLEY knocked off MURRAY’s GLASSES.

The GLASSES fell to the floor, and WESLEY kicked them under the table to hide them. “Oh, no!’ MURRAY cried. “Now I won’t be able to see the CARD, and I need to make sure it is the real thing!” WESLEY sadly shook his head. “Would I sell you a phony card? Here, see for yourself”. WESLEY handed a CARD to MURRAY. It felt like the right size and weight, but without his GLASSES, MURRAY couldn’t see what was printed on the CARD. “You’d better hurry up and decide. Bubba Bear will buy this CARD if you won’t take it. MURRAY swallowed hard. He felt very hot. “Can I have another drink of water first?” WESLEY shrugged and went to the kitchen.

When the weasel returned, MURRAY was still squinting, but he had a big smile. “I thought of a way I can examine this CARD before I buy it,” MURRAY said. WESLEY grumbled unhappily as MURRAY discovered he had almost bought a fake card.

Can you tell me hoe Murray examined the card without his glasses?

He looked at the card through the glass of water, which worked like a magnifying glass.

Charcoal Crystals

Supplies needed per boy: 1 charcoal briquette, 1 clay pot fragment, 1 bowl

Place the charcoal briquette and clay pot fragment into the bowl.

Mix: 4 tablespoons non-iodized salt, 1 tablespoon ammonia, 4 tablespoons liquid bluing, 4 tablespoons water.

Stir till salt is partially dissolved. Spoon this into the bowls making sure some salt falls over the charcoal and the clay. Put drops of food coloring (different colors) on various parts of the garden. Leave it several days and crystals will form.

Tongue Twisters

Say each twister three times real quick

1. Kick six sticks quick.

2.Red leather, yellow leather.

3. Two tree toads tied together tried to trot to town.

4.A big black bug bit a big black bear.

5. Fred fetches fresh fish each Friday.

6.A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee pot.

7. Six slippery snakes slide slowly South.

PAPER CUP THROW - Use paper drinking cups (cone type). Cubs line up 5 from the wastebasket. The highest score in five tries is the winner.

RING ON A STRING - Select one player for "it". Place the rest of the players in a circle around him and facing him Next place a ring on a string and tie ends to make a continuous circle. All players move hands as if passing ring, and it is "its" job to find the player in possession of the ring. If he does so, that player is "it”.

PING-PONG BLOWOUT - Boys line up on one side of the room with a straw and a Ping-Pong ball. The first to blow his ball (by blowing through the straw) across the finish line wins.


Cub Magic - Opening

Arrangements: 8 Cub Scouts, 8 large white cards. On each card put a letter on one side with the corresponding saying on the other side.

C - is for comradeship, we learn to get along.

U - is for unity, together we are strong.

B - is for boys, wild and wooly, but always polite.

M - is for merits, which we always have insight.

A - is for adventure, what we’re always looking for.

G - is for growth, to open every door.

I - is for integrity, for all the world to see.

C - is for Cub Scouts, which we are all glad to be.


Experimenting in the Kitchen - Opening

Cub #1 - We’ve been experimenting in the kitchen.

Cub #2 - We’ve experimented with food. Besides learning we got to eat our experiments.

Cub #3 - But we didn’t eat everything though. Sometimes stuff in the kitchen is poisonous.

Cub #4 - We saw chemical reactions like bubbles and foam.

Cub #5 - We learned that chemistry is a part of everyday life, like a loaf of bread.

Cub #6 - We had fun. We had food. We had fellowship.

Cub #7 - Now it’s time to share all this with our families.

Cub #8 - Welcome to our pack meeting!


Genius Night - Opening

5 boys with graduation hats on and numbers 1-5 on their shirts, 2 judges and MC.

MC: To begin the pack meeting tonight, a panel of judges will decide who the real genius is among these boys. Tell us why you feel that you should be called a genius.

Boy #1 - I’m the genius because I discovered the hamburger.

Boy #2 - No! I’m a genius because I invented the television.

Boy #3 - No! I’m the genius because I got all A’s on my report card.

Boy #4 - No! I’m a genius because I can play the guitar, juggle oranges and tap dance all at the same time.

Boy #5 - I’m the genius because I joined Cub Scouts!

MC - Thank you, boys. Judges, may I have your decision, please?

MC - By an overwhelming vote, Contestant #5. He is the greatest genius because he was smart enough to join Scouting.


Just Imagine - Closing

It can be done by the Cubmaster or four Scouts.

#1 - Rudyard Kipling, the famous English author, who wrote the story of the Jungle Book, wrote a little poem. It begins like this:

I keep six honest serving-men
They taught me all I knew;
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.

#2 - If you make these six your servants imagine the things you could do! Just imagine for a minute that a little green man from outer space lands in your backyard. Now he wants to know how the picture gets on the television. What causes thunder? Why does night come? Where did your parents live before you were born? Could you answer his questions?

#3 - From this moment on you can decide to be an investigator. Ask questions about everything that you have ever wondered about. What are clouds made of? Are all of the lights in the night sky stars? How would I take care of myself if my parents were gone all day? What can I make by myself? How old are my pets compared to me? What kind of insects live in the field behind my house? How do they protect themselves? What is the street made of? Why is it cooler in the mountains than down in the valley? If the mountains are closer to the sun shouldn’t it be hotter? If your parents, teachers, and leaders can’t give you the answers, then look to books and computers. Just imagine!

#4 - Look around and you will find hundreds of things waiting to be investigated. You’ve only one life and future...make the best of both!

Kitchen Chemistry - Closing

We’ve all seen a pot of water boiling on the stove. We’ve seen the water vapor (which many of us mistakenly call steam) rising above the pan. If we allow the process to continue, we see that eventually there’s no more water left. The H2O, in its gaseous state, becomes a part of the atmosphere. In a closed experiment, that water vapor would be trapped in tubes and recaptured. We don’t have that sort of equipment in the ordinary kitchen where our experiments took place this month.

We are gathered here together because of one common bond, the boys in our pack. They have graduated on to new, challenging programs as of today. Our challenge, as parents and family members, is to capture their enthusiasm and energy, to direct it in a positive manner. They need our input, providing them with the proper direction, just like the chemical lab captures and redirects the water vapor in an experiment. That’s a big part of what the Scouting program is all about.


Magic Awards Ceremony – Advancement Ceremony

Props: A magic hat made of paper, dry ice, magic wand, colored cloth.

Action: Cubmaster places the hat on a table covered with bright colored cloth., picks up a magic wand, waves it and says:

Akela, Akela what’s the surprise?
Present the awards before my eyes!


He did, he didn’t what to be?
Magic hat gives awards to me!

Awards are retrieved from the hat and presented.


The Magic Potion Skit

Props: A big pot, spoon, magic ingredients.
Cast: 4 boys (One boy is stirring the pot. Boys 2-4 walk-in)

Boy #2 - Hey, what are you doing?

Boy #1 - I’m making this magic disappearing potion.

Boy #3 - Magic disappearing potion? How did you come up with that?

Boy #1 - I was cleaning out my grandpa’s attic and I found this really old magic book.

It says right here “Recipe for Magic Potion that will make your friends disappear”.

Boy #4 - You don’t really believe all that mumbo jumbo do you?

Boy #1 - I don’t know. This book is pretty old. It may just work.

Boy #2 - Well. let’s try it and see. What’s in it?

Boy #1 - First you add a gallon of turnip juice, then a quart of sauerkraut.

Boy #4 - Nothing is happening yet. What’s next?

Boy #1 - Three tablespoons of hot sauce and an old sneaker.

Boy #3 - Still nothing. Is that all there is?

Boy #1 - No, there are a few more ingredients to go...let’s moldy onion, five cloves of garlic and one pair of socks leftover from day camp. That’s it.

Boy #2 - Well, I don’t see any magic happening, but that stuff is starting to smell pretty gross.

Boy #3 - It sure is. It’s starting to smell like something my sister made for dinner the other night.

Boy #4 - I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had enough. Let’s get out of here!

(Boys 2-4 run off the stage)

Boy #1 - Well, what do ya know. It really works!



Den Leader: What is the chemical formula for water?
Cub Scout: H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O.
Den Leader: H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O?
Cub Scout: Yeah, H to O.


The Vision Problem Audience Participation Skit

Divide the audience into four sections and assign each a sound.

MURRAY: Blink, blink. Squint, squint.
WESLEY: Snicker, snicker.
GLASSES: I can see!
CARD: Home run!

MURRAY Mole was excited because he was finally going to buy a genuine Mickey Mandrill rookie CARD from WESLEY Weasel. All his life MURRAY had saved for this baseball CARD, and today he was finally going to get one! Before getting out of bed, MURRAY put on his GLASSES. Being a mole, MURRAY’s eyes were weak and he needed GLASSES to see the slightest distance ahead. Even with his GLASSES, MURRAY was a bit unfocused, but at least the GLASSES helped.

After getting dressed MURRAY gathered up his savings and hurried to WESLEY’s. “Can I see the card now?” MURRAY asked. “Did you bring the money?” WESLEY demanded. When MURRAY said yes, WESLEY brought him inside. “Wouldn’t you like a nice glass of water first?” WESLEY asked. “Okay.” shrugged MURRAY. WESLEY went into the kitchen and came back with a big glass of water. As he approached MURRAY, WESLEY tripped and spilled the water all over MURRAY. “I’m so sorry,” said WESLEY. As he tried to wipe up the water, WESLEY knocked off MURRAY’s GLASSES.

The GLASSES fell to the floor, and WESLEY kicked them under the table to hide them. “Oh, no!’ MURRAY cried. “Now I won’t be able to see the CARD, and I need to make sure it is the real thing!” WESLEY sadly shook his head. “Would I sell you a phony card? Here, see for yourself”. WESLEY handed a CARD to MURRAY. It felt like the right size and weight, but without his GLASSES, MURRAY couldn’t see what was printed on the CARD. “You’d better hurry up and decide. Bubba Bear will buy this CARD if you won’t take it. MURRAY swallowed hard. He felt very hot. “Can I have another drink of water first?” WESLEY shrugged and went to the kitchen.

When the weasel returned, MURRAY was still squinting, but he had a big smile. “I thought of a way I can examine this CARD before I buy it,” MURRAY said. WESLEY grumbled unhappily as MURRAY discovered he had almost bought a fake card.

Can you tell me hoe Murray examined the card without his glasses?

He looked at the card through the glass of water, which worked like a magnifying glass.


A Scientist Is

(Tune: Old MacDonald)

A scientist is very bright, e i e i o.

And in his lab, he has a __, e i e i o.

With a ___ here and a ___ there,

Here a _-, there a ___,

Everywhere a ___.

A scientist is very bright, e i e i o.


Examples of things to fit in blanks:

Bunsen burner - bubble, bubble

Medicine dropper - plop, plop

Centrifuge - whir, whir

Tesla coil - spark, spark


How to Get Ideas

(Tune: Row Your Boat)

Use, use, use your brain,

Put your mind in gear.

Bright ideas arent a strain,

Youll have some, never fear.

Think, think, think so hard,

Service you can give.

Help some other people and

Your life's more fun to live.

"Share our World, Share our Culture"

- (Theme for the 20th World Scout Jamboree, Thailand).

As globalization brings the world closer, the Scouting Movement becomes more multicultural and diverse as Scouts become closer. The Scouting Movement is active in more than 150 countries and territories. There are over 28 million Scouts worldwide. Cultural diversity is one of a number of reasons that makes scouting such a unique global organization. Scouting crosses all religious, cultural, racial and language barriers to create a youth education program for all. This philosophy is entrenched in the Scout Law, were " A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to all Scouts". At the 20th World Scout Jamboree, WOSM, with the aid of its many partners who are Inter-Governmental Organization and Non-Governmental Organizations will once again create a multicultural event, which will allow Scouts to mix and work with together. The Jamboree will make Scouts more aware of the unity of mankind, the recognition of cultural diversity, and educate the participants about different cultures. With the aid of itís partners, such as UNESCO, WOSM will bring the traditions and different cultures together and also teach the Scouts more about their own culture and themselves. At the Global Development Village, there are a number of multicultural events and exhibitions in which the Scouts take part in order to learn about the different peoples at the Jamboree and to meet members of one of the 144 countries who are taking part in the Jamboree. There are also pavilions created by the many contingents present, where participants are encouraged to learn more about different countries. This includes the language, traditions, sports and philosophy of that country. There are also a number of nights put on by the various contingents, where examples of dancing and music are performed. On the 31st December 2002, there will be a New Yearís Eve Celebration where the many thousands of Scouts are encouraged to come along in their national dress and experience all the various cultures in the Central Arena.

InsaneScouter Moment - Laws And Men

Why do we have laws? What's the purpose of laws? That's right, we need laws to govern society. To protect life and property and to make rules for the way our society works. If we had no laws, there would be nothing to stop a man from injuring someone weaker than himself or stealing from others. Laws are essential for any civilized society.

But you know, there are laws and laws. For instance, we speak of the laws of nature. Is that some kind of written rule that everything in nature must follow? Not really. It's more like a description of the way the natural world works. The law of nature tells us that predator animals like lions will kill and eat prey animals like wildebeests and antelopes - not because they are vicious but that is nature's way of sustaining her creatures.

Then there's the Scout Law. Are the 12 points of the Scout Law something that must be obeyed or you'll go to jail? Of course not. The Scout Law is a different kind of law. Its a prescription for a good character. but in its way, the Scout law is just as important as the laws Congress passes because the man who follows the Scout Law will be the best kind of citizen. That kind of citizen tries his best to obey not only the Scout Law but also the laws of his community, state, and nation. Lets now stand and renew our pledge to the Scout Law.

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders