(Hold up some money)
All of you recognize this and know that it will buy certain things. It can purchase a candy bar, a stamp, or a little time on a parking meter. Add more money and you can do bigger things.
However, there are many things that money, no matter how much you have, cannot buy. Some of these include the love of your family, freedom friendships, and the great out-of-doors.
You can't place a value on Scouting, either. We couldn't pay salaries high enough to get all the help we
have. Nor could we place a value on the memorable experiences, the camping trips, the hikes, and the fun of campfires.
People can't pay us for the Good Turns we do, and isn't that a good thing? Such payment would take away the good feeling that we have when we do things for others.
Remember, this money can buy many things, but not the things that really count in human happiness and dignity.