Welcoming The Webelos


It won't be long now before we'll be adding several new Scouts to this troop - the Webelos Scouts who will be graduating from Cub Scouting.

It goes without saying that I expect you, Scouts, to give them a warm welcome. How you treat them during their first couple of meetings and outings with us will determine whether they stay in the troop. If you ignore them, make fun of them, or haze them, some of them are going to drop out in a hurry.

Remember that they are young kids. Some of you will look like giants to them and if they are a little timid, they are going to be a bit afraid of you. So I would like all of you - and especially you older Scouts - to go out of your way to help the new kids. Perhaps each of you could be a buddy to one of the new Scouts to get them started right in Scouting.

If you can remember your days as a Webelos, you'll remember that Webelos means "We'll be loyal Scouts". I'm sure the graduating Webelos Scouts mean to be loyal to our troop. But loyalty is a two-way street. Our troop has to be loyal to them, too. - to make the promises of Scouting fun and adventure come true for them as well as for older Scouts.

Let's all remember that and give a warm welcome when our new Scouts join.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders