The Real Way To Happiness


Who can tell me what the Scout slogan is? That's right, “Do a Good Turn daily". The handbook tells us that a Good Turn is an extra act of kindness. It might be a big thing like saving somebody's life with courage and skill. Or could be some small act like picking up trash on the street or helping a child get his kite out of a tree.

There are two good reasons for doing Good Turns. one of them, obviously, is that it makes other people happy. But you will find, if you do a Good Turn daily, that it makes you feel good, too. Baden Powell, the man who started Scouting in England almost 80 years ago, said this about a Good Turn: "The real way to get happiness is by giving it to other people. " Everyone of us should be doing our Good Turn daily. Are you? If you don't think about it very often, it's a good idea to start now. We'' be reminding ourselves later this month when we do a troop Good Turn for ___________. But if you have the Scouting Spirit, you will do your best to follow the Scout slogan in your daily life with some small service to your family, your teacher, your friends, or a perfect stranger.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders