I know that some of you read the sports pages and follow the big league pennant races. So probably you have heard of spring phenoms. Who can tell me what a spring phenom is?
He is a player who starts the season like a superstar. In April, May, and June he's hitting about .350, stealing a lot of bases, and never missing a ball in the field. Comes in July and August and he can't do anything right. That's a spring phenom.
Maybe you've seen some spring phenoms in Scouting, too. They start up the advancement trail like a house afire, making Second Class and First Class as fast as the rules allow. Then when the going gets tougher for Star, Life, and Eagle, they sort of fade away like spring phenoms.
Maybe it's the troop's fault. Maybe we just don’t challenge them enough. If so, let's change that. I'm challenging all of you now to set your sights on the next rank and make up your mind you're going to make it by Christmas at the latest.