(Show Boys' Life cartoon feature "A True Story of Scouts in Action")
Did you see this cartoon in this month's Boys Life? it's a story of how a Scout saved a life. I read it every month and I hope you do, too.
In just about every story, the Scout hero showed a lot of guts in making the rescue. But have you noticed that he usually demonstrated some skill, too?
More often than not, in water rescue cases, the Scout here used one of the methods we teach in this troop. Same thing with rescue breathing cases.
The point is, it takes more than guts to save a life. It takes skill - the kind of skill that only comes from practice, practice, and more practice.
Maybe you get a little tired sometimes of practicing rescue breathing, life-saving carries, or some other skill over and over again. But remember, each time you should be improving your technique a little bit - and that little bit of extra skill could mean the difference between life and death if you are called upon to use it someday.