Patrol Spirit


I'm sure all of you Scouts have played team sports, so you know what teamwork means. Most football fans see a touchdown run and say, "Wow! Isn't that guy a great runner?" Maybe he is, but if you have played football you that what really made the great run was the blockers on the line and in the secondary. teamwork made the touchdown. not just one guy's talents.

Patrols are the same way. If you win one of our inter-patrol contests, or if you have the best campsite at a camporee, it's not just because one guy is such a great Scout. It's patrol teamwork.

The secret of patrol teamwork is to have every member do his job, whatever it is. If one Scout goofs off, the patrol suffers. If every Scout does his part, the patrol is bound to be a winner.

The winning attitude is what we call patrol spirit. Is your patrol a winner? I'm not asking whether you win every contest. I'm asking: Is your patrol doing the very best that it can and is every member contributing? If your answer is no, then ask yourself: "Am I doing my very best? Do I have real patrol spirit?"



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders