InsaneScouter - New Year for Leaders - Leaders Scoutmaster Minutes

New Year for Leaders

Cub Master:
What is leadership?  It is a process by which a person influences others.  In Cub Scouting, leadership is the ability to accomplish the Cub Scout program in an efficient, safe, and effective manner.

Charter Organisation Representative or Unit Commissioner:
As in most groups, our Pack is evidence of the willingness of its members to work together.  Working together is a give-and-take business, and the leader gives guidance and direction.  The leader also lives up to the standards of the group.

Cub Master:
The job of Pack committee Chair is one of variety and responsibility. It touches on all the aspects of the Cub Scout program.  The chairman has the final responsibility for the successful operation of the Pack, working closely with the Cubmaster and other Pack leaders.  For the ‘99-00 year, our new Pack Committee Chairperson will be _______. Will you please come forward?

Charter Organisation Representative or Unit Commissioner:
Often the Chairperson is a mediator, but most of the time a good listener.  The Chairperson, like other Pack leaders, must set a good example and lead the way for Cub Scouts to follow.  A successful Chairperson will not ask of anyone something that she would not willingly do herself.  Will you please repeat after me:

I (your name)
promise to do my best
to help the members of my Pack,
our Cubmaster and our Den leaders,
to help other people,
and obey the Law of the Pack.

Cub Master:
Pack ______ has begun organization for next year, and many people have both volunteered and been accepted by the Pack Committee as Den Leaders for next year. Would these people please come forward: _____. The Tiger Group Coach, Den Leader, and Webelos Den Leader occupy a unique and essential place in Cub Scouting. They fill a particular need for boys of Cub Scout age. They are indispensable leaders in the operation of our Pack. If you will lead a Den next year, will you please respond with "I will?" Will you promise to:

Show interest and concern for all boys in your Den?

Be responsible for the organization and operation of your Den?

Attend Pack leader meetings and Pack meetings?

Work with the parents of your Den so they will have the opportunity to share in the fun of Cub Scouting?

Observe the policies of the Boy Scouts of America?

Wearing the leader uniform not only identifies you as a very important member of the Boy Scouts of America but also sets a good example for the boys in your den.  I would like to welcome each of you as new leaders in our Pack and present you with the badge of office and a copy of the Cub Scout Leader Book.   Congratulations and good Scouting!


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders