Everyone Can Win


In a competitive rally, we have winners and losers in the various events, yet it is possible for everyone to win something. A losing patrol can win in spirit and morale if the fellows work as a team and gain a better understanding of one another. It can win respect in the eyes of all Scouts if patrol members show good sportsmanship. A patrol that loses in competition can still win, if in the process of losing the Scouts in the patrol gain the knowledge of Scouting skills so they will be more proficient in future meets of this type.

Sure it's nice to win, but with the right attitude, losers frequently benefit more in the long run than do the winners. Nobody enters a competitive rally planning to lose, but if this should be your lot, make the best of it - take advantage of the things learned in losing and determine to build your patrol teamwork and skill so that the next time someone else will be the loser.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders