Even A Parrot


Once a Scoutmaster was visiting a new Scout's home. He was there to test the boy for his Scout badge. Now it happened that this Scout's family owned a parrot.

Well, one of the requirements for the Scout badge is knowing the motto. The new Scout knew it, of course, and shouted it out: “Be Prepared!"

The next morning the Scout's family was awakened by the parrot screeching, "Be Prepared! Be Prepared!" And for the next few days, until the bird brain had forgotten it, that household resounded with the Scout motto.

Sometimes, we may be like that parrot. If we're asked, "What's the Scout motto?" we're quick with the correct answer. it's easy to remember and say.

But do we ever stop to think of what it means? Perhaps we would be better Scouts if we asked ourselves every day, "Am I prepared?" "Am I growing in the knowledge and skills that will make me a better Scout and a better man?"

Don't be a parrot. Whenever you say the Scout motto - or the Oath, Law, or slogan - think about what they really mean. then try to give them meaning in the way you live your life.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders