InsaneScouter - CUBMASTER MINUTE/05-02 - Leaders Scoutmaster Minutes



Badge, Book And Candle

Place a Cub Scout Wolf badge, a Wolf Cub Scout Book, and a lighted candle on a
table. Cubmaster: There are all kinds of badges, such as a police officer's badge. Cub
Scouts, these three things in front of me have been significant in Cub Scouting since it
began in 1930. This badge is a symbol of Cub Scouting all over America. Also, many
books are important to Cub Scouting and to Cub Scouts. The Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear,
and Webelos Scout handbooks help us learn new skills. The books of our faith are
other important books that guide our daily lives and help us determine right from
wrong. The candle is a symbol of the light of Scouting that penetrates the darkness of
hate, prejudice, and distrust. This light must be kept burning in the heart of every
Scout, now and as he grows into an adult.

References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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