A Season of Lights 
This is the season of lights. It is a time when the days
are shorter so the nights are longer, yet somehow
things are brighter. Stores and homes are bright with
holiday lights. Thousands of homes have a single light to show the way for the Christ child,
others have candles burning to commemorate the miracle of Hanukkah, and some light candles
to honor the heritage of Kwanzaa. Even the stars in the winter sky seem brighter at this time of
year. But the most important glow is from the spirit of goodwill that WE live with year-round in
the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. Before we all leave to get on with our holiday
celebrations, let's stand and repeat the Promise and Law together. Happy Holidays!
We have a choice. We can be pleasant or unpleasant. Which do you choose?
You can be grouchy and grumpy, or you can be happy and cheerful. It is up to you.