InsaneScouter - Carrying Scoutings Flame - Leaders Scoutmaster Minutes

Carrying Scoutings Flame


At this moment, somewhere in our country, a Boy Scout is carrying a flame for Scouting. It's called the Heritage Flame, and it will be used to light the opening campfire at the national jamboree next month.

The flame started in Hawaii several months ago, and ever since relays of Scouts have been carrying it eastward toward Washington and Fort A. P. Hill in Virginia where the jamboree will be held. The idea is to draw attention to Scouting on the 75th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America and to show that Scouting's spirit still burns brightly in this country.

This month we'll have our own Flame Relay, only we call it a Run for Scouting. But you know that each of us carries the flame for Scouting in everything we do. As Scouts, we represent the Scouting movement all the time. If we live by the Scout Oath and Law and Scouting's other ideals our flame burns brightly and reflects credit on Scouting, our families, and ourselves. When we fail to follow Scouting's ideals - and all of us fail sometimes - our flame flickers low and may die out. It's all up to each of us to carry the flame for Scouting proudly by living up to the principles for which Scouting stands.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders