Scouts, our Law says’s "A Scout is kind. A Scout understands that there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason. " Some of you may already be hunters. No doubt others will hunt as you get older. I have a question for you: Is a hunter following the Scout Law when he shoots wild creatures? (Get answers. )
It seems to me that the keywords in this point of the Law are, "without reason," a Scout does not hurt or kill without reason. If you're going hunting for food or to kill pests that are destroying property or are hunting animals that are dangerous to man, you're not hunting without reason. So you are not violating the Scout Law.
But never aim at a target you don't intend to hit. And if your target is a living creature, be sure you're not killing it without reason. A Scout is kind, and he does not blast away just for fun. He shoots only for good reason.