Two brothers once decided to leave their hometown and move to the city. Outside the city, the first brother met an old man. "How are the people here?" asked the first brother.
"Well, how were the people in your hometown?" asked the old man in return.
"Aw, they were always grumpy and dissatisfied," answered the first brother. "There wasn't a single one among them worth bothering about. "
"And," the old man said, "you'll find that the people here are exactly the same!"
Later the other brother came along. "How are the people in this city?" he asked. "How were the people in your hometown?" the old man asked as before.
"Fine!" said the other brother. “Always cheerful, always kind and understanding!"
"You will find that the people here are exactly the same!" said the old man again, for he was a wise old man who knew that the attitude of the people you meet depends upon your own state of mind. If you are cheerful and frank and good-humored, you'll find others the same.