Voice Commands
TROOP, FALL IN | To form the Troop | Patrol's line up at Attention and QUITE |
TROOP ATTENTION | To bring Troop to attention | Scouts come to attention. Hands at side, standing straight and are QUITE |
TROOP, SALUTE | To have Troop salute | Scouts salute, using Scout salute |
SCOUT SIGN | To have Troop give sign | Scouts give the sign and are QUITE |
TOO | To have Troop drop sign | Scouts drop sign and or salute |
Silent Signals
(Source: Boy Scout Handbook page 445-447)
Command | What to Do |
Attention: | The Scout Sign |
Troop Assembly: | Swing raised arm in a wide circle |
Patrol Lines: | Extend both arms at shoulder height with shoulders arm width apart. Patrols fall into their lines, with Patrol Leader in the front. Patrol lines should be single file. |
Single Line: | Extend both arms parallel to the line to be formed. Patrols fall in line with their patrol in the front of the line, and the Senior Patrol Leader in the center of the group |
Half Circle: | Rise both arms 45 degrees from the sides. Patrols will from a Simi-circle with Patrol Leader in front of his Patrol. |
Full Circle: | Raise both arms at a 45 degrees, then swing from front to rear, several times, Patrols will form a circle |
Dismissed: | Swing both arms in a crossed-front position |
Move Forward: | Raise right arm and swing it forward |
Halt: | Raise right fist high |
Spread Out: | Swing arms out to the sides |