You will need council fire, shields (Wolf clan and Bear clan). spears (may eliminate the use of spears), awards.
Participants are Akela (Cubmaster) and Clan Leaders (adults).
AKELA: We meet at this council fire to honor the members of this tribe who have passed their tests of skill and knowledge since last we gathered. Warrior of the Wolf Clan, read the names of those braves who have met the requirements to join the Wolf Clan.
WOLF CLAN: I hold the shield and spear of the Wolf Clan. The following braves have met the challenges we set for them. (Read Names.)
AKELA: Will these Cub Scouts and their parents (guardians) please approach the council fire. (Cub Scouts and adults come forward.) Warrior, read the challenges these braves have completed. (Read) I ask the Den Leaders, have your braves met their tests?
DEN LEADERS: (Remaining seated, respond by shaking a rattle or beating a drum.)
AKELA: The sign of the Wolf Clan will be presented to you with honor. Wear it with pride.
WOLF CLAN: (Gives award to parents to present to the boy, along with any arrow points that may have been earned.)
AKELA: (Announces the names of the boys who are receiving arrow points in addition to the badge.)
For awarding the Bear badges, repeat ceremony substituting the Bear Clan in place of the Wolf Clan.
Use Bear shield and spear.