InsaneScouter - Seven Virtues Of Life - Ceremonies Webelos Crossover

Seven Virtues Of Life

Webelos den leader, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, senior patrol leader, graduating Webelos Scout, and parents.

Seven torches or candles, Webelos emblem, and graduation certificates.

Cubmaster: Will Webelos Scout [name] and his parents come forward. Tonight we are assembled to honor a Webelos Scout and his parents who are members of the Webelos den. They have brought honor to our pack as they have climbed the Cub Scouting trail together. This Webelos Scout is now ready to go into the great brotherhood of Boy Scouting. With the help of his willing parents, he will soon start up the Boy Scout trail.

The seven candles before you represent the rays in the Arrow of Light. As they are lighted you will hear how they stand for the seven great virtues of life. (Candles are lighted by the Webelos den leader.)

Webelos Den Leader:
WISDOM. Having wisdom doesn't mean that a person is smarter than others. It means that he uses what he knows to live a better life.

COURAGE. Courage does not mean you have no fear of danger. It means that you can face danger despite your fear.

SELF-CONTROL. This means being able to stop when you have had enough of something, such as eating, playing, or even working too much.

JUSTICE. Justice means being fair with others we play and work with, regardless of who they are.

FAITH. Faith is belief in God and things we cannot see but feel are true.

HOPE. Hope means to look forward to good things you believe will happen. You hope for better things tomorrow, but at the same time, you work hard today to make them happen.

LOVE. There are many kinds of love. Love of family, home, fellow men, God, and country. Every kind of love is important for a full and happy life.

Cubmaster: You will find, if you live by these seven virtues, you will be happier. It is now my pleasure to present to you and your parents your graduation certificates. At this time I would like to introduce to you [name], Scoutmaster of Troop [number], who will accept you into the troop. I am sure he has a few words of welcome for you and your parents.

Scoutmaster: (Welcomes Webelos Scout and his parents.) Senior Patrol Leader [name] will place our troop neckerchief on you. You will be inducted into our troop at our next meeting.

Senior Patrol Leader: As you remove your Cub Scout neckerchief, remember the things you learned in the Cub Scout program. And as you wear this Boy Scout neckerchief, remember that it represents the members of our troop who always try to do their best and be prepared. Welcome to our troop. (He salutes.)

(All exit.)



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders