InsaneScouter - From Akela To Scoutmaster - Ceremonies Webelos Crossover

From Akela To Scoutmaster

Akela (Cubmaster), Webelos den leader, Scoutmaster, Webelos den chief, denner, patrol leader, graduating Webelos Scout and his parents, tom-tom beater, light switch operator, curtain opener.

Artificial campfire, tom-tom, Indian costume for Akela, curtain.

The lights dim, the curtain opens, and we see Akela standing behind an artificial campfire in the center of the stage. Akela raises his hand in a gesture of friendship. There is the steady, slow beat of a tom-tom in the background. The graduating Webelos Scout, escorted by his denner and Webelos den chief, enters from the back of the room.

They are followed by the patrol leader, who singles out the parents of the graduating Webelos Scout from the audience and escorts them to the stage. As all reach the stage, Akela lowers his arm, the tom-tom beat rises in a crescendo, then falls silent.

Akela: Tonight we are assembled to honor a Webelos Scout and his parents. They have brought honor to our pack as they have climbed the Cub Scout trail together. This Webelos Scout is now ready to go into the great brotherhood of Boy Scouting. With help from his parents, he will soon start up the Boy Scouting trail. Is there anyone who will speak for this Webelos Scout and his parents?

Webelos Den Leader: Mighty Akela, [Webelos Scout's name] has been a faithful and loyal member of the Webelos den. He and his parents have contributed greatly to our program. [Denner's name], our denner, will speak on behalf of the Webelos den.

Denner: [Webelos Scout's name], the boys of the Webelos den will miss you. But now that you are completing your Cub Scouting, we are happy to see you graduating into the Boy Scout troop. Before long, we too will all be Boy Scouts, maybe even in the same patrol.

Akela: Thank you [denner's name]. Now, will Scoutmaster [name] please come forward?

(The Scoutmaster comes to the stage from the audience and gives Akela the Scout salute. Akela returns the Cub Scout salute.) [Scoutmaster's name], as Cubmaster of this pack, I am happy to present Webelos Scout [name] and his parents. You have already met him, but now he is ready to become a member of your troop.

Scoutmaster: [Webelos scout's name], I welcome you and your parents into the brotherhood of Scouting. You have expressed a desire to join the [name] Patrol. May I present to you the patrol leader of that patrol?

Patrol Leader: (Gives Scout handclasp.) There are already some Boy Scouts in our troop who were Webelos Scouts in your den. They are now fine Boy Scouts. We are glad to welcome another graduate. We meet every [day] evening at [place] at [time]. We look forward to having you with us.

Scoutmaster: (To parents.) [Name], we of Troop [number] wish to congratulate you on the graduation of your son. You have done much to keep him interested and happy in Cub Scouting. I am certain that [Cubmaster's name] and [Webelos den leader's name] appreciate your cooperation. At this time, [parent's name], I would like to extend the handclasp of Boy Scouting to you with the hope that you will continue on the Scouting trail with your son. We have a place for you as a leader or member of our troop committee. I believe that both you and [son's name] will appreciate and enjoy the exciting program our troop has planned for months ahead in Troop [number].

Akela: Now our ceremony will come to a close as [Webelos Scout's name] joins the members of his den in the living circle for the last time.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders