InsaneScouter - Crossing The Bridge To Boy Scouting - Ceremonies Webelos Crossover

Crossing The Bridge To Boy Scouting

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos Leader, Scoutmaster. Boy Scouts, graduating Webelos, and their parents.

EQUIPMENT: Bridge, spotlights for each end of bridge, gifts.

ARRANGEMENT: The Cubmaster, Webelos Den Leader, remaining Webelos, graduating Webelos and their parents stand at one end of the bridge. At the other end of the bridge are the Scoutmaster and Boy Scout(s). The bridge should be about center stage with spotlights on the ends.

CUBMASTER: During the years you and your son(s) have been in Cub Scouting, we have had many opportunities to work together along the scouting trail. Now you are ready to continue along that trail by graduating from the Cub Pack into the Scout Troop of your choice. You have contributed much to your Webelos Den as well as helping the Pack to go. We shall miss you and your parents. As you participate in the Troop activities, I am sure you will continue to grow in scouting skills and friendships.

Web. Ldr: An important part of your Cub Scout uniform is your neckerchief. Now that you are leaving the Pack and Cub Scouting, will you remove your neckerchief and give it to a parent. In remembrance of the ideals and fun of the Webelos program, I present you with these gifts as tokens of our appreciation. (Presents Scout Book and/or Graduation Certificate)

CUBMASTER: (Calls) Hello Scouts of Troop ______!

SCOUTMASTER: Hello Cub Scouts of Pack ____! What do you desire?

CUBMASTER: We have Cub Scout(s) of Akela's Council who are prepared to enter the Council ring of your Troop.

SCOUTMASTER: Bring (him or them) forward across the bridge that joins our two council rings.

(Cubmaster leads boys and parents across the bridge and returns to the Cub side. As the crossing begins, the remaining Webelos give the graduating Webelos and their parents the Scout salute upon the Webelos Leader's command.)

SCOUTMASTER: As Scoutmaster of Troop ____, I welcome you and your parents. There are many

traditions in Troop ____; so many that I will not attempt to relate them all to you now. (Scoutmaster may explain one or two traditions, tell where and when the Troop meets, and tell about upcoming Troop activities). Now it is my pleasure to present you with the neckerchief of our Troop. Wear it with pride as many have done before you.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders