InsaneScouter - Several Imstallation Ceremonies - Ceremonies Girl Scouts

Several Imstallation Ceremonies


When service unit team members have been appointed and trained, an appropriate installation ceremony should be held to formally mark the beginning of their term of office.  The installation ceremony may be held at an annual service unit bridging and fly up ceremony or at the June service unit manager's meeting for adults.  The outgoing service unit manager or a representative from the council staff can conduct it.

The installation ceremony emphasizes the importance of the service unit team and the significance of their work.  The ceremony should be formal and conducted in a serious manner.


SUM or membership staff person: It is now my pleasure to install the new service unit, team members.  Will the individuals who are assuming service unit team positions at this time please come forward and face the audience.

Raise your right hand and repeat after me:

New Team Member(s):I,                        , with deliberate purpose. do solemnly swear. that I will undertake the position of           .and will perform the associated duties to the best of my ability. striving at all times. to use the Girl Scout Promise and Law. to advance the quality of the Girl Scout program. in my service unit. I will dedicate myself to the purpose of. inspiring girls with the highest ideals. of character and conduct. patriotism and service. that they may become happy and resourceful citizens. so help me God.

SUM or membership staff person: I do hereby proclaim that these members of the                                         Service Unit of the (name of the council) are duly installed for a term of two years.




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