1 large green candle
3 white candles
#1 GS: I light this candle for the flame of sisterhood that burns in the heart of every Girl Scout. (Light large green candle)
#2 GS: These three candles represent the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise.
#3 GS: On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country. (Light white candle)
#4 GS: To help people at all times. (Light white candle)
#5 GS: And to live by the Girl Scout Law. (Light white candle)
#6 GS: The blue candles stand for areas of interest in Girl Scouting.
Note: Repeat each verse and light the candles one at a time. After each, have the girls describe the activities in that interest area in which they participated. If the members have earned awards in a particular area, present them after it has been mentioned.
#7 GS: A world full of art is a bright fun place.
We can sing, try a dance, and even paint a face.
Things to carve, things to print, we can weave, we can tint.
Art is part of our big world. (Light blue candle)
#8 GS: It's people who make this big world go round.
Their skins are light, dark, and golden brown,
'Tho we're not just the same, understanding is our aim.
People share our Girl Scout world. (Light blue candle)
Pitch a tent, hike a hill, heed the campfire's call.
Learn to live with concern and to share what we learn.
We protect our big bright world. (Light blue candle)
#1O GS: We can run, hop, skip, jump and throw a ball,
Learn to eat what is good so we can grow up tall.
With well-being in mind, we leave troubles behind.
#11 GS: Exploring our world is so much fun.
Science, math, fix a leak, see how engines run.
Fly a plane in the sky, learn to find how and why.
We discover our big world. (Light blue candle)
LEADER: You should be proud of your accomplishments. Congratulations!
(Close the ceremony with an appropriate song and blow out candles.)