InsaneScouter - Leader Investiture - Ceremonies Girl Scouts

Leader Investiture


This can be used at a meeting to invest or rededicate new leaders.

The service unit manager or troop adult should lead the new adult members in saying the following pledge:

We, the leaders of (Level) Troop/Group (Number), members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, united by our acceptance of the Girl Scout Promise and Law

And inspired by the vision of the founder of the Girl Scout Movement in the United States, Juliette Gordon Low;

Do dedicate ourselves to the purpose of inspiring girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service, that they may become a happy and resourceful citizen.

(If you are doing this at the SU level change the first sentence to read, "We, the leaders of [Service Unit],)"

After doing the investiture/rededication at the SU level you can read the following poem:

There are eyes upon you and they're watching night and day;

There are ears that quickly take in every word you say;

There are hands all eager to do anything you do;

And a girl who's dreaming of the day she'll be like you.

You're the girl's idol. You're the wisest of the wise;

In her mind, about you, no suspicions ever rise;

She believes in you devoutly, holds that all you say and do,

she'll say and do, in your way, when she's a grown-up like you.

There's a wide-eyed girl who believes you're always right.

And her ears are always open, and she watches day and night.

You are setting an example every day in all you do,

for a girl who's waiting to grow up to be just like you.



The Wish That Came True

  > The Wish That Came True
  > A choral reading by Marie Witzel and Dorothy Shelly
  > (revised by Carol Lee Spages)
  > SOLO:              Once Juliette Low said to her father she wished she could leave a work of art for which she could be remembered forever.
  > UNISON:           Your wish, Juliette Low, came true.
  > GROUP 1:        Just as you dreamed it would.
  > GROUP 2:        You learned of Boy Scouts from Lord Robert Baden-Powell.
  > SOLO:              "I wish I could help," she said.
  > UNISON:           With him, you wished that girls could share the joys of -
  > SOLO:              Friendship!
  > SOLO:              Understanding!
  > SOLO:              Adventure!
  > SOLO:              Games!
  > SOLO:              Resourcefulness!
  > SOLO:              Love of the out-of-doors!
  > UNISON:           Service! (pause) Then troops were started in villages, towns, and cities. They were called Girl

  > GROUP 1:        And then another wish to take the idea across the ocean to America!
  > UNISON:           A wonderful program for girls - Girl Scouts!
  > GROUP 2:        Your wish became a gift to the girls of the U.S.A.
  > UNISON:           You wished for thousands. We now proudly say there are millions! (pause) Your wish came

  > SOLO:              The youngest members are called Daisy Girl Scouts.
  > GROUP 1:        They take their name from the nickname of you, our Founder, Juliette Gordon Low.
  > GROUP 2:         Daisy Girl Scouts enjoy lots of fun-filled activities...earning the Promise Center and Petals.
  > SOLO:              The next level is Brownie Girl Scouts.
  > GROUP 1:        They continue to explore the program by completing activities from Try-Its
  > SOLO:              Junior Girl Scouts come next.
  > GROUP 2:        Their world expands for them as they choose to earn Badges and Signs.
  > SOLO:              Sign of the Rainbow.
  > SOLO:              Sign of the Sun.
  > SOLO:              Sign of the Star.
  > SOLO:              Sign of the World.
  > SOLO:              And the Leadership Award. They can also show how they are growing by earning the Girl Scout

                              Bronze Award, the highest award in Junior Girl Scouting.
  > GROUP 1:        Girl Scouts 11 -17 who want to shape the world around them and create their own adventures

                              can enjoy the activities in the STUDIO 2B resources
  > SOLO:              Their program goals are the 4 B's: Become, Belong, Believe, Build.
  > GROUP 2:        They can pick and choose from Focus Books and earn charms, choose exciting activities from  

                               the Collections magazines and more...the world is their menu.
  > GROUP 1:        Girls develop their own plan of action. The program becomes an individual path for each girl.
  > GROUP 2:         Some may choose to earn Interest Project Awards.
  > GROUP 1:        By becoming a Program Aide, girls provide service & leadership while working with younger Girl

  > SOLO:              Girls in grades 6 -9 can choose to complete the challenging requirements of the highest award

                              for girls of this age group...the Girl Scout Silver award.
  > SOLO:              Girls in grades 9 -12 can choose a different path in Girl Scouting.
  > GROUP 2:        Leader-in-Training, Counselor-in-Training, or Girl Scout Troop Assistant will be the path of some

                              who choose hone their leadership skills while working with younger girls.
  > GROUP 1:        The Girl Scout Gold Award. (pause) Girl Scouting's highest award will be earned by a dedicated

                               few who choose to take on this commitment to developing to their full self- potential.

  > UNISON:           Girl Scouts wish for dreams to come true, too! They can visit the World Centers.
  > SOLO:              An international encampment at Our Cabana in Mexico,
  > SOLO:              A session at Sangam, in India or Pax Lodge in England.

  > SOLO:              Or maybe a visit to Our Chalet in Switzerland.
  > UNISON:           Your wish came true! Destinations for girls!
  > SOLO:              Your friends knew your wishes and in your memory founded the Juliette Low World Friendship


  > GROUP 2:        From Girl Scouts all over the country comes:
  > SOLO:              Pennies
  > SOLO:              Nickels
  > SOLO:              Dimes
  > SOLO:              Quarters
  > SOLO:              Hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.
  > UNISON:           Money to promote international friendship.
  > SOLO:              You will be remembered, Juliette Low, for all you gave to us.
  > SOLO:              Our Motto -
  > UNISON:           "Be Prepared"
  > SOLO:              Our Slogan -
  > UNISON:           "Do a Good Turn Daily"
  > SOLO:             Our Girl Scout Promise -
  > UNISON:          (make G.S. sign and repeat the Girl Scout Promise)
  > SOLO:             Our Law -
  > SOLO:             I will do my best to be honest and fair,
  > GROUP 1:        friendly and helpful,
  > SOLO:             considerate and caring,
  > GROUP 2:        courageous and strong, and
  > SOLO:             responsible for what I say and do,
  > GROUP 1:        and to respect myself and others,
  > SOLO:             respect authority,
  > GROUP 2:        use resources wisely,
  > SOLO:             make the world a better place, and
  > GROUP 1:        to be a sister to every Girl Scout.
  > SOLO:             Our pin -
  > UNISON:          A symbol of Girl Scouts that encircles the world.
  > GROUP 2:        The three leaves of the trefoil remind us of the three parts of our   Girl Scout Promise.
  > UNISON:          It is a symbol of
  > SOLO:             Working together
  > SOLO:             Playing together
  > SOLO:             Seeking together
  > SOLO:             You will be remembered, Juliette Low.
  > UNISON:          Your wish did come true!
  > Note:               This choral reading could be part of a celebration or used as a ceremony by itself or combined

                             with a song, other readings and/or a flag ceremony.



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