InsaneScouter - Daisy Girl Scout Investiture II (Daisy Flower) - Ceremonies Girl Scouts

Daisy Girl Scout Investiture II (Daisy Flower)

Theme: Daisy flower


·  Straight pins

·  A large (6”) yellow circle for the center of the daisy. A white

daisy petal (10” long) for each girl in the troop. Post the yellow

center on a bulletin board. Write each girl’s name on a white


·  Daisy Membership pins (one per girl)

·  Beginning Daisy Certificate (one per girl)


·  Open with a simple flag ceremony.

·  Girls may sing a song they have learned. Girls will repeat the Girl Scout Promise

together. As each girl comes forward to receive her Daisy membership pin and her

Beginning Daisy Certificate, she picks up a daisy petal with her name on it. With

the leader’s help she pins it to the yellow center.

·  After all the girls have pinned up their petal the daisy will be completely formed.

·  Welcome the girls into Girl Scouting.


Conclude with a song.

Invite Girl Scout families.


Girl Scouts - Mile Hi Council



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders