InsaneScouter - Daisy Girl Scout Investiture I - Ceremonies Girl Scouts

Daisy Girl Scout Investiture I

Who: For Daisy Girl Scouts, their leaders, and parents/guardians (if desired).



What: Ceremony to welcome girls into the Girl Scout family.



Where: At your meeting place, school, church, or a community room.



When: After you have paid your membership fee and met for about a month and have had an



opportunity to discuss the Girl Scout Promise and Law in a way that means something to Daisy



Girl Scouts.



Why: Make the girls feel a part of Girl Scouts. Each girl should receive a Beginning Certificate and a



Daisy Girl Scout membership pin. Help parents/guardians understand more about the Girl Scout



principles and beliefs.



How: Send Invitations to the Guests: This might be just the girls and a parent/guardian or the girls



and their families. The adults can help design the invitation and have the girls make them or send



the invitations themselves. Be sure to list date, time, place and details (such as refreshments



served), and wear your uniform.



Opening: Form a circle and call each girl's name and explain why you are having the ceremony.



Celebration: Flag ceremony or Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag



Sing a patriotic song



Investiture Ceremony: Invite guests to be seated, and girls to stand in a semi-circle facing



them, with parent/guardians standing behind the girls. You (the host) may conduct the



ceremony, or you may invite your Daisy Coordinator, a local service team volunteer, or a



Cadette or Senior Girl Scout to do it for you.



Daisy Girl Scout Investiture -- continued



Say "Today is a very special day for us. It is the day that we receive our membership pins and



formally become Girl Scouts. To do this, we each make a Promise--the same Promise that Girl



Scouts all over the country make to themselves and others."



Ask girls and parent/guardians to say the Girl Scout Promise together with you.



Invite each Daisy Girl Scout to come forward with her parent/guardian. Give her a Daisy Girl



Scout pin, and, if you like, pin it on her. (Optional: Use the Girl Scout handshake.) Pins are



worn on the left side of the uniform or shirt, over the heart. (Optional if the adult is a registered



Girl Scout member: Give the Daisy Girl Scout an adult Girl Scout pin and ask her to present it to



her parent/guardian.) Finally, present the Daisy Girl Scout with her "Beginning Certificate."



Both may return to the semi-circle while the next pair comes forward.



When all girls and parents/guardians have received their pins, say, "Welcome to the world of



Girl Scouting. Wear your pins with pride, and always remember the Promise you have made."



Sing together, "Whene'er You Make A Promise," page 6 Girl Scout Pocket Songbook.



Treat: (Optional) Invite guests to join you for refreshments. The Daisy Girl Scout who brought



the snack may choose a buddy to help serve it. Or each girl may serve her parent/guardian and






Closing: Form a circle and sing "Make New Friends" (Girl Scout Pocket Songbook, page 10).



You might want to learn a second verse:



Verse: "A circle's round



It has no end



That's how long



I want to be your friend."



Do a friendship squeeze around the circle (Junior Girl Scout Handbook, page 14)



The friendship circle stands for an unbroken chain of friendship with Girl Scouts and



Girl Guides all around the world. Girl Scouts and leaders stand in a circle. Each person



crosses her right arm over her left arm and clasps hands with her friends on both sides.



Everyone makes a silent wish as a friendship squeeze is passed from hand to hand.






Clean-up: Offer specific jobs to specific girls: wipe the table, sweep the floor, collect extra



papers, put away pens, etc. Comment on the results--"The floor looks better now."



When everything is tidied up and put away, give each girl a Girl Scout sticker (included in the



individual girl kits). She can put it on the nameplate of her scrapbook or do whatever she likes



with it.












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