Formation: Horseshoe around a table.
Equipment: Thirteen candles, logs or wood candleholders.
Ceremony: As each girl speaks, she lights a candle.
Speaking Parts:
Girl Scout 1: "We light the candles of Friendship."
Girl Scout 2: "These are the symbols of our pledge as Girl Scouts."
Girl Scout 3: "Our flames are small and burn steady and bright."
Girl Scout 4: "We light them with thoughts of friendship glowing and steadily burning in our
Girl Scout 5: "We watch the glowing flames with hopeful hearts, for children here and abroad, that they may enjoy all the rights of the child."
Girl Scout 6: "For the Founder of all Guiding and Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell."
Girl Scout 7: "For the Founder of Girl Scouting in the United States of America, Juliette Gordon Low."
Girl Scout 8: "This candle is for the hope of peace in every land."
Girl Scout 9: "This one is for service to our country."
Girl Scout 10: "For all Girl Scouts and Girl Guides wherever they may be."
Girl Scout 11: "This one says, 'Good luck to all who are away."
Girl Scout 12: "For the Girl Scout Law."
Girl Scout 13: "This is for the Promise we make as Girl Scouts together."
Girl Scout 14: "Let us now renew our Girl Scout Promise."