Props Needed: Brownie GS “Pond” (can be constructed from a piece of cardboard covered with foil and border with greenery,or use a mirror and border with greenery, or use a real one!) Also need Brownie Pins for each new member. They can be placed on the floor by the pond.
Lay pond on the floor in the middle of the ceremony area. If desired, new members can be sent outside with the assistant leader. If new girls stay in the room, they should be on one side of the pond and the other girls should be on the other. All stand or sit around the “pond” and then the leader says the magic words:
Cross your little fingers, stand upon your toes
That’s a bit of magic every Brownie knows
Now we all are standing in a forest glade
Listen very carefully, see the magic made
If the new Brownies have been sent outside, the girls knock on the door
The leader with the troop asks: “Who comes to the Brownie woods?”
Brownies-to-be: “We do”
Leader: “What do you want?”
Brownies-to-be: “We want to be Brownie GSs”
The leader may ask why, and the girls may give their own reasons (help them prepare them before the ceremony if you plan on asking). Then they enter and gather around the pond.
At this point you may have a simple dramatization of the Brownie Story by the older Brownies or the leader may tell or read the story to the girls.
Leader: Who comes first (or next) to the Magic Pond
Co-Leader: (Reads girls names, one by one, alphabetically)
Leader: Turns girls, one by one, while saying:
“Twist me and turn me and show me the elf
I looked in the water and saw _______________”
Girl: Myself!
Leader pins on Brownie Pin, gives the girl the GS handshake and welcomes her to GSing.
After each girl receives her pin, the Leader says:
Uncross your little fingers, down from off your toes
Then the magic goes away, everybody knows
Older Brownies can help clean up the “magic” while the leader sings this song:
(Sung to the tune of London Bridge)
Weave the magic in and out, in and out, in and out
Weave the magic in and out, for we are Brownies
We have tidied everything, everything, everything
We have tidied everything, for we are Brownies