Wolf's Or Bear's Teeth Ceremony


PROPS: Set of plastic vampire teeth from a novelty shop or costume shop

CUBMASTER: Would (boy's name) and his parents please come forward?" (Hand each Scout the teeth and ask him to put them in his mouth) Even though these teeth are only plastic, they resemble the teeth of the ferocious Wolf (Bear). Do you know what the two long teeth are called? (Let him answer with the teeth in his mouth for fun) The Wolf (Bear) uses these teeth to grip its' prey, and then its' powerful jaws clench tightly around it so that it cannot getaway.

During the past few months you and your parents have been working on your Wolf (Bear) Rank, and now that you have completed all the requirements for that award, it is like you, now that you have it in your 'Teeth' and it will never get away from you! Just to show you that you have 'Caught Up' with your 'Prey' and caught it, I will put this award between your 'Teeth' and let your parents take it from you to present to you! Don't bite them now...... Congratulations on a successful hunt! Now focus on your next target, that of Bear (Webelos) Scout, and don't let it out of your sight!"



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders