Tiger Cub Graduation - Three Candle Ceremony


>EQUIPMENT: Table with (non-burning) candles, Fire Starter (blanket ready), Tiger patches, Mothers pins ARRANGEMENT: (Call all boys in the pack into a semi-circle on the floor with the Webelos first. Tigers will stand behind candle table facing ring of boys. Parents stand behind them.)

>CUBMASTER: It is time for our Tiger Cubs to graduate. Would our Tigers and their adult partners come forward and stand behind the table, parents behind your sons.

>For the past few months you and your family have explored all sorts of new and exciting things and places.

>You have taken each part of the Tiger Cub motto-- Search, Discover, and Share -- and used it in your home, school and neighborhood.

>Candle 1: (Tells each boy in his turn to light the next candle. Boy does so.)

>CUBMASTER: Each of you and your adult partner has searched in your home and community for new activities that have shown you how people work together and have fun together.

>Candle 2: (Tells each boy in his turn to light the next candle. Boy does so.)

>CUBMASTER: Each of you and your adult partner has discovered that by doing things together with friends and family you feel you are part of a great family, community, and country.

>Candle 3: (Tells each boy in his turn to light the next candle. Boy does so.)

>CUBMASTER: Each of you shared your searches and discoveries with your family, friends, and fellow Tiger Cubs and that let them learn about you and the things you saw and did.

>Now it is time to move along the Scouting trail to the next part of the program. In Cub Scouting, your family is as important as it is throughout your entire Scouting experience. Together you will join the Cub Scouting family. Together you will grow and learn new things while earning each badge.

>Before you step over this bridge into Cub Scouting you must make a promise to the Pack. The most important part of this promise is to "Do Your Best". You will be expected to do your best in everything you do, including Cub Scouts, at home and in school.

>Will you make the Cub Scout Promise with me?

>(Demonstrate the sign and lead them in a repeat after me fashion through the Promise.)

>Parents, as you step over this bridge into Cub Scouting with your son, you will be accepting the parental responsibilities of Cub Scouting. If you are willing to accept these responsibilities, signify by saying "I will."

>Please place your left hand on your son's shoulder, and give the Cub Scout sign with your right hand and repeat after me:

>I ______ promise to do my best to help my son to be a good Cub Scout, to encourage him to fulfill the Cub Scout promise and obey the Law of the Pack. I promise to assist him in his Cub Scout achievements and electives, to cooperate with the den leader, Cubmaster, and Pack Committee members, and to participate actively in Cub Scouting.

>Our Tigers will now cross the bridge with their parent into Cub Scouting.

>(Boy should go first. Proceed when each family has crossed through.)

>As you can see, you now have a son who is ready to join the pack.

>I now present you each with your Tiger patch.

>I would also now like to present the Tiger parent pin, which you may now present to your parent.

>In September, you will be part of a Wolf den. At the September Pack meeting, the Pack will be presenting you with your Wolf Scarf which looks like this.

>On behalf of Pack [number], I'd like to welcome you. (All Clap)



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders