The Path Of A New Challenge, Tiger Cub Graduation To Wolf Den


EQUIPMENT: 8 pieces of construction paper. cut into paw Prints Graduation certificate, pin, and patch Wolf Book, 7 candles in holders 1 white (tall), 3 orange, 3 black Rope, string or crepe paper to make bridge or use neck bridge

ARRANGEMENTS: The white candle (taller than the rest) is centered on a ceremonial table with 3 black candles on one side and 3 orange candles on the other. Place the 8 paw prints on the floor of the bridge in such a way to make walking on them difficult. On each piece of paper write one of the following: Sign, Handshake, Salute, Motto, Promise, Law, the symbol of the Arrow of Light, and Webelos.

Characters: Cubmaster, Den leader, Tiger Cub Coach, and Den Chief

CUBMASTER: Tonight we honor our Tiger Cubs Will (name). our Tiger Cub Coach, come and introduce them? (Tigers and adult partners come to the front.)

TIGER COACH (as each candle is lit): WHITE is for the purity in living BLACK is for the unknown...

the fear... the doubts. ORANGE is for the knowledge... the joy... and confidence. These are the colors of the Tiger Cubs. You have completed the Big Ideas in the Tiger Cub program. Adults, here is a patch for your Tiger Cub, sew it beneath his right pocket. Tigers, here is a pin for your adult partners who worked with you through your deeds as Tigers. Place the pin on their collar. Here, too, is your certificate for all to see. As your Tiger Cub Coach, I bid you farewell and show you the path of a new challenge: the challenge of Cub Scouts. Each step you take tells you what you must learn, so you can earn your first rank of Bobcat. Walk the bridge of Cub Scouts and meet your new leaders.

(At the other end of the bridge stand the Cubmaster and Den Leader.)

CUBMASTER Welcome, new Wolf Scout, to Pack. (Places yellow Wolf neckerchief on the boy.)

The Den Leader will hand each boy the Wolf Book and say, -"This is your next challenge. Read and do each requirement of the Bobcat Trail. When you are finished, you will have earned the Bobcat Badge.

The Cubmaster then invites the new Cub Scouts to sit with the pack and proceeds with the pack meeting.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders